Save Me :: Kristen Kreuk/Johnny Depp


Professional Lakorn Watcher
Author's note: Sorry it took so long for this update; I was busy the past weekend, but I shall try and update this regularly. Thanks


A beautiful night

Annie pulled the hood over her head and zipped the jacket all the way up to hide from the cold. The wet shrubs and leafs hit against her face as she ran through the woods, desperate to find the other side. If it weren't for the full moon, Annie would be in total darkness, but luckily the light from the moon shined the way.

The branches and twigs scratched Annie's face as she made her way through the densed woods. She ignored the stings and was determined to reach the other side. She can feel her feet underneath her, almost giving way, but she forced them to keep moving; there has to be an end to these woods. Annie was glad that at least she had Liezel running along side with her.

Liezel - I told you that this is a bad idea.

Annie - No, no it's not! We're almost there. Look!

She pointed up ahead at the sign of road lights.

After running for about 30 minutes, Annie finally was relieved when she could see some lights up ahead. It must be about another few hundred feet until they exit the woods into the road. The girls then started to run faster as the anticipation of getting out of the wet and cold woods got stronger.


The clear skies was threatened by a flash of lightning from a distance and the fog seemed to be getting thicker. The frigid air made Kale shiver as he rearranged the battery wires on his car and did other various things to it to try and make the old junk work again. He even kicked it a few times, hoping the thing would just magically work again.

Alright, I'm going to start your engine one more time. Please work... if you don't, then I'm going to get rid of you!!

Kale said a little prayer before turning the key to the ignition.

He turned it once.


He turned it twice.


Shit!! He yelled and punched the dashboard. One more time, please!!

His prayers were then answered, because on the third try, the engine started and revved. Kale nearly jumped for joy as he stepped out of the car to close the hood. He got back into the driver seat and was about to step on the gas pedal, when suddenly there was a loud tap on the window. The taps scared him half to death, but when he looked to the window to see who it was, he couldn't see a face. His window was too foggy and the person tapping had a hood over their head. The person kept tapping and then started pounding on his window.

Kale panicked. Should he ignore this person who could potential be harmful or roll down the windows to see perhaps the person needed him? His kind nature got the best of him, so he slowly rolled down the window to see what it is that the person wanted. He gulped down, fearing the worst; what if he is about to be robbed?

When the window was finally rolled down, Annie was too anxious to realized that it was Kale from the hospital. And Kale didn't see her face clearly, cause the hood and darkness was making it hard to see.

Annie - Help! I'm..I'm lost. I need a ride to a nearest gas station or motel!

Kale - Uhh...uhh...okay, but where did you come from? What are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere late at night?

Annie - Uhh.. I was.. err.....

Kale then remembered his flash light next to him on the passenger seat. He quickly grabbed it and shined it on Annie's face, hoping to see the stranger's face clearly, before he decided to give her a ride.

Annie - Ahh....what are you doing???!!

She shielded her face from the beams of the flash light.

When Kale saw who it was, his jaw nearly dropped. Impossible!!

Kale - ANNIE??????????!!!!!!!!!

Annie - Huh??

That's when Annie realized that it was Kale, the orderly. She then took off and ran. Kale quickly jumped out of his car and ran after her.

Kale - Annie wait!!!! It's dangerous out here.

Annie tried to run fast, but since she was running so much earlier, she was already out of breath. She looked over her shoulders and Kale was catching up. The escape and all that running cannot just be in vain!! She was scared that if Kale caught up with her, he'd take her back to the hospital.

She looked over to her right and saw that Liezel was running along with her.

Annie - Liezel!! What should we do???

Liezel - Keep running.

No matter how much she forced her feet to keep moving, it seemed like they were slowing down. She hufffed and puffed, but suddenly her feet gave way. Right when she was about to fall to the ground, Kale was right behind her and caught her in time. When caught her, he then held on tight so that she doesn't try to get away.

Annie - Let go!!!! Let go off mee!!!

Kale - Annie?? What are you doing out here? How'd you-

Annie - Let me go!! I don't want to go back to that place! Let me go!!

Kale - Annie why are you out here? I can't believe it.

Annie - Please.. let go of me. I..I... just..

Kale - Annie, I'm taking you back to the hospital. You shouldn't be out like this!!

Annie struggled to get free, but Kale's grip was strong. And her body was getting weaker and weaker from all the activity that she endured. Kale then lifted her up and threw her body over his shoulders and walked to his car. Annie pounded his back with her fist.

Annie - Put me down!!! Pleaseeeeeeeeee. Put me down now, I don't want to go back there! You son of a bitch!!!

Kale sat Annie on the passenger seat, but she wasn't going out without a fight. She slapped his face and punched him and tried ro push him away so she can stand up and run again, but her already weak body wasn't helping. Kale buckled her in and slammed the door and locked it. Annie struggled to free herself from the belt, but by the time she was able to unbuckle it, Kale had already sat down and grabbed the buckle and buckled her back in. He then grabbed a hold of both her arms.

Kale - Annie, what are you doing? Can't you see it's really dangerous out here? It's foggy and dark; you could get hit by a car or get kidnapped!!

Annie - Good! I'd rather get hit by a car and get kidnapped than go back there!!

Kale - Annie.. that place is going to help you!

Annie - No, it's not! Please.... !!

Her tears started to form and her voice was shakey.

Annie - You don't understand.. I'm not crazy. They made a mistake! I..I.. don't belong there. Please, just let me go.

Kale frowned and felt bad when he saw how scared she was. And how determined she was to get away.

Kale - But..but.. you could prove them wrong.. and when they find that nothing's wrong with you, then I'm pretty sure they'll let you go, Annie.

Annie - No, they won't. Pleasee...... if I were crazy, would I be talking to you like this?? Please.. help me.??

Kale - Uhh...Annie.. I.. I.. can't.

Annie - Yes you can!! Take me out of here! I was taken to that place against my will! Please!

Kale - How about I take you home??

Annie - No!!!!!! Not there either!

Kale - Why not??

Annie - Because my mother will only stick me back there again!

Her tears kept pouring out as she pleaded with Kale to help her.

Kale felt tormented and he knew that he would feel awful if he took her back to the hospital. Somehow, deep down, he wanted to help her. What if she's right? What if she's not crazy? What if taking her back there is the wrong thing to do? Even when they were back at the hospital earlier today, he sensed that she didn't belong in a place like that either. Kale ran his fingers through his hair nervously. His kind and compassionate nature couldn't bare listening to her plea anymore. He's got to do something quick.

Kale - Alright. You can stay at my place until I figure out what to do.

Annie - Thank you!!.. Thank you so much!!

He sighed, and hope and pray that he was doing the right thing as he drove off into the foggy road. Annie wiped her tears and smiled softly as she looked into the rear view mirror and saw that Liezel too was smiling from the back seat of the car.

*ACT 6 will be up ASAP!*



lome~!!!!!!!!!!!! wahahaahahah.... JD turned to be the rescuer of her... :lol: love it... i wonder what will happened next if once she stayed at his place.... :p


Professional Lakorn Watcher
lome~!!!!!!!!!!!! wahahaahahah.... JD turned to be the rescuer of her... :lol: love it... i wonder what will happened next if once she stayed at his place.... :p
lol.. I'm so stupid.. I was like JD?? Who's JD? His name is Kale Lamar, so it should be KL... but then I was like....... Oh!! JD = Johnny Depp!! Hahaha :loool:


lol.. I'm so stupid.. I was like JD?? Who's JD? His name is Kale Lamar, so it should be KL... but then I was like....... Oh!! JD = Johnny Depp!! Hahaha :loool:

LoL.... sorry about that i've been calling Johnny Depp as JD... basically, my friend started it... she calls her crushes with initials... :lol:


Professional Lakorn Watcher

The safe place

Annie and Liezel followed Kale down a long hallway on the 7th floor of the high rise apartment. It was a clean hallway that smelled of air freshner and bleach; the costodian did a good job with keeping it that way. The modern building has 27 floors. The right side of the hallway is the glass window and the left side are the doors to each apartment. It was something Annie hadn't seen before. All her life, she has always been kept in that old colonial style home, and kept behind those walls. She enjoyed the view from the window very much; as she kept her glance on it while following Kale.

Okay, here we are, Annie, Kale opened the door to a neatly, somewhat empty apartment.

It had one small love seat, a coffee table, a tv set, bookshelves, and various chairs and tables. Annie walked in and Kale closed the door behind them. She looked around and amazed at the simplicity of it all, something that she's not used to. She saw a little kitchen and dining area and over down a small hallway was the bedroom; it appeared to look neat and clean. She then noticed that there was a huge glass sliding door in the living area, and was esctatic to see that it led to a balcony with a beautiful view of the quiant little city that they live in.

Kale watched her attentively as she walked around, admiring her surrounding.

Kale - I'll go get the room ready.. you can sleep in there tonight and I'll sleep out here.

Annie nodded and continued to walk around the apartment and taking in every little detail and freedom that she has for right now. She came upon a picture frame that has a picture of Kale and a woman. In the picture they were smiling widely at the camera and Kale had his arm around the woman's shoulder. She picked up the frame and looked at the picture with a blank stare.

Kale - That's Sasha. My friend. She gave that to me for christmas.

Annie - She's pretty.

Annie put the picture down and then sat on the love seat.

Kale - Well, I'm going to get the room ready. Be right back okay.

Annie - Okay.

Kale disappeared down the little hallway into the room. Annie finally pulled off the hood that was covering her head, but was greeted by Liezel sitting next to her on the seat.

Liezel - I say we make a run for it.

Annie - No, this is a safe place. We're okay here, Liezel.

Liezel - I don't trust that guy.

Annie - But I do. I think he won't hurt us.

Liezel - How could you be so sure??

Annie - Because he'd take us back to that place by now if he wanted to hurt us.

Liezel - Don't say I didn't warn you, silly girl!!

Annie - Don't worry

Kale appeared from the hallway holding a towel and some clothes. He smiled nervously at Annie.

Kale - I wasn't sure if you wanted to change or not, but I brought you a towel and a long shirt. The room's ready.

He gestured her towards the room and she followed behind down the small hallway.

Kale - Okay, here's the bathroom. And there's the room, oh.. and this room over here is just filled with my junk. So there's nothing interesting to see in there.

Kale closed the door to a room that had a computer and guitars and other various things. He led her to a neatly organized and clean bedroom. When they got there, both Annie and Kale just stood there, not knowing what to say or do next. Kale looked at her nervously and then realized that this was the moment that he was suppose to leave the room.

Kale - Oh, sorry. Heh.

He then stepped out of the room and before Annie could shut the door, he turned around to tell her something he just remembered.

Kale - Oh.. uh... I've got to get up early for work tomorrow. And's my turn to do the night shift.

He started to feel worried. What was he supposed to do with Annie then? Was he doing the right thing to allow her to stay here all by herself? What if the hospital finds out??

Annie - ..I'll be fine here by myself.

Kale - Uhh... are you sure Annie??

Annie - Don't worry.. I won't destroy your place.

Kale - No, it's not that...uhh...

Annie - And don't worry.. I'm not crazy. I'll still be here when you return.

Kale - Okay. I will get back here as soon as I can.

Annie nodded and proceeded to close the door, but Kale interrupted again.

Kale - Uhh... is there anything else I can get you?

Annie - No thank you.

Kale - There's plenty of food in the fridge...

Annie then shut the door.

Kale went to the fridge and grabbed himself a bottle of water, sat on the couch, and gulped down the entire bottle.

What am I getting myself into? What have I done?? What if the hospital finds out? What if I'm putting Annie in danger? Oh God!!

Kale couldn't stop these thoughts from running through his head. He had to lay down! When he laid down, he rested his arm on his forehead and tried not to think of those thoughts.

But what if what I'm doing is the right thing? She could really be in trouble? I need to help her!

As all these thoughts went through his head; his eyes were heavy and tired from the day's event. So he fell into a blissful much needed sleep.


At 2AM, nurse Suzy drew up the medications into a syringe and was ready to go inject it into Annie's arm. She left the nurse's station and glanced down the hall and shook her head when she saw Mark sitting there, dozed off and snoring. No wonder she preferred Kale, because he stays awake and not fall asleep on her, when he should be checking on the patients.

Suzy opened the door to Annie's dark room and walked over to the bed. When she switched on the overhead light, to her horror the bed was empty. She then walked over to the bathroom, thinking that Annie may be in there, but nothing. Suzy then scrambled aroumd the room and looked in every corner in a panic. She then noticed the hospital gown on the floor and realized that the closet was empty when the patient's clothes was supposed to be in there. Her eyes widened and realized that Annie had escape. She ran out the door and yelled out for Mark.

Suzy - MARK!! MARK!! Wake up...!! For God's sakes, we've got a huge situation here!

Mark woke in a jolt and came running down towards suzy.

Mark - What's wrong??!!

Suzy - The patient in room 57 is gone!!!!!!!!!

Mark - Annie? Oh shit!!

Suzy - Go look around the ward while I phone Dr. Reilly and the police!


Annie laid on Kale's bed with eyes wide open. She couldn't get herself to sleep. She then sat up and looked around the dim room for Liezel, but Liezel was nowhere to be found.

Annie - Liezel?? Liezel??

Annie uncovered herself from the blanket and jumped out of bed and headed towards the door. Eventhough, Kale gave her clean clothes to change into, she opted to stay in her own clothes. Annie walked slowly down the hallway into the living room. As she approached, she then spotted Liezel sitting at one end of the love seat while watching a sound asleep Kale.

Annie Whispered.

Annie - There you are! What are you doing??

Liezel - Guarding.

Annie - Guarding what??

Liezel - You...making sure he doesn't kill us.

Annie - Liezel, don't be silly! He helped us didn't he?

Annie walked closer to the love seat and stood near the edge and looked down at Kale while he slept. The water bottle was still in his hand. His long shaggy hair was covering his face. She stared down at the handsome creature's chest rise and fall. She then reaached over and brushed a piece of hair away so she could see his handsome face clearly.

Thank you, she whispered.

*ACT 7 will be up ASAP!*



sarNie Granny
ekkk , they alone HAHA . I keep thinking Liezel is a person but she not -- kind of spooky and funnie when Annie talk to herself / the imagine person


sarNie Oldmaid
ohhh nice update..well worth the wait..

hopefully liezel wont put stuff into annie's head ...oh wait she's just an imaginary person LMAO k..hmmm

i wonder what annie will do while kale is at the hospital..oh man and the cops are involved...poor kale i hope hes not charged with endangering other ppl lives cause of trying to save one person...

its cute how she brush his hair & just stares at him sleeping like a child..gosh im seeing all of if its from a movie or something! :D

*hmmm this somewhat reminds me of lom huan's lakorn LOL


sarNie Hatchling
i like this fanfic. Next one please. Annie is a bit creepy. I keep imaging Annie starring at a mirror to talk to Liezel. When Annie says something then the image is on Annie, but when Liezel is saying something then the image is Liezel, but they are the same person. Like that monster from Lord of the Rings called Gaulum I think.


Professional Lakorn Watcher
ekkk , they alone HAHA . I keep thinking Liezel is a person but she not -- kind of spooky and funnie when Annie talk to herself / the imagine person
I have an explosive ending. :D he took her back to his place....heeeheee....annie is getting with liezel
Hehe........ let's see what happens next.

ohhh nice update..well worth the wait..

hopefully liezel wont put stuff into annie's head ...oh wait she's just an imaginary person LMAO k..hmmm

i wonder what annie will do while kale is at the hospital..oh man and the cops are involved...poor kale i hope hes not charged with endangering other ppl lives cause of trying to save one person...

its cute how she brush his hair & just stares at him sleeping like a child..gosh im seeing all of if its from a movie or something! :D

*hmmm this somewhat reminds me of lom huan's lakorn LOL
can you imagine Johnny Depp as she brushes his hair away?? :drool:

i like this fanfic. Next one please. Annie is a bit creepy. I keep imaging Annie starring at a mirror to talk to Liezel. When Annie says something then the image is on Annie, but when Liezel is saying something then the image is Liezel, but they are the same person. Like that monster from Lord of the Rings called Gaulum I think.
Thanks girl... lol... I love Galum!!

this reminds me of HEROES again... :lol:
Hmm... I havent watched heroes, but I heard it was good.

Thank ya'll for reading.. I am working on the next ACTS today.. I am going to post two tonight. stay tuned. :D


sarNie Oldmaid
lol lome of course i can imagine johnny's hair being brushed me lol though..

anyhow i cant wait to read the next two act.

ohhh i see rr in here... ^_^


Professional Lakorn Watcher
Author's note: I know I promised 2 ACTS for the night, but I ended up going somewhere and I got home 11 hours later, and only got done with one ACT. I'm sorry, but hope you guys enjoy this update. Thanks.


A free day

As he put the car into park in front of the hospital, Kale took a deep breath and told himself that he was doing the right thing. He has never been afraid to come to work before, but today was the day that he dreaded. What would happen if everyone knew that he is harbouring an escape mental patient. Surely, he'll be fired or even worst, arrested.

When Kale got to the front door, he took another breath and swallowed his anxiousness. He felt as if he was about to have an anxiety attack, cause his hand was trembling as he opened the door.

You're okay.. you're okay, he chanted.

The East Wing of the hospital seemed pretty quiet when he arrived. Kale walked fast and tried to hide his face when other staffs past him by.

Mark - Kale! There you!

Kale jumped when Mark called out to him, scared that he was about to be called out.

Mark - Whoa. Whoa, sorry... I didn't mean to scare ya.

Kale smiled nervously.

Kale - Ohh.. I'm just err.. jumpy today. Too much coffee. Heh

He gave another half smile. Kale kept his face down and proceeded to walk away from Mark toward the staff lounge to get ready for work. As he walked down the hall towards the lounge, he stopped right in his tracks when he saw four police officers, Dr. Reilly, Dr. Manning, and a man he never met before. He froze and turned around and tried to walk the other way when a voice called out to him.

Dr. Reilly - Kale!?

Kale kept on walking, pretending not to hear.

Dr. Reilly - Kale!!!!!

He turned around and gave a little smile and waved to the doctor.

Dr. Really - Kale, would you come here please??

Kale - Err.. mmmy shift is about to start.

Dr. Reilly - Don't worry about that right now. Come here please, these officers would like a word with you.

Kale pointed to himself and acted as if he knew nothing.

Kale - Me? Err..

He walked towards the group and smiled nervously.

Dr. Reilly - Kale, last night one of our patients had escape.

Kale - Oh my God! Wh..who?

Dr. Reilly - Room 57, Annie Tinsley.

Kale - Uhh.. wwhat happened? How did it happened?!

Dr. Reilly - Those are the questions that we are asking as well. I believe that last night, you were the last to see her right? And you were schedule to unretrain her, so these officers here would like to speak to you.

Kale blinked blankly and gulped his saliva nervously.

While Dr. Reilly explained to Kale what had happened, the man who Kale never met before paced around the hall nervously.

Mr. Tinsley - How the hell did you people allow this to happen!!!? I trusted you people to look after my daughter. Is this the kind of service I paid for??!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Manning - Mr. Tinsley, please calm down, sir. Things like this happen.

Mr. Tinsley - But it shouldn't have happened to my daughter!! Do you people know who I am?? Do you!!??

Dr. Manning - Yes, sir. You are our well respected mayor.

Mr. Tinsley - That's right! Do you know what I can do to your hospital????? I can shut this piece of shit down!!!!

Officer #2 - Mr. Mayor, sir. Please calm down. We are working really hard to find your daughter, sir. We have already contacted a search crew and the media. So right now, we have the whole town on alert.

Mr. Tinsley grunted and rested his hands on his hips and paced around some more.

Kale shifted his weight from one foot to the other foot and tried to stay calm. The situation was worser than he thought. Annie? The daughter of the mayor is at his place right now and the cops are involved! Kale backed away slowly to try and sneak away, but an officer then grabbed him.

Officer #1 - Okay, so you are Kale Lamar correct?

Kale - Yes.

The officer took out a notepad and a pen.

Officer#1 - Alright, I'm going to ask you some questions. This may help us pinpoint the whereabouts of Annie, so I need you to answer the best of your ability okay?

Kale - Yes, sir.

Officer #1 - As stated on your schedule, you were suppose to check on Annie at 10PM and then unretrain her correct?

Kale - Uh huh.

Officer #1 - And did you do as scheduled?

Kale - Yes, sir.

Officer #1 - When you went into Annie's room, did you noticed anything odd?

Kale - What do you mean odd?

Officer #1 - Did it seem like there was anyone in the room?

Kale - No. I just noticed that her window was and blinds were still open, so I closed them.

The officer raised his eyebrows. And Kale swallowed nervously.

Officer #1 - And then?

Kale - Uhh.. And then I cleaned the mess in her room, I unretrained her, and then I left the room. But before I left, I notified Suzy, our night nurse that I was leaving.

Officer #1 - When you unretrained her, did you noticed anything in Annie's hand or anything?

Kale - No. She was asleep; she was sedated during lunch.

Officer #1 - I see. And when you left the hospital to the parking lot, did you noticed anything out of the ordinary?

Kale - No.

Officer #1 - Okay. I think I've got enough for now. Thank you, Mr. Lamar.

While Kale was being questioned, Mark was also questioned in the other room by the other officer. He could see Mark scratching his head and looked as if he was on the verge of tears.

Kale - Can I go clock in for work now?

Dr. Reilly - Actually, I'm going to send you and Mark home today. Mr. Tinsley had requested for police officers to keep guard of the ward for tonight. You will get paid for your shift; we'll call you okay?

Kale - What? But..but..

Officer #1 - Yes, you are free to go home. For the safety of the patients, our officers will guard here. You may go, Mr. Lamar.

Kale was about to refuse, but then he realized that this was his chance to go home and check on Annie and think of what to do next. He then walked out quickly incase they changed their minds.


Meanwhile, back at Kale's apartment, Annie sat on the floor of the balcony and hugged her knee as she looked over the quaint city of Sea Side. She woke up to an empty place. For some reason, Kale was gone and so was Liezel. She couldn't find Liezel anywhere. A wave of loneliness washed over her, so she went outside and waited on the balcony. As she looked over the city, she then noticed a baricade of big trucks and trailers on the road heading towards the city limits. On the big trailer, there was a merry-go-round, a small feris wheel, and some other carnival ride. The other huge trailer also holds other rides. And then Annie noticed the humongous letters on the bus. It read -

The Happy Colorful Circus.

Annie stood up, grinned, and quickly headed towards the front door. She has never been to a carnival before, so all the colorful rides that she saw heading towards Sea Side park excited her. She open and shut the door behind her and got into the elevator. She put the hood over her head and smiled to herself. And before the elevator door opened to the ground floor, Liezel tapped her on the shoulder.

Liezel - Where do you think you're going, missy?

Annie smiled happily and rushed out of the elevator, but yelled out to Liezel.

Annie - To the circus!!!

Liezel - Wait for me!

ACT 8 will be up ASAP!



sarNie Oldmaid
ahhh nice update lome...kept me on the edge of my seat..

i am glad that the cops and everyone else didnt see kales nervousness..when he was being questioned..poor guy!

man that girl is gonna get into trouble..wandering around like that ...


Professional Lakorn Watcher
ahhh nice update lome...kept me on the edge of my seat..

i am glad that the cops and everyone else didnt see kales nervousness..when he was being questioned..poor guy!

man that girl is gonna get into trouble..wandering around like that ...
I can't wait to write the circus scenes.. I love the circus/carnival!


sarNie Oldmaid
ohh the poor guy is gonna freak out when he comes back to an empty apartment...! eekk!!!

lol i cant wait to see what kind of fun stuff annie will encounter..


Professional Lakorn Watcher

The outside world

It was one of those frigid and cloudy days, where the sky is blueless. The clouds were grey, but high above blowing along with the wind. Annie took a deep breath of the crisps cool air and smiled. So this is freedom? She's enjoying every minute of it, but at the same time still be cautious not to blow her cover.

She pulled the hood over her head and covered her eyes, making sure that no one could see her as she walked along the sidewalk of a busy town. She looked at the historic shops and restaurants curiously as if she have never seen the world before. This was the first time that Annie ever wandered anywhere alone without the company of her mother or one of their family's servants keeping a close eye on her. When she'd go anywhere with her Mother, her every move would be scrutinized.

Don't touch that! Wipe that silly smirk off your face! Cross your legs, you don't want to boys seeing your nasty parts! Walk like a lady! Spit out that gum! Wash off that lipstick, it makes you look like a whore!

She could still hear those words echo in her ears as she tried to ignore them.

Watch where you're going, young lady!! Are you blind? A woman said to her.

I'm sorry, she uttered inaudibly and continued down the sidewalk and explore the town that she'd never really seen before, eventhough she has been living here all her life.

It was already noon and she could feel her stomach growling. She hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. When she came upon a hotdog stand, she licked her lips hungryly and reached into her pockets to see if she had any change, but unfortunately her pockets were empty.

Hotdog vender - Come get your hotdogs folks! 2 for $4! Get them while they're fresh! Or get the combo for $3.50, along with ice cold drinks and bag of chips!!

The bystanders all flocked to the hotdog stand as Annie watched hungrily as the vender passed out the hotdogs. When the crowd cleared out a bit, she approached the stand. She looked at the hotdogs with eyes wide open and scanned those delicious franks being simmered on the grill. She swallowed her saliva and looked at the vender as if she were begging far a piece. The aroma of the dogs was making her go crazy and her stomach rumbled and growled out of control.

Vender - Did you want the combo or the $4 special?

Annie - Uhh... I..I.. don't have money on me, but could I take the combo? I'll be back to pay you.

Vender - Sorry, sweetheart. You've got to pay before you eat.

Annie - I promise I'll come back with money.

Vender - No can do.

Annie - Please??

Vender - I said no! Now scram! Shooo! Before I call the cops!

When Annie heard the word cops, she didn't take any chances and took off. She held onto her stomach and bared the hunger pains. When a car honked its horn, she got startled and ran off quickly, bumping into more people.

Hey bitch! Watch out! A girl and a group of friends yelled out to her. Annie ignored them and kept walking. As she passed the restaurants and shops, the smell of food wasn't helping at all. Her stomach kept begging for food.

Then suddenly Annie heard police sirens, so she quickly veered to her left and hid in an alley. She had to catch her breath.

Liezel - That was close wasn't it?

Annie - Uh huh.. wheww. I hope that siren wasn't for us.

Liezel - It probably is.. but don't worry, I have a plan.

Annie - What plan?

Liezel - I'll tell you later!

Annie - Fine whatever.

Liezel - Besides, I thought we were going to the carnival??

Annie - We are. It's on the other side of town at Sea Side park.

Annie stuck her head out from the alley and noticed that there was a traffic jam. The cars were bumper to bumber and some irrate drivers were yelling and honking at one another. She then looked further and realized the sirens were for the accident back there. That's when she was confident enough to come out from the alley and continued her journey to the circus as Liezel followed behind.


Kale tapped on the streering wheel impatiently as he waited in the traffic jam. He wanted to get home and check on Annie. She did promised him last night that she'd still be there when he got back, so can he trust her words? Or was it just words of a crazy person? He shook his head and gave a quick laugh at himself for thinking such absurd things. But how sure was he? He stuck his head out the window again as he honked the horn.

Come on, come on!! What's going up there??? He shouted.

Shut up, you're not the only one stuck in this! Asshole! A guy shouted back.

Just when Kale stuck his head back into the car, Annie's reflection walking towards the opposite direction was visible on his side mirror. Kale was too distracted by the traffic jam to noticed it.

After sitting in traffic for nearly 30 minutes, the paced finally picked up and he was able to proceed forward. His apartment was just a few blocks down. He drove and bit his nails nervously, trying to think of a solution for what he has done. The mayor's daughter is hiding in his home, and now they're looking for her! He felt like such a criminal; his mind screams that he's wrong for helping Annie escape, but his heart says that he's doing the right thing.

When he arrived at the high rise building, he barely put the car into park as he jumped out and marched into the elevator, hoping and praying that Annie kept her promise. He tapped his foot nervously and kept pressing the button as if the elevator was going to speed up.

Finally when got to his floor, he ran to the front, but his heart dropped when he found it unlock. He opened it and let himself in. To his horror, the living room was empty and the door to the balcony was still open.

Shit!!!!!! He shouted. Annie??? Annie?? Where are you? Oh God!!

The bedroom was empty. No one in the bathroom nor a soul in the junk room. Kale had to stop for a minute to catch his breath. He was freakig out; worried that something bad happened to her, but mostly worried that she could be disoriented and get hit by a car or seized by the cops.

He ran his fingers through his hair frantically as his head started to throb.

Oh God, what have I done? I put an innocent girl's life in danger. I should have brought her back when I had a chance! You're an idiot, Kale!!! Shit! I've got to find her!

Kale ran out the door, wishing and praying that Annie is safe.


Annie hugged herself and tried to get warm as the cold air seemed to have gotten colder. She walked passed a store and saw that it was already 2PM. She didn't realized that she was out this long. By now, her stomach was twisting and turning with hunger. Just when she thought she has lost Liezel back there, the voice startled her again.

Liezel - So what's at the carnival?

Annie - Rides.

Liezel - What else?

Annie - Games.

Liezel - That's it??

Annie - I dunno, Liezel! I've never been to those before, so stop bugging me.

Liezel - Will there be people?

Annie - I'm sure. There's people everywhere!

Liezel - They're all gonna laugh at us, Annie.

Annie - No, they're not. They don't even know us.

Liezel - Suit yourself then, you silly girl.

Annie rolled her eyes at her sister.

Annie - Whatever Liezel. Just leave me alone okay? You're always trying to ruin my fun.

Annie crossed her arms and walked faster trying to lose Liezel, but Liezel walked at the same pace and stayed right behind.

The two girls then passed the busy town and into an empty crossing to get over to the other side towards the park. Annie smiled happily as the ferris wheel was visible from afar. She then started skipping like a little girl towards the carnival.

*ACT 9 will be up soon!*



sarNie Juvenile
It takes you hours to write this, but it takes me five minutes to read it.

I got too excited and rushed through it. Keep it up!