another one of those i cant wait til SarN update...
so here is my version...
after harit turned off the light ...he walked slowly to the bed and slid under the blanket. soripa back is once again towards him. since soripa couldnt sleep thinking of their brief eye contact moment, she decided to give harit a hard time. she pulled all the blanket to her side...harit looked over to try to get a glimpse of soripa...but she didnt move. harit wanted to know what she would do if he pulled the blanket back.
slowly he tugged it back his way taking most of the blanket from soripa. oh you wanna play huh, thought soripa...
she pulled it back ever so hardly, that it pulled harit towards her and he bumps into her back...*hahah thats what you get for playing around
once his body touch her warm body..harit felt chills run down his spine..flashback of the night from the storage room came to his mind and followed by the exposure of his wifes chest from the previous night..
soripa...? he called...soripa..! what do you want? replied soripa. may i...? he paused, may..i? his voice trailed off.
may you what ?? she ask in a somewhat softer tone * hes too close to her shes afraid of what might trigger his reactions LMAO
may i ..may i hug our baby tonight? he finally blurted *afraid that the answer is no.
damn servant boy , do you have to ask?, she thought to herself! she just laid there without replying back.
ok i take it as a yes then, without waiting for her response, he slowly moved his left hand around her waist til his hand was halfway on her stomache.
yes she didnt resist his touch, he thought. maybe i can rub it too. he started to move his hands in circular motion and didnt realized how far up his hands were to the two mounds, when he heard soripa gasped. uh the babys' not there?! im sorry i didnt mean to, he said.
changing the subject he asked...
soripa..? can i ask for another favor?
now what? she replied
can i kiss our baby?......again soripa didnt reply. oh luck is on his side tonight as he take this as a yes once more. he got up and turn her over so shes facing the ceiling, scan her face for one last approval and moves down to kiss her tummy, he must have stayed in that position for a good three minute.
soripa was touched by this sudden caring side ...that she didnt realized her left hand has been caressing his hair. he looked up and smiled at her and at that moment, nothing else in the world seems to matter. hes right where he belongs next to his lovely wife and their baby. he wrapped his armed around her belly and snuggled closer to her ..and to much of his surprise she didnt protest. he closed his eyes and whispers "i promised i wont make you mad again". hearing this she too closed her eyes and fell asleep.
*if only he would do this...instead of the opposite .."do not", i repeat "do not", take no for an answer!!
keep trying harder, we are all cheering for you harit!!! otherwise we are not afraid to use the somtam smasher again!