i give it a 7 out of 10 >>> [ -1 ] rush ending . .no love confess from PIM , no wedding and did the family aprove of Ae loving PIM or give their blessing .. Khem dont count lol talking about the father and grandparent ??? And why Dr / Risa at the last scene with PIM / AE OMG :loool: . [ -1 ] Choppy ending choppy scene .. like oen scene show PIm walking in the water thought she goin commit sucide and when did she take a vacation with Dr / Risa .. and the scene just too funnie the whole shooting thing goes by fast and surprisely PIM , the killer , AE and the cop all come in at the same time ?? Boom BAng ... dat it ? Ahhhhh. <_< [ -1 ] cuz they lie to me about the baby .. no baby !!
OA >>>>>>>>

other den dat it a good lakorn .. lots of hugges / kisses .. nice song .. love the "wiling' scene and all the time P"k say I love u>>> like how many lkaonr u see where p'k go around saying dat ..not llot only the hairy Italy guy. :wub: :wub: I think Ae was just tooo weak .. and PIm was just too strong.. they could have get together faster if Ae is strong and tell the truth and PIm was soft enough to give in to love :wub: :wub: