Toon said:
no amira...the grandfather had banarasee's dad and his cronies trick the ghost teacher and also capture her and kill it was a big conspiracy...and yeah the banarasee's father definitely knows the truth...
oOo okkk...haha makes sense now.
so the only people who actually knows the truth are the grandfather, the grandmother, and the uncle (banrasee's dad). poor evil aunt doesn't know the truth.
dude i watched the part where those guys were trying to rape Nutdee and the ghost teacher was like inside her body then she was following and scaring those guys. THAT was scary! imagine being in an old fashion thai house, or any house for that matter, in the dark and u know the haunted story behind it. YIKES!
hey...if there are more spoilers or whatever....please tell me hehehhe or pm me on the next episodes....i cant wait for next wednesday to go rent it. im too impatient hehehe