^read the 8th post on this page for info on the subs. Welcome to the thread, chibichaos!
My internet is having problems and won't load pages, therefore I can't see that preview on youtube. However, I did download a preview of their new drama from SJFH, so if it's the same one, all I gotta say is....SCARY! I seriously screamed while watching the preview because I didn't expect to see that popped up. I thought that this was suppose to be a happy series or something, but I guess their going for the horror thing again, like how they did in Mystery 6. Anyways, if it's with SuJu, I will watch it...however, I'll just skip through the scarier scenes...lol.
Pee...a present? You just met us and already demanding presents?! Lol, just kidding...hm...let's see...since you're so into Hankyung, would you like a signature? I can make one of him for you...or one of Super Junior...lol, that's all that I can think of right now. So, which would you like? ^_^
Oh, btw...I've had dreams with SuJu members before also...lol, I can't remember it clearly but I remembered that Shiwon was my cousin ( :loool: ) and so I was like he can introduce me to the rest of SuJu AND TVXQ!!! lol, hahaha, I wish...