yeah, neighbors can be pretty horrible. i have stories for a lot of people in my neighborhood but i'm kind of lazy right how long this post will actually be.
anyways, all i know is that it ticks me off when neighbors want to say something, and they either, don't say it to you, and tallk about it to other neighbors and make you look bad (even when the things they say are not true)....OR use mean, anonymous letters to make you angry! urrrgg
just recently, we got "another" (and i say another because it was another!) anonymous letter from someone in the neighborhood saying:
"the exterior trim of your house is a disgrace! if you would pick up after your yard and take care of yourselves, it would make a world of difference!" AND THAT WAS A NICE LETTER!! man! we are, like, the cleanest house in the freakin' subdivision!
AND not to be a racist or a stereotype or anything, but this just what happens to be my case. i live in a "nice neighborhood" with all white people. (i hate the term "nice neighborhood", btw. it's so cliche and questionable.) they always look at us like we are in the chinese mafia or something (although, i don't blame some people because my guy cousins really do look like they are in the mafia with their slick/spiked hairs and suits and the point is that, we get crap for being the only asian family in a so-called "nice neighborhood"!
i mean, my parents worked hard to get to where they were/are, and they still get degraded. i don't even know why we are still living where we are living! i guess this part goes along the stereotype, "asians are show-offs". parents
are really show-offs! hahaha
but yeah, that's just me venting....
because of that dumb letter, my mom is having siding work done on our house! she's one of those people that take things like that to heart and overly cares about her image, even though she knows she can't change the way these neighbors think about us. it sucks, because i haven't slept well for like two weeks now (not that i usually sleep well anyways...but it's usually better than this. lol). damn siding people need to keep it down! i need my beauty sleep. LOL