Professional Lakorn Watcher

Poster by lady0fdarkness

Poster by RR
The Girl In The Window
Rome Patchata & Sririta Jensen
Rated R - For Explicit Language and Sexual Situations
Within the small town of Surya, there is a place called Singtha Estates. The people there lives in unison and harmony. There are rows of houses in the valley where everyone knows eachother; although they have different lives, the residents share a loving bond towards Mr. Singtha. They are greatful for allowing them to live in his village of peace.
On top of a hill, soaring above all others, sits a great white mansion overlooking the valley. This mansion belongs to Mr. Singtha and his wife Sorithit. Although, the residents respect and love Mr. Singtha, they fear him greatly. The Singthas are reserved and keeps to themselves.
Rumor has it that Mrs. Singtha loves to cheat on her husband and suffers from demetia. However, there was something else that bothered the residents.
There are words going around that sometimes, a young girl's face could be seen from the third floor's window. Who is that girl? Is she an illegimate child whose born out of adultery that Mrs. Singtha tries to hide? Though the rumors get around quick, no one dares talk about it in the open.
Kaen Chamun grew up in Singtha Estates. Unlike other curious residents, Kaen always disregard the rumors, thinking that it was a silly way of scaring the neighborhood kids to not go up to the hill. He minds his own business and ignores the stories....... until one day when he saw the girl's saddened face looking down from the window. Though, he tries to erase her face away from his mind, somehow; he is more drawned to her than ever, wanting to find out if she was real or just a figment of his imagination.