The Person Below You....


sarNie Oldmaid
BieLuvr I didn't know you were Hmong! But about Leekong I think he's alright. Some of his songs are pretty good but the MV's are weird sometimes..... 
The person below me is tri-lingual?


sarNie OldFart
My first language is Eng following that Hmong
hehe you can say I'm somewhat tri since I speak Thai to my father :)
The person below me likes eating Kimichi :DDD


Xiongurl26 said:
BieLuvr I didn't know you were Hmong! But about Leekong I think he's alright. Some of his songs are pretty good but the MV's are weird sometimes.....  The person below me is tri-lingual?
Yes I'm hmong and I'm a xiong too. :) agree that some of his mvs are weird.

@luloveyaya. No, I've only been to two countries. One i was born in and the other is the USA.

The person below me wants to eat bananas right noe.


sarNie Oldmaid
I never know the difference between noodles but overall I do like noodles! 
The person below me had withdrawal symptoms to the Jutathep series like me. 


- Marina ♥
Nope. Sadly, I never watched the series -- I was going to but my sister started it first and since she talks about it all the time, I already got the gist of the series xD
She's a major SJ fan.
The person below me is shorter than 5 feet? :)


sarNie Adult
yes, have never, but I had eat squid before.
The person below me have won a Spelling Bee Contest before


sarNie Oldmaid
I wish I was. Don't have HBO. The gifs looks intense though.
The person below me is going to the premier of Catching Fire.