The Person Below You....


sarNie Adult
yes, not just lakorn, but other dramas too.
the person below me have a crush that's close to them


sarNie Oldmaid
Sadly, Yes. I like a guy but he doesn't know and we're basically Best Friends right now.  But I've gotten use to it. Hahaha
The person below me is a highschooler. 


sarNie Adult
No, only in eighth grade. ( LOL I get you Xiongurl26. I like him a lot, but sadly he's taken. And the dumbest part, I met him first, but didn't take notice on him til he's taken. But hey, I'm cool with that, and know it's my fault. And the other thing, we were never really friends, more like acquaintance-enemy at young age, but strangers now.)
The person below me is also in 8th grade, just like me.


sarNie Adult
sure but I like pink more. LOL
the person below me lives in the United States (I live in Washington)


Lol, oh. Nah, i don't love k-pop. There are some songs that i like though.

The person below me is either a fan of Nickhun or Natthew AF5.


sarNie Oldmaid
I have never tried it but I would like too! But I know I'll get to lazy for that. Hahaha
The person below me also has a penpal like me in Thailand. 


sarNie Adult
No, not in Thailand, but I do have one. :D
The person below me is thinking about traveling in the future.


sarNie Oldmaid
I'm not obsessed with him but I do like watching Nadech. 
The person below me is currently watching the K-drama Heirs and enjoying it!!! :D LOL.


sarNie Adult
Nope. I decide not to watch it. Too many of my friends talk about it, and I'm tired of hearing about it. LOL.
The person below me is currently watching a Chinese drama now.


Nope. Not a big fan of Chinese. The only thing Chinese i like is Mike He and Zun Wu. Lol.

The person below me likes dum dums. Lol