TheGurlo22's Creations <3 [UPDATED October 1st]


sarNie Adult
Thanks for all of the wonderful comments <3 Can't believe my uncle's
really gonna come install photoshop in our computer this wed. like, finally :D but it's only gonna be cs4,,but i want cs5 :)
but oh well, here are two simple ones i made today :)



You're Average Person :)
aw the min one is cute....

lol im getting my ps program back on wednesday too...i'm used to using cs4 but gosh i think my bro is getting the older version which i hope he wont


sarNie Adult
Thanks for the comment <3 Here are some more I made today :D haha,,
and tomorrow, i'll probably be starting to learn how to use Photoshop!!! can't wait...and Thanks to everyone
who have been commenting and inspiring me to continue!!! Thanks lottie <3

Thanks to Jeeja for letting me use Aerin's picture for my artwork!! <3 THANKS A LOT!

To: huajaikaungtur
I'm working a gif artwork right now,,so hope it looks good :)
btw,,Thanks for teaching me!!!


- Marina ♥
Awww, I feel so loved that you wrote me a note ;)
You know, I'll always love your art && your MVs ;)
BTW, love them. Where do you get all Aerin's photos?
I barely have any of hers & I LOVE her.
lmao ;)
Min's super pretty. I love that shoot.


sarNie Adult
Awww, I feel so loved that you wrote me a note ;)
You know, I'll always love your art && your MVs ;)
BTW, love them. Where do you get all Aerin's photos?
I barely have any of hers & I LOVE her.
lmao ;)
Min's super pretty. I love that shoot.
Actually, I found all of Aerin's Pictures on google...
i just type in her name in "thai"...which is แอริน สิรีภรณ์ ยุกตะทัต
then a lot of pictures would show up :)


sarNie Adult
Thanks for the awesome comments :) well, my uncle finally installed photoshop!!! Yay :D
and here's one i made ON photoshop might not be good,,but yea :D



sarNie Adult
Thanks lotties for the wonderful comments <3 Here's more simple ones that I made on photoshop...
hope it wouldn't be so simple,,wanna become better :)
i wanna be as good as you people out there,,but guess i'm not :) but hope i'll learn though!
btw,,sorry for the large sizes :)



Staff member
i really like the 2nd one of nat.. and i love the peak one.. ^_^


sarNie Adult
Thanks for all the inspiring comments <3 I really love them!!
well, here are more SIMPLE ones I made today :p I hope that I'll stop making it so simple and actually
do more things with photoshop :D But oh well,,for now..ENJOY!!!! :D

Here is one I made of Grand,, I haven't made one of her in a long time..
cuz she doesn't really have any photoshoots nowadays :D but I love her new single! and she's so pretty..
so I made a simple one of Grand, of her new single : Blythe Doll :)
