Updates on Various Couples: Anne, Ken, Chakrit, Chompoo, etc.


`my dragon's blood is blue`
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Hahaha let me give you a little bit of juicy tidbits. Yes they lived together with her parents. They claimed he sleeps on the couch, hey could be true *cough*. He (they) bought a house next to her parents and it was always "still renovating", well that house is hers now. Funny that back then, it was "his, he bought it" but after the breakup it became "it was our money that bought it". There was a tv show that went to her house and when shown around the house (weir was there too), they admit that one of the big closet belongs to him. His clothes were in it, they claimed that it was easier for him to get dress there since they go to events together a lot. Everyone in the industry knew they lived together, there was a mystery article that said something like one dara parent want to have a leash on their child so tight that they even allow the bf to move in so that their daughter won't leave them thus taking the money with her. People were guessing the article was about pan lol. A source extremely close to weir accidentally blabbed it in one of his radio session too that the article must be them cus he said " ha! This is about weir and pan cus he wanted to get a condo so that they can live together but her mom say no, to move into the house instead or buy the house next door" LOL. Fun times fun times.
Wow, I never knew that. I just thought they dated and were really close to have bought houses next to each other. That's so... O_O I have a whole new outlook on Pan now. I don't really "care" but she really gave off the goodie girl image. But when her and Weir broke it off... whoaaaa they made him sound like a poor puppy or something. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. It's so scandalous. Lol I know they're human too but dang they really tried fooling us. HAHAHA Weir sleeping on the couch, YEAH friggin right! I wouldn't believe that for a second. Why would he "sleep" on a couch at her house when he can sleep at his friend's house, rent a room at the hotel or whatever, Hahahah. Whoever believes that was born yesterday. Thank you for this tidbit!
p.s. Did Pan and Pae Arak really date? It seemed like it was all for promotional purposes.
p.p.s. No wonder Pan got insanely pissed off when Kwan and Weir was in DDH w/that kiss. lolol


sarNie OldFart
Who would believe that a boyfriend moving in with his girlfriend only to sleep on the couch. Most of the N'eks always try to give off this "I am sweet, innocent girl" that never do anything wrong. When in actuality they're are pretty scandalous. The thing though, so many fans bought into this image that they wholeheartedly believe that it's true. And then argue with those that says, they might not lol.


sarNie Oldmaid
There were/are many couples that stayed together. Why do you think there were always rumors of so and so were seen at so and so condo/house. One of the koojin used to live with his ex girlfriend too but they denied it even though many of the neighbors witnessed him always there all night and every night unless he was filming. When the news came out they denied even dating. LOL I asked her why she denied it and she straight out told me it was to save his image with another koojin lol. They lived together for 2years before calling it quits! Her mom hated him.

As for pan and pei, yes they dated. She dumped weir for him but it didn't work out because he refused to be controlled by her family.

Cupid Candy

sarNie Coma
Ah the Pan and Weir drama, good ol' times. I miss them together though back when they were happy, they were so cute. Pan really downgraded from Weir, going from him to Pae and now the old man officer. 


`my dragon's blood is blue`
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
There were/are many couples that stayed together. Why do you think there were always rumors of so and so were seen at so and so condo/house. One of the koojin used to live with his ex girlfriend too but they denied it even though many of the neighbors witnessed him always there all night and every night unless he was filming. When the news came out they denied even dating. LOL I asked her why she denied it and she straight out told me it was to save his image with another koojin lol. They lived together for 2years before calling it quits! Her mom hated him.

As for pan and pei, yes they dated. She dumped weir for him but it didn't work out because he refused to be controlled by her family.
Oh daaang. I didn't buy into all that taintless n'ek and p'ek stuff but I didn't realize they were just living double lifestyles this whole time though. lol In the public eye they act like innocent little fairies but once they are away from cameras they are just like any normal person. Hmmm. Pan's always the girl who does charities, goes to the temple, give alms, yada yada, "I'm a good role model". tsk tsk. Ugh, ehhh, her mom looks mafia-ish. LOL Good thing Pei left that relationship. They made it look like Pan dumped him because he wasn't worth it or something. I wonder how her family is controlling her current bf.
Anyway, wait what? A jin lived with an ex-gf? O_O, yeah, you can tell I don't pay attention to the news, lol Not these juicy stuff at least.
& then as soon as these daras break up they tell us, "we were so busy we never had time for each other...." BS, most of them probably lived together. 5555


sarNie Oldmaid
Weir was just "dek bann nork" from Khon Khaen but he was an up and raising stars so he was a good catch, until Pei with better family background come along, they "thip hua song" Weir so quick. I remember they mention that the teddybears shops they had together, was 50/50 partnership, but now is all Pan too, just like the house lolz.  I guess when partners broken up, almost everything went to the women, and in this case Weir got the shorter ends, even though her mom said they never dated his belonging still went to her. HAHA :facepalm:
But oh well we don't know what's going on behind close doors, lets take her mom's word for it and say they never dated.  :loool:  :rofl:
And Ncmeow now you got me curious as to which koojin are you referring to :lol2:  come on spills it! :clap2:


sarNie OldFart
I have heard of a few couples where they see the girls going to and from the guy's condo but it's always because of this and because of that. In the back of my mind, I was like...girl you know you slept with him lol.

Cupid Candy

sarNie Coma
It's kind of the same with Kim and Jett's situation, she pretty much went one on one with him on that trip they had together. It's hard to believe nothing happened. 


sarNie Oldmaid
byebye said:
Yeah, Kim and Jett will never convince me nothing happened. They were dating and went to Japan together...and the rest is history lol
Maybe they were just holding hands, staring into each other's eyes like kan and lydia's character in dome and janie's lakorn. Lol


sarNie OldFart
Hahahah Meow...
That is not a far fetched some of her fans thought had happened. They said, just because those two spends nights together in bed doesn't mean anything happened lol. Such sweet, innocent thinking they got there. A BF/GF taking a trip, sleeping together in the same bed and nothing happens pretty much happens only in a lakorn. I mean, out of country in a romantic setting is when you want to get something done as much as possible. And sometimes, the wilder side comes out because you are in a different country...
It's almost like Vegas what happens there stay there....only in their case whatever happens in Japan stays in Japan.


`my dragon's blood is blue`
Maya_Fantasy said:
Weir was just "dek bann nork" from Khon Khaen but he was an up and raising stars so he was a good catch, until Pei with better family background come along, they "thip hua song" Weir so quick. I remember they mention that the teddybears shops they had together, was 50/50 partnership, but now is all Pan too, just like the house lolz.  I guess when partners broken up, almost everything went to the women, and in this case Weir got the shorter ends, even though her mom said they never dated his belonging still went to her. HAHA :facepalm:
But oh well we don't know what's going on behind close doors, lets take her mom's word for it and say they never dated.  :loool:  :rofl:
And Ncmeow now you got me curious as to which koojin are you referring to :lol2:  come on spills it! :clap2:
You described it perfectly! I think that everything that Pan & Weir had together was just all Pan's to begin with. That's why as soon as they broke up she kept everything easily. Sure they weren't "fan gun" but they certainly were, "koo norn" for sure. HAHAHA
Ncmeowmeow35 said:
Maybe they were just holding hands, staring into each other's eyes like kan and lydia's character in dome and janie's lakorn. Lol
BWAHAHAH! That's ridiculous to believe that hand holding would be the "only" thing a couple would do on a bed together. A man would not be able to "just sleep" next to his gf. He would have to be a saint/monk/or someone who wasn't interested in her at all to be able to sleep through the night without touching her.


sarNie Oldmaid
byebye said:
Hahahah Meow...
That is not a far fetched some of her fans thought had happened. They said, just because those two spends nights together in bed doesn't mean anything happened lol. Such sweet, innocent thinking they got there. A BF/GF taking a trip, sleeping together in the same bed and nothing happens pretty much happens only in a lakorn. I mean, out of country in a romantic setting is when you want to get something done as much as possible. And sometimes, the wilder side comes out because you are in a different country...
It's almost like Vegas what happens there stay there....only in their case whatever happens in Japan stays in Japan.
lol I reached my likes for the day. There were so many good post at like 12 or 1 in the morning, used them all up but yeah like this too lol.
You know it could happen, maybe she was on her mens that whole trip. It happened to me before hahaha, The safe way of taking trips with your bf :whahuh:


sarNie OldFart
Trust me, it is gross but if guy wants it, doesn't matter if you are bleeding from your nose, they'll do it still. They probably think, that's the best time since she can't get pregnant. I know of a guy, who does that. Like, he could careless if the girls have her menstrual or not. If she is even better, no worry of unexpected babies. Never underestimated guys when it comes to their small heads lol


sarNie OldFart
Well, Kim doesn't have the cleanest history even before Jett. These are rumors. And then her rumors continued when she was transitioning from Jett to Mark. That's why, fans, let's be fans of lakorns because the real world is dirttttttyyyyy! Hahah. :shutup:


sarNie OldFart
Yeah, I believe Kim doesn't have a good image before Jett. But cant' say that now because she's a sweet angel. Anyway, ET is one of the dirtiest place. You have stars sleeping with people on top to get to places, you have Pra'eks and N'eks doing stuff behind closed doors...it's more like a darker place of power and wealth. For some even doing things that are sleazy still don't get them anywhere.


sarNie OldFart
Oh, yeah. Those behind closed doors stories. That's why I have favorites now but I'm no longer as invested as I was let's say 10 years ago when I became upset, sad, happy, and all of the above emotions for my biases. I guess, you just grow up and see the bigger picture instead of always being clouded in your own opinions and perspective of things. Haha. I may adore Vill, since she's my biggest bias right now, but that can change any time. Lol


sarNie OldFart
I am biased with Matt but girl ain't innocent. She traveled all around the world with her BF and I am sure somewhere between countries lines or before that she's already had some "good times" with him lol. That is why, I never completely see these people with half glass full (or however the saying goes lol) But see them just being human and doing their jobs. They have a life outside of their job, also the person that is behind the cameras. That person, is the person the fans will never get to know. So, to be invested in them wholeheartedly is somewhat asking for a heartbreak. They are not going to present their ugly side rather than the side they want the audiences to see and to love. Every human have a darker side and some an ugly side. Those in this business are better at hiding them. Also, the people around them knows how to keep secrets too.


`my dragon's blood is blue`
This is why I don't follow the lives of the ones I adore. If I hear about something while watching the news, then it's whatever. They can do whatever they want lol But if it was like immoral or inhuman, disgusting and out of this world insane, I might just be sad that they turned out to be that kind of person. Otherwise, their personal life has no affect on me. Sex is every where. I wouldn't want to be closed minded and think they were all saving it for marriage. LOL - Some though... the innocent quiet ones can fool you. The way their image is and what actually is the truth are so different.


sarNie OldFart
The quiet ones are always pretty bad. I remembered one time, this girl that I grew up with. She was shy, hardly talk, seemed so sweet and innocent. Not like me, where I am kind of loud. Anyway, she was with this guy, a friend of my brother. We thought they didn't do anything because well, back in the late 80's I didn't think they were having sex early. So, when her boyfriend left his backpack with us, my friend went through it and found a whole bunch of condoms. We were laughing and giggling...(yeah, were young then) And asked him, hey did you have sex with your girlfriend? He was red in the face, grabbed his backpack and walked off.