sueko said:i don't think i've heard of it, but there are lady monsters in the hmong culture... they live in the forest of laos (thank god, lol). they have long black hair with blue to white faces and deformed fingers... they like to play with birds' eggs * i thought it was funny* so put those out if you have encountered them, lol :sweat: they can tag along to your every movement...* wat happens if nature calls, lol lotz* :loool: and if you want to get rid of them than you have to hired a shaman to come and scare them off, you then have to get a new name so they don't track you down again... my parents say this is true, but i never experience this before. ( and never want to)
There is also another monster that is a tiger but can take forms of the people you love and if you are dating a guy and are to the point where he can propose the "tiger monsters" can ask you if you love them and marry them (while in your lover's form) and if you say yes i love you and i want to marry you then you become their bride. of course you die and your spirit leaves your body and lives with the tiger dude...** I think it's a myth or something b/c that's very odd. but all the old generations that have come out of laos say that it's true... so it's not only my parents that says this
i ask my dad and he said that that only used to be at laotion funerals not hmong :blink:Fearless said:Yeah I also heard about vampires at hmong funerals that want to suck dead people's blood. They will come in a form of a regular person so you won't notice them. I remember a couple years ago I was at a funeral, there was this one guy who kept on walking around the coffin while some people were by the coffin and crying he just kept walking and looking around so some people were suspicious. One of the old guy asked him if he knew the dead person and he said no and left. After that, no one saw him again. My mom told me that was the reason why some people have to sit by the coffin to watch it in case a vampire comes by. it freaked me out! Nowadays, I'm scared of going to funerals.
o kay i told my dad that story and he said that it doesn't exist b/c it was only a fokelore or a legend...Captainlover said:do u guys know that there is this one huge monster it has the face of a bear and its very tall i guess the body is like human i can't remember but the face is like a bear it eat people. the wrost part is that its near where i live its in the forest and my parents are so stupid they still go hunting. People has seen it already and they got really scare. It was also on newspaper if u guys seen it yet. u can only see the people that the monster ate u only see his leg left. The monster has 6 toes.
If u see it and if u run don't run down hill or up hill just run on flat roads because if u run up hill or down hill than the monster can caught u because its really tall and it hang onto trees so if u run on flat things than it can't caught u thats just what my aunt told me. they monster could be anywhere now.
My mom almost got eaten by the monster if she didn't thinking about driving away.
There is also vimpires i think this is how u spell it. Its in the forest near here too but they could also move this is scary me out here. People that went hunting already got scare by vimpires. i'm so scare of living here now.
is it true that if u don't invite a vimpire in your house they can't come in? i'm not going to invite anyone in the house again.
if u are hmong i think your parnets will know the name of these monster
do u guys really believe this?
this is really true