So what do you find attractive or attracts you, both physically and personality wise?
Look Wise:
Hahahahaha yeppppp!!!!!!!! Damn look at those sexy guys...
Well, besides being big bang...I don't really care about looks...wait nvm I do. I don't want you looking like a damn hobo. PLEASE. T_T I used to like the bad boy look. But um, reminds me of an ex and I'm SOOOOOOOOO turned off...COMPLETELY. But I realized, if it was non-white Bad Boy, it's fine. Not white bad boy. Turn off. Not saying I don't like white guys, just not bad-boy white guys.
As for size...just be taller than me. Please. I kinda want a guy who can do bear hugs.

So get some meat on!
I like a guy w/ a really nice smile. Everyone has a great basically, someone who smiles a lot...orrrrr someone who don't smile much, but when around me, they smile.

I loveeeee smiles, if I haven't made that point across yet.
I am adoring his smile... T_____T
<3 It is love at first sight.
I don't know why, but I LOVE a guy's laugh. I love hearing them laugh (not at me T_T).
Smell...a nice smell would be nice. If you smell :\
If you're the thuggy manly type of guy on the outside, showing off how tough you are, don't try to be cute. You know, the cutesy shinhwa-playing-around type. At first I thought it was soooo cute, seeing Andy doing his heart dance and being so childish, adorable, baby-talk sorta. But um, experience w/ um my's a TOTAL TURN OFF. It's right next to the line disgust. T___T I guess because if you have that "thug" or "tough" act, but in private, you try to act cute, it's really disgusting. Sorry. ;p
However, if you are adorable by nature and not afraid to show it to other people, you're fine. ^____^
What do you look for in a mate, gf/bf, partner, etc.?
-Well groomed...
-No dyed hair...
-No huge ass visible tattoos...
-No excessive piercings...
-Funny...just able to make me laugh.
-Talkative...I'm not much of a talker, so it'd be nice to have a guy who can make conversations. ass is fine cuz I'm a smart ass myself. I like a guy who can feed me info. I usually process all the info you give me so it stays inside my head. I wish that's how it works in classrooms. -_-
-Open minded...
-Respect to elders
-Cares for my family
-Healthy...Please take care of yourself. You don't have to be built, or slim. Just don't be no couch potatoe
-Drug-free (GOSH)
-Non alcoholic

A few drinks here and there is fine...but every day? Or every week? No!
-Not too mooshy...I mean I like romantic stuff, but not EVERY SECOND. Once in a blue moon
I want someone who's stable financially, and emotionally.
I don't want no one who's lost. I'm lost myself, don't need a lost guy trying to find some light through me. It won't work. Most likely w/ my mouth, I'd shatter the dim light they have left hanging in their world.
I don't want drama like Liberty said. Little drama fine, but don't come crying to me every hour with something new. Come on drama king. -_- If there are thousands of shit going on with your life now, you don't need a freaking girlfriend to add more drama.
Someone who likes computers and/or cars. Since I'm a computer person, I figured they could fix my computer whenever something's wrong. For cars, it's the most useful. They could fix anything that's wrong w/ the car.
No plastic surgery. Unfortunetly, plastic genes don't pass on to the kids. So if the guy is looking freaking hot due to surgery, don't expect the kids growing up super hot without plastic surgery to help.
You guys might go "WTF???" with this next and I mean NO HARM OR OFFENSE...PLEASE T___T but non-Korean guys. Umm...I dont want to go into details.

As you probably notice all the pictures so far are Korean guys, but seriously, it's just for looks. LOL I wouldn't date one.
Gosh I'm HELLLLLAAA picky, but you'd probably see why....
Explain, why are you attracted to that type of person or trait?
Because, it makes life easier for both of us. HAHA Plus, my, she's picky too. She'll ALWAYS find something wrong w/ you. Always. Always! So I try to minimum the negatives to save my future hubby's face. She'll never shut up
Gosh I'm so picky. I know I'm not even good enough to have someone like the above. But hopefully after finding some goals and completing them, I'll feel like I deserve someone w/ the above traits.