What if the person you hated the most, died?

Muddie Murda

Okay, so you really really really really really really really really (repeat infinity) hate this one person. And you could never forgive them for what they've done. Because how can you forgive someone who don't think they did anything wrong right? :D So yeah, this person totally ruined your life and ruined your family...so on.

So one day, this person dies. Let's say by nature (not nature as in YOUR HANDS but by natural causes). How would you react? Would you be happy that this person's no longer here, so you can finally get your life in order and your family can finally live in peace? Or would you be sad that umm...who knows why. :p You can't really express your "happiness" by smiling at the funeral or people's going to think you murdered the idiot. So....yeah, haha :D how would you react?

Am I touching a sensitive area? lol Sorry. :D Just curious...^_^


I dont know if i would be sad, probably not. But I would feel relief.. not relief that he/she died but relief that I don't have to hate this person anymore. To carry on the hate even after he/she died is giving way too much importance to his/her memories.


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong

Yeah, Natty's right in this case. To hate the person even
after they're dead would be making them too important.

So people come and they go in your life, I think that's
okay. I mean, if that person that I hated a lot died by
natural causes, I'd feel bad. At first I'd be, "Ha, ha. You
deserved it!" But then again, I'd feel bad too. Because
even if I hated someone to the strongest extent, I still
wouldn't want them to die. I mean, if they died, I won't
have any fun hating them too, right? LOLs. ^__^

It'd probably affect me in some way or other, but not
badly, I don't think. But then again, I haven't hated
anyone to that extent before. I always hate someone
so much and then feel guilty about hating them because
they usually make me thing that I'm the one that's wrong.


Whenever I'm close to seriously disliking someone, I kind of just disappear from their life. I'm never really around someone I dislike long enough to hate them.

But IF I really hated someone and they died, eh... I don't think I would feel anything. I save my emotions for those I care about.

Muddie Murda

Good answers. :D Good answers!
I'd be confused and won't know how to act around people. I'd be relief of course, but how would I be around people? Fake crying? haha Or just keep a straight face? =|
I'm making myself sound like a murderer. haha

But yeah, shouldn't waste feelings on them once they're gone and you're free. :)


sarNie Fansubber
If the person I hated the most died, i wouldn't cry or be happy. I wouldn't even say "you deserve it", because we all die, no matter what we do, good or bad things. Plus i don't think i'm better than that person or worst to think that they deserve to die. We have all did bad things in our life no? there r bad ppl VS good ppl.

Honestly I've been wrong a lot of times and have done wrong too, and i will be like that in the future too. Sometimes we don't realize about the importance of things we do or say to people. I'm just human, so is that person. If i do something bad and i feel bad with that i would like to be forgiven too one day, even if that will be hard to do.

I dunno much about hatred, cos i've never really hated somebody in my life, maybe in the future, i dunno. Of course some ppl made something bad to me n my family and i still endure the after effects of their acts, but it's anger, but not hatred.
But if u ask me how i would react if i hated that person, i'm just gonna give an hypothesis then. I think i would just stop hating them when they die and only feel sorry for them, cos what they did made them die alone without nobody to cry for them.

The hatred disappears with the death, so there's no reason to hate him/her anymore. If i continue hating them, what's the purpose? Would i feel better? No. Would that have consequences on that dead person? No. They died so they cannot know what we r thinking or saying, khaow mai rub roo arai laew.

If i do something wrong, i would be forgiven someday, but i know that forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do, because you have to "fight" against yourself, fight against ur hatred, ur anger, ur pain due to what they did. You have to go beyond those feelings to forgive. Hating someone is an easier thing to do thatn forgiving. Forgiving is good, and not for the one i hated, but for myself. It's not good to live everyday with hatred, anger, it doesn't make me feel better. The past is the past, i cannot change it, but i can improve my future by thinking of more positive things n doing things that have more importance to me and my family and make us happy. Life is enough complicate...

Aiyaaah, sorry, i made u guys fall asleep hihihi...that was just my opinion, so i may be wrong.


sarNie Hatchling
throw a huge party and celebrate!... =)

hmmmmmm...good question...i don't know how i would feel...i make all these jokes to my family about throwing a huge party when a certain someone dies but in truth when that person dies i don't think i'll be happy, sad, or anything...maybe i'll be relieved that my life can now be a little easier and i don't have to always look over my shoulder to make sure that that certain someone isn't trying any crap to make my life miserable...that certain someone has occupied my life enough when they were alive...i don't want to give them the power to occupy my life when they're dead...that's giving them too much power over me by having any feelings towards their death...eh, i don't know what i'm talking about...hate is hard to get rid of even when that person is dead


Sarnie Clown!
I'd sneak into the cemetary at night so that I can dance on his or her grave. Then I'd laugh and say man...I'm glad you went before I did..but anyway homie, we'll continue our fight down in hell when I'm done up here too.


sarNie Adult
--- i think i would have pity for them and the changes they failed to make inside themselves to be loved in death and in life as we should all strive to be not forgotten... i know i am not perfect and to judge someone with hatred before i am judged is just to much of my life wasted on thoughts that only open other peoples hearts to hate me... and i know for all the wrong i have done in life there maybe people that hate me and for that i am sad... but when i die i only hope i can be forgiven as i forgive those that have done me wrong... love of ones self is a battle we all fight everyday and the choices we make and no one is worth hating because i feel it only makes us easier to be hated... so when they die i guess i will have pity on their soul for not being a better human and then i will wash them from my memory and learn to be better when i forgive them for the mistakes they have done... and i will move on...


sarNie Adult
I'd have a LAN party thrown at the house to celebrate the death of Muddie.

RNIP (Rest not in Peace) Muddie.


around other people. i won't smile of course <_<
i'll just ..frown i guess? i'll feel bad that we had to hate each other . and i'll feel bad that they had to be such a hateful person but i don't have a reason to hate them anymore cus they're dead anyways.. move on with my even better life now : D LOL jk. =/


sarNie Adult
well what they put me through i wouldnt care a single bit i have a hard heart! HAHA! as long as it was painful too cpz ughhh na i better not go any more lol coz soon ill be naming a few people loool not from s/w tho lol


Sticky Rice
Well if they did something really horrible than you know I might have the slightest bit of feeling sad but then I would just be like "who cares" if i hated that person that much and if they caused so much trouble and misery to me and my family I would be glad they are gone.


I wouldnt know what to say or react either.
WOuld be very disappointing that their beautiful life had ended.
peoples live and die.I guess,I will go to that person funeral and tell that person that i forgive him/she and smile and walk away.Forget about everything.Leave it all behind.