@Mew, if you don't mind telling, where are those tattoos on your bf's body? Hehe
I never actually think of what type of men I prefer but after 2009 or 2010 that was when out of nowhere, I just came up with a list of what I look for in a man.
Age - older
Same ethnicity (same accent)
Same religion
Profession - the profession I like
Healthy lifestyle - no smoking, no drinking & no gambling
Height - taller
Looks - alright but attractive in my eyes
Good upbringing, from a good family - very important
Socially involved - community group & religion group
Personality - very important, friendly, mature, likes children, humble, makes me laugh & etc, I could go on & on lol
Family comes first kind of person
Of all the guys I met, only 1 guy almost have everything on my list, it was his personality that make him fail terribly lol. The words extinction & nonexistent are words I think of when I read my list :coverlaf:. I don't think there will be a guy who will have everything on my list so I have made some changes, for example like age, profession & same accent from same ethnicity. Younger man is fine just as long as he is mature. Profession, not the one I like anymore :cry:, just any profession that he excels & happy with it to support his family. Same accent, very picky of me lol, but now I am happy if we have the same ethnicity lol.
P.s. Between us, I do want to be the younger & better looking one