yeah i was thinking the same,STEAM sounds better. yep miss his sweet words and cute expression he was to her.
Weir is just so cute/hot! and Pinky is beautiful.
miss them so much so wanna post their wallpapers.
from TKC, also very cute together in here.
arent't they just STEAMing hot!!!! Pinky is exquisitely beautiful and Weir is absolutely handsome!!! drooling.................... :blush:ok i see just want them to become parents. i agree. but i want to see a lot of sweet cute scenes of them like their pass two lakorns too. and it's cute both lakorns of them i notice Weir would give Pinky like a cute nickname. in TKC he would call her "Tua Lek" when actually her name is just "Lek". and in WWHJ he would call her "Tee Ruk" which became a popular nickname that everyone loves and remember in this lakorn and when mention "Tee Ruk" everyone would know it's WWHJ. and also you guys may not know. but Bow also gave Thot a nickname that became popular that the scrip writers added this word in the end ep. which was "Ai Rohk Jit" (mean crazy) which he so live up to this name when he kidnap her to torture. did you guys notice she kept saying "Ai Rohk Jit" the part he said "rape me.. go ahead". this part was added to please the fans who like it when she call him "Ai Rohk Jit" which i think was cute. even though the word may sound harsh but the way she saids it was cute. beside Thot that gave her a cute nickname, other characters does too, Chai would call her "Nong Bpia", and cute this one scene Thot would call her "Khun Bpia Dury" when talk to Chai asking where she was. Poong call her "Nang Fah" and the workers in his farm call her "Nai Ying" cause she was his wife and they call him "Nai". and the fans watching this lakorn would call her "Nong Bow" or "Nu Bow" or "Khun Bow" and would call him: Khun Thot, Nai Hua, Nai Thot, or P'Thot. which i think is cute.
credit on pic, Pinky look so cute!
Pinky look so beautiful, like a true Indian woman, love the outfit so cute.
credit Weir looks hot!
totally agree. they're one hot Steaming perfect couple! match made from heaven, on screen sweethearts!cikna said:
arent't they just STEAMing hot!!!! Pinky is exquisitely beautiful and Weir is absolutely handsome!!! drooling....................
lol your funny but i wanna do the same haha, me either just can't enough of Weir. drooling. :wub: hot hot guy! don't mention pancake everytime i see him with her or heard him mention her name is such a big turn off for me. <_< if he's single he would be much more hotter. but he's hot already but without her he would be triple hotter.Cecilia saids:
^oh gosh, he makes me wanna run into that bathroom and hug him from behind .. or in this case, BOW RUSH TO TOR'S SIDE for comfort ^^ HE'S SO HANDSOME. i can't get enough of him, wish ther'es more better of single shoot of him -- such that he have to flaunt around with Pan most of the time, can't he just give the fans a FULLHOUSE full of pictures of him once? LOl
Teedee, so cute how you notice all those small things. i realize that you love them more than SBS pair. I love them more than SBS b/c i can't get over their cuteness toward each other. their chemistry are just SIZZLING HOT !!!
you mean his smoking right? yeah he should quit it's so not good for him. totally agree Weir look mature, look his age. i just have a thing for tall guys. lol.. cause they look manly to me. yeah aof,win,cee look too kidish doesn't match with Pinky. Weir is the perfect match for her. yep like he always mention the jamikorn family which is annoying like can't he stop for 1 min. and not mention them. he need to pull himself away from them and go hang out with his other peeps. this may sound harsh but seem like he doesn't have a life beside following and being with this family all the time. it's like he's with them 24/7 (when he doesn't film his lakorns)that make people think he lives with this family already. which is sad i think. i get he want to be with his gf but come on not all the time. especially they always go in public together like showing off just makes it worse and annoying. like promoting themselves too much. not necessary have to flaunt their relationship in front of people,the public and the media too much. i agree pancake does look mature for him. she looks older and personality wise she look more serious while Weir is more playful, i think his personality is like Pinky they are both playful that's why they seem to get close easily and comfortable with eachother. and i think the jamikorn family is like a lech that suck to him too, like everywhere he goes they follow him too. like he goes and record a song in the studio pancake's sister follows him, he goes to the event her dad follows him, when their light bulb die in their house they call him up to come fix it, her mom and brother goes and look at them shooting a magazine together. she constantly calling him up even while he's filming lakorns, she's mad at him for not calling her often. so can't only just blame him cause this family is like glue to him too. it's like they want their daughter to hook up with Weir so bad, cause look like they take too much care over him. and pancake herself is scare of losing weir. of course cause he's a good looking guy, famous and has nice personality and a tall guy so how can she find a perfect guy like this, it may sound harsh but that's how i feel. like the whole family is scare of losing him so they have to be glue to him all the time. as for pancake herself alone i don't like. she doesn't attract me. her looks and acting is just bland, she does't have charm. she's just a average looking girl to me. don't get why many people are crazy over her. no offense to her fans though.cecilia
MUAHAHA. just when you mention SMOKING HOT, it remind me of Weir. He should really quite it for GOOD!!!
I think they are match in heaven too .. everything seem perfect for them -- he looks mature for her and at the same time, comforting -- i like aof in sbs with pinky but he's so babish looking compare to Weir. that's another reason why i'm not into Win too b/c he's babish, same for Cee Lol ..i guess, i prefer man who look mature and seem their age when next to heir sizzling hot n'ek. The thing about Pan is that she seem a little mature for Weir -- that's why i'm a bit turn off at times. I like it when she's by herself -- would really appreciate it if Weir could just untangle himself at time without having anything to do or talk about the JAMIKORN family.
I totally agree with you. As much as I liked SBS, Aof was short and yes, baby looking. Same for Win as well. Win looks like he's still in high school. Cee, he's a nobody. LOL. jk. I don't really care for Cee. Weir has a babyface, but then he also has that sexy, manly look as well, so therefore he's more suitable. Plus, he's tall! That's what I love about Weir, is that he's tall. Remember when I was talking about that whole thing with Pinky not being able to wear heels in her dramas otherwise she'd be taller than her pra'ek. Because all her previous co-stars were short. So in WWHJ, she could wear heels and look sexy because Weir was tall, and I love that!MUAHAHA. just when you mention SMOKING HOT, it remind me of Weir. He should really quite it for GOOD!!!
I think they are match in heaven too .. everything seem perfect for them -- he looks mature for her and at the same time, comforting -- i like aof in sbs with pinky but he's so babish looking compare to Weir. that's another reason why i'm not into Win too b/c he's babish, same for Cee Lol ..i guess, i prefer man who look mature and seem their age when next to heir sizzling hot n'ek. The thing about Pan is that she seem a little mature for Weir -- that's why i'm a bit turn off at times. I like it when she's by herself -- would really appreciate it if Weir could just untangle himself at time without having anything to do or talk about the JAMIKORN family.
He looks hot here...Ceci...doesn't that pic on the right remind you of the move that 2PM does in I Hate You? Isn't it also the Rainism move?
I loved this scene in the last episode...Thot is such a baby, so cute, saying how he missed Bow and was adorable...because he's usually so rough with her, but in that scene, he was completely melting in her hands.