I actually didn't like Au in Yor Praklin. I didn't think she was pretty in anything else either, except for Pratinavong. But, she is pretty..however cartoon, aom, and yam are cute.
Guess I'm the opposite 'cus I liked Au best in Yord Praklin. She looked better in boran clothing when she had bigger cheeks. Out of all her movies I actually think she looks the least pretty in Pratinavong, though she's still prettier than Cartoon, in my opinion. I think it's her hair and the clothing that makes her not as pretty in that movie. Maybe it's her curly hair or something...because I thought she looked way better in Yord Praklin and Bua Kaew when she had straight hair.
Yup, I agree that Yam, Aom, and Cartoon all are the cute type. I dunno, I guess I just prefer beautiful-type actresses(Sinee, Biyada, Au, Bee) over cute ones like Yam, Aom, and Cartoon when it comes to Boran lakorns. These gals look good too, but only in a cute boy-ish way because they don't have that graceful look to them like Au does, probably because Au has softer features face-wise. Just my opinion, so no offense intended to fans of Yam, Aom, or Cartoon.