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I need a slap/kiss for MintC =)))
it will be something new for MintC. i laugh when i read about James Ma is the VIP for MintC because he is the only praek that get to kiss MintC
@BeLLa lol That’s sad. Hopefully she starts opening up more in terms of kiss scenes. It’s a bummer she never had one with Mario. I think Toey will be the next p’ek of hers that will be able to kiss her lol
I just realized that my n'ek bias hardly did the real kiss. First was Aff, now is MintC =))))
help!please translate!
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I want to plead with the mirror, to cast a spell and make me beautiful (like 'her' /'them') would that be possible?
Is this really a man who truly loved... *music cuts off*
Rest In Peace to Kobe Bryant and his young daughter Gianna Bryant :crybaby2:Gone too soon! My heart and prayers go out to their family in this time of mourning.
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It’s very sad. This is so shocking to the world. Gone so soon. RIP Kobe Bryant, his daughter and to the people in the helicopter.
It was just earlier in the day that I was watching a video about him vouching for the WNBA. So so shocking and sad. :(
I'm crying my eyes out. I grew up watching him. Always been a Laker fan my whole life. This hurt so much.
When your head is full of ideas and they just keep on coming like your life depended on it, it's really hard to finish one thing before starting on another. That's why I never finish any of my writing.
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Oh man, this happens to me 2, but it’s more like life events I gotta take care of. I’m thankful I have my phone cuz then I can jot down things on my notes app... it’s neat cuz I can use the search option in Notes too. It’s a life saver for me. If my notes got deleted, I would Cry tbh.:eek:
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He is so handsome may I be honest.
He sure is handsome :love::love::love: He’s a bit too young for me, but man! wouldn’t mind being a cougar for some of his luvin’ lolllll hehe:naughty2::aaaaa:
LOL. He's four years younger than me so it's fine with me. I don't mind anyone five years younger or older than me, but if it's more than that I would stay away. Haha
you know your life is a drama see your crush after seven years and he's engaged.
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Seems like everyone is having drama moments in their lifes.
I always thought that n’eks were always so dramatic in lakorns when they would sprain their ankles, fall to the floor, and need help from p’ek to stand back up but now after I sprained mine, I understand their pain :risas3:
Hope you feel better soon. :icon12:
3 weeks ago, I thought I sprained my ankle. I went to the doctor cause the swelling worsen. The doc was like you walked on foot like that for 3 days. He was like, you getting an xray... confirmed as a fracture foot. So here I am with a cast on. I am dying to get it off! But I have to wear it for another 2 weeks! But to be fair, my pain tolerance is pretty high.
I really love them! They're my new fav. I like seeing them interact. It's hilarious and fin at the same time. I don't mind whether they're friends or more, I just hope they stay dorky like that together.
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@x0unerthanlater Usually I hate when koojins act extra to get attention but I feel like these two honestly like messing with each other. The extraness works for them weirdly! I think all their fans know they don’t like each other in that way and will probably never be together but we all enjoy seeing them interact anyways since they have such nice chemistry with one another.
It use to be like that for Bargie too. They were my absolute favorite back then. For some reason, Boy makes a really great guy friend, lol :risas3:
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What was your favorite lakorn of 2019? And the one you were most disappointed in? My fave was a tie between Hua Jai Sila and Kao Waan Hai Noo Bpen Sai Lab! I enjoy both of them more than I ever thought I would. As for my most disappointed in, definitely goes to My Love From Another Star :(
I have a lot of favorites but most of them are either evening or from GMM. Lately I haven't been getting pulled in by a lot of CH 3, 7, or OneHD. A lot of Prime time lakorn aren't just as good anymore.
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Omgg yes krong kam was good too.. no regret starting it when it almost finished airing
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@Bieluvr Evening lakorns are definitely most of the time better than prime time lakorn these days lol They even do better in ratings too! GMM has always been good too with their storylines compared to the other channels.
Knowingly and secretly naming your child the name of an ex? That is not cool.
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Woah! Naming a sibling after someone you once loved!! What are ppl thinking ! Ugh I wonder why do ppl do it? Maybe cuz it brings back memories and there’s a feeling of sadness and yearning.. Still, I think it’s wrong and unfair.
That's psychotic. I won't ever be naming none of my kids with even the letter of any exes. Ppl who do that have attachment issues. It's plain weird.
The Sound Of Desert ost is still one of my favorites songs to listen to!
Loved this Cdrama. It was indeed a very good one. :love::icon12:
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For me, it’s hard to find a really good Cdrama I like. This one became one of my favorites because of Wuji :love: and the ost.
One day,
When I wake up @ 3am unable to sleep,
I will look next to me
& you will be there. Sleeping peacefully beside
me and suddenly, the world won’t seem so lonely.
okay, I don't know tell me is it bad that I don't do my homework (reading my textbooks) but then I read at least 3 long novels a week..?
Dang, if I dressed up like Millie Bobby Brown at the SAG awards when I was 15, my mom would have a fit. That's a lot of cleavage showing for a 15 year old.
This girl's growing up so fast!
Yea it was a pretty inappropriate outfit. She just needs to wait 3 more years and she can wear whatever she wants!
@Koy123 Yeah I’m pretty sure all these A-listers both male and female have done at least one thing to their faces whether they admit it or not. It’s not a bad thing but it’s stupid when they deny it lol Like everyone knows you look different. Mew admitted to getting her eyes done and Taew recently admitted to getting her lips done. Mint seems to have done something to her nose!
PS is the norms in ET now. Wherever they do, just don’t go overboard like Ice. Her face is just pure PS and look bad imo.
Yes I think Ice has done way too much but I think it stems from very bad insecurities as well as just becoming addicted to it like Park Bom has.
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Omg Ice!!!! What did you do to your face!!! TTT___TTT Can I please ignore what I’m seeing and go back to her days with Sunny?? T_T
Noooo it’s so sad :( So sad that she couldn’t see her own beauty
She reminds me of Park Bom. Constantly changing her face :( The poor girl needs someone there to stop her. It’s an actual problem if she’s gone this far. Clearly very insecure with herself and being an actress doesn’t help since people can be very harsh about your looks online.
Yes I thought of Park Bom too :( If I was their friend, I would slap them and be like GIRL! Get a hold of yourself!
If Ice doesn't stop now, it's only going to get even worse. T_T There's no turning back now.
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Yang Zi is OVERRATED ! I said it
Honestly speaking, I don't find the cute/innocent acting any Asian actress does. Cringe as heck.
Rose she was quite popular when she debuted. And her popularity grew as she took on main roles. She is consider one of the born in the 90s four dan. Her voice is annoying too lol
The one I like now is Xuan Lu. She got the whole package !
I like Kwan, but why is she still wearing fake nails like it’s 2007? And why does her face look so much more plastic now?
LOL FR. She looks like she got botox done...? Her face be looking hecka stiff and oily these days. LOL
Used to be one of the prettiest :-(
She was soooooo cuute during the DDH days. Even the era of KwanWin days. Now, she looks way older than she actually is and her face is stiff most of the time. She was my fav. once upon a time but after a lot of her scandals, I just can't with her.
Two Mario Maurer lakorns coming to the Philippines via GMA-7. Madam Dun and Bunlang Dok Mai ♥
