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There are news that quarantine extension might be extended to another 15 days. I might go insane.
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I think it's going to be at least until May for us. :BangHead:
How about 3 to 6 months. We arent even in an official complete lockdown yet.
So interesting that China is apparently almost back to normal, selling massive amounts of masks and apps like TikTok have become so popular :)
China is the only country that can mass produce such a large quantity in a short period of time . I read lots of factory across China are opening up and making mask now b/c there a huge demand for it.
Yup and that seems very weird to me
People: oh my gosh, this xyz lakorn is sooo good. The best drama of the year.
Me: to each their own but that lakorn was trash.
Maybe I’ve just watched too many dang lakorns for the past decades so I’m super picky now. lol
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I am one of the few that never finished or enjoy The remake of Kluen Cheewit because the acting was week. BPS was a fun and stress fee lakorn.
HJS had potential in the beginning but I thought it went downhill halfway. The ending was cute tho. I never watched BPS, so I can't make a cmt on it. Personally, I didn't like KC. I thought the 1st episodes+ had potential too but the rest was BLEH for me. I thought the route they took in the drama was just soo.."wth just happened?" Haha But everyone likes something for diff reasons so, again, to each their own. LOL
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@roselovesice KC made me love Yaya and Mark chemistry and Yaya acting/character. The pairing of a strong but vulnerable grey beauty with a young justice-driven lawyer. Cdramas lack pairings like this.
Dung Duang Haruthai ratings have gone down to a 1.7. That's gotta hurt.
LOL, I couldn't help but watch a little of it. Dislike the clothes....No to the clothes...why can't they just stick to Thai clothes? Thai clothes are so pretty!
It's so freaking boring! At least the romance could have held the lakorn up but even that is non-existent here.
Tik really believed he could play a character a younger Weir acted ages ago. Guy is too delulu
My country has the most incomptent, corrupt, selfish and trash government. I can't take this!!!
Lol everywhere is. It's all bout money and power
Anyone going to start writing fanfics again???
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Most of us are probably silent readers.. im guilty. Now that people must try stay at home will need to find things to do.... so im hoping the fanfic section would at less have a few fanfics to entertain me here and there... theres so many good abandoned one because life probably got really busy.
And i thought i should start reading again to keep my mind busy
I mean I wouldn't mind posting my fics here again, but they're mostly kpop related now-a-days so if anyone's interested, I would.
Smh at celebs promoting/selling sanitizer brands right now
:risas3: :risas3: :risas3: no work. Need money to buy experience goods and services.
Ughhh clearly! They only care about themselves!
Just finished Itaewon Class! One of the few Kdrama that doesn’t have a whole lot of kissing but I love!
what’s great about this series is that it was never boring, all the scenes were great. The main leads are Hot & beautiful and their chemistry off the chart together. And it’s funny too.
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Yay, I found some English subs for WWWSK! Going to finish when I have free time! I also need to finish Goblin!
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Yea! I need to watch Goblin you heard that’s a good one too. But been told it’s a tear jerker too haha.... but I think I may want to watch “Fight your way” cuz PSY is shirtless a lot in there haha
OMG these new generation Kpop fans being overprotective, offended by everything, making everything a big deal. You are toxic.
Literally can’t the fans anymore. It’s why I’m not as into Kpop anymore sadly.
Like seriously. I am a fan since the 2nd gen era and no issues like this before. They "protect" their idols as if they own them. They turn away new fans or accusing them as using their idols for clout or just a bandwagon. Close-minded brats. They also keep on misinterpreting everything. They don't use their brains properly.
Hahahaha nothing new really this is why i got over kpop for years already:risas3: some people just overboard unhealthy obsessed.
You don't ever mess with my brother!!! It is legit that females can hurt males too!!! I'm gonna slap you hard!!
Omg, I’m losing track of time! Waking up wondering what day is it. It’s Friday??! Lol
Helping my sister find a new place and i just found one the same freaking street where my crush lives. :risas3: :risas3: :risas3: :risas3: :facepalm: :fighting3::fighting3::fighting3::fighting3:
Lol we live locally not far from each other. I had a discussion with another coworker about differences in our pay so he showed me his pay document and i noticed his address. I wasnt meant to know his full name and address but things happened and I found out those information about him which he didnt share intentionally... he kept teasing that i was stalking him.
it's fate I say. lol. it'd be nice if it was your house instead.
If its really meant to be, fate or destiny will bring us back again.
I'm glad i found this drama, really enjoy it during this hard time.
Isn’t that a remake of Ka Neung Ha? They ruin that remake! Pat/Ning’s version was one my all time favorite and this remake was bad imo. They made it dramatic
I dont know if this was a remake or not.
It is a remake
Happy 50th Anniversary CH3! More quality lakorns and hope all artists will be given a chance to shine!
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We can only keep dreaming because they have favourites that make big money.
I miss eating out at restaurants so much and it has only been 2 weeks.
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Do they not allow you to order to go? I have been ordering so much. Too lazy to go out shopping for grocery. Lines are always long and there are not much to choose from. I wanted some pasta but it has been difficult to find pasta. And too lazy to make them from scratch.
Here in the Philippines food establishments are only open for take out and delivery and only one person per household (my dad does the grocery and everything) is allowed to go out of the house with a quarantine pass.
Wow you guys have passes. I am an essential worker, all my siblings are! Luckily for one, she is on maternally leave since December. I am scared for her, she is almost due. Just 3 more weeks until my baby niece arrive.
Ever since this quarantine was implemented I was forced to stay at home. The effect? I felt suffocated and found myself breaking down every now and then. Thoughts of how my ex left me kept haunting me.
A risk i often thought about... but im not working with him anymore and if its meant to be we might meet again... In freaking 2014 we were studying at the same college but different courses. I was volunteering at his workplace for 3 and a half days per week since july last year and then something happen so i was working full time with him for 5 weeks because a staff was on leave and my contract ended in nov
Thats why my friends think its destiny because of everything that happened during the time we were working together. We had so many moments we looked at each other and walked off in different directions. And he kept teasing and bullying me whenever i was ignoring him and trying to work.
My friends got mad that i refused his offer to drive me to the bus stop twice.:facepalm::risas3: