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I was thinking oh pear and champ should pair up and remembered they did in krong karm. :risas3::facepalm:
Aahh Doctor John... So good. Just so good! ❤
I'm in love with that show
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I hope it's a happy ending tho but...I kind of doubt it. Too much foreshadowing , rat, I have to prepare my heart for the worst.
“War is not something I’m fond of, but I am patriotic.” What a stupid excuse to promote warfare against another country. Lost a lot of respect for this so called “UNICEF peace ambassador”! I used to think she was smart but wow was I wrong.
was it really suicide or something else?? a lot of dirty bastards are rejoicing. karma do your job!
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Jeffery Epstein ?? Whoever that was involved will get their karma.
Like they say "the dead couldn't talk." If many rich & powerful men weren't his friends then he wouldn't be dead. They will get bad karma whether in this lifetime or not, bad karma will get them. No gods or goddesses could save them.
It was murder... How can someone be on suicide watch be killed with nothing in their cell. Also how did the report come out so fast with no investigation or nothing. This is another watergate again in American history.
I’m on a diet right now and I’m sooo jealous of all my friends that are posting pictures of good food T_T
Thanks girl <3
After a week of eating healthier, it’s become a lot easier to ignore junk food. The first few days were a struggle!!
Me: *Watching Ashes of Love for the millionth time*
My niece: *Bawling her eyes out" It's just so sad!
I tried to convince her the past 1 year and 6 days to ship DL & YZ, and AOL overall. I guess I finally got her. She ships them so hard now. LOL
I have a feeling a lot more celebs are gonna participate in 10fight10 season 2 if they do make one since it was such a big hit.
I'm still kicking, just like a roach on it's back with all 4 legs bicycling.
Lol. Glad you’re still kicking Sarn
@x0unerthanlater yep there was no interaction at all between them which is not like them at all. That basically confirmed everyone’s suspicions. There’s still not any interactions between them so I’m taking Chippy’s comment with a grain of salt lol. I hope she’s right!
True. Maybe Chip isn't in the know yet... I hope they could make up though. They are so cute together.
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I feel like Pat and Peach are done but maybe Peach is trying to hang on. Well we will know soon enough.
Am I the only one who respects how professional Mark and Kimmy are when it comes to love and kiss scenes in lakorns? I remember in Kom Faek, there was a scene where Pear kissed Mark on the lips and Kimmy was watching. That’s when I realized how professional they were and they don’t let their relationship in real life interfere with their on screen work. I wish other celeb couples would learn a thing or two from them.
@kpopwarehouse Yep. They’ve grown into real adults together now so they know better. At least I hope. I do wish they stay together as well since they seem genuinely happy together.
I said this many time but it's their professionalism that made me a fan. I was so anti at first but i saw how they grown, how they carried themselves, how respectful they are of one another's career, and especially how open they are with each other that made me a total fc.
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@KitKat516 Yess! It’s so funny how I’ve grown to like these two cause I literally couldn’t stand them when I first came into the lakorn world! Mark I grew to like faster and I took some time to start liking Kimmy. Now I kind of like Kimmy and am looking forward to seeing her new lakorns. Want to see her with Great! He deserves an good and experienced n’ek with some star power.