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Klin Kasalong ratings can't get past 3 wow
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Is it that bad that even Yaya and Jamesma cant save it??
Tubtim needs to show Yaya how one play a character like SongPeep. Plus she has 0 chemistry with James Ma. Guy hardly have chemistry with his leading ladies. They need to get him to act with actresses that are also not popular but effective
They're going to break 4 soon. Latest epi got a 3.9, the fcs are going to start bragging soon lol.
I’ve been single all my life and never cared but I suddenly want a partner so bad. Looking into renting a boyfriend guys XD
can't even buy a freaking book shelf without criticisms. so tired of this hole. I need to move out asap.
Anyone else from SoCal feel that earthquake? It was pretty big! 6.6 an hour away from my house. My whole house was shaking for like a good 35 seconds! I was scared that it was gonna be the big earthquake that supposed to hit California lol
Hopefully it won't lead to a bigger one in the coming days. I feel like we're in the beginning part of a movie lol.
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@KitKat516 Thats exactly how I feel lol I feel like this is the calm before the storm :crybaby2: I’m really hoping and praying this was the biggest one and everything else will be smaller. I remember reading an article yesterday that said there was a 1 in 20 chance of another bigger earthquake happening in the next few days and it ended up happening. How unlucky we all are lol
I hope this is the last earthquake we have cus I’m already shaken up. It is scary for us Californians.
Happy 4th of July...lots of food and fireworks :)
Same to you! Enjoy time with your family, friends, and of course don’t forget to stuff yourself with some good food!!
Apparently, it’s the biggest earthquake to have hit in SoCal in 20 years.
@SuzieJ I saw an article about it but didn't get to read it all the way through. Was it something like 6.4? Hopefully no one got seriously hurt
Finally watched the new Spider-Man movie and loved every second of it. Super funny, cute and good action scenes. Now I don't know what to do with the extra scene shown. My poor baby.
Peaky Blinders is such a good show!! To anyone who hasn’t watched it, do yourself a favor and watch it. Cast, story, and execution is just amazing. Plus the biggest bonus of all is Cillian Murphy and his amazing blue eyes :love:
It was sorta scary, I was shaking. We hadn’t had this in a long time.
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@Koy123 yeah my heart was pounding and I felt dizzy afterwards. I’ve never felt a super strong earthquake like these ones in my life. I’m scared to sleep now lol
Ig is down. I spending too much time on there now:risas3::risas3::risas3::facepalm::icon12:
Is Great new drama really that bad? There are no live report on pantip. Usually every drama have live report each episode
Dont know but as a huge fan of Great, I'm not watching it :(
Hmmm this trailer for TureTV starring Pancake and Hunz(I think that’s his name) look good.
Oh really? Not a good storyline?
@KitKat516 , I just saw the first episode. It’s nothing like the trailer presented. Lol, the storyline is weird. Omg, there’re so many lakorns airing at the same time.
Yeah i was all expecting a more action like lakorn.
Just ordered so much junk food!! Ughhh I'm so bad lol
lucky i'm on a diet :-/... have my friends wedding coming up.
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@alissaax Girl same...McDonald's is life <3 and death lmao
@LyLy that's good motivation! I've been off school for a bit and I've been treating myself waaaaay too much lol
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I was avoiding it for a while but recently having it too often!:facepalm:
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Ironic how CH7 lakorns get higher ratings compared to other channels but does not upload full episodes or livestream is exclusive to Thai people. How greedy.
Chippy just said on her ig live that her next lakorn is gonna be with Alek Teeradetch in Mia Jum Pen !!