Yeah i think JJ is the tallest out of Great/Mark/Boy/Jma but i think Bomb is the tallest of the 4Seriously girl 6’7 is like goodness your family members are like giants!!!
He could be 5’11 and a half ( like KitKat used 5.3 n a half ) lolol
Jma/Mark/Boy/Great are all in the tall category. Jj is taller 6’2??
I like p’ek in 5’11-6’1 range. Too tall isnt all that good if p’ek face is hideous (ex bomb) lol Nadech/Mario are okay heights.
Mews best performance in my honest opinion was RN. She blew my mind in there, compared to all her other series I’ve watched. She was strong as ML. She was impressive to me.