❤️ Various ET News


sarNie OldFart
I'm back reading on Twitter. Hahahhahaha! Matt is getting roasted. She could have avoided this but you know what they say.....hahah.
And it probably didnt help that it was widely reported that Matt's fans attacked Aff on her ig for not "protecting" Matt in her interviews. They blamed Aff for the rumors expanding and spreading.

So now it turned out the rumors were true and it was right for Aff not to say anything.


sarNie Adult
More Mint bashing:

Quote: matchmaker? Beware of Karma catching up

Quote: such a good liar

Quote: the star of a hundred gang

Quote: ha! My turn now; (speaking as if she's mint) oh my friend is going to be a madamn now. Chali (short for chalida) the pretender, oh sweetheart you did it! You did a fine job, miss 100 gang. For those diehard fans who are going to start bashing me, its ok i totally understand because i used to be those type of fans but not anymore. What kind of person is she, has such thick face. She shoukd had known better and caution her friend or help her find a better solution. Just because you're in the same gang doesn't mean you put her on a silver platter for your bf's brother or encourage her to break up with her bf. What kind of gang is this? Take some strawberries, seems like you love to eat them
(Oh man this brat, so want to smack her)
Idk if i was involved with someone like SK who was already going through a high profile divorce, i doubt i'd want to tell any of my friends.

I feel bad for Mint. But can someone explain this gang thing people keep talking about? Is it Mint, Toey, Mew, Taew, and Toey gang? Or the ganglom gang bc mark and kim was mentioned?

Songkran helping ruin Matt's image ontop of her ruining it herself. He's all smiles and talking with the press.

Like if i was going deny and lie... i'd lie like the korean dating industry. Lie until the end screen if it's not the truth. All these idols saying they're just associates, senior junior relationships, and etc. I'd keep bullshitting until the end .

Or i'd be thick face like Janie and make everything public and carrying on even though they hate me, at least they know i ain't hiding


sarNie OldFart
Idk if i was involved with someone like SK who was already going through a high profile divorce, i doubt i'd want to tell any of my friends.

I feel bad for Mint. But can someone explain this gang thing people keep talking about? Is it Mint, Toey, Mew, Taew, and Toey gang? Or the ganglom gang bc mark and kim was mentioned?

Songkran helping ruin Matt's image ontop of her ruining it herself. He's all smiles and talking with the press.

Like if i was going deny and lie... i'd lie like the korean dating industry. Lie until the end screen if it's not the truth. All these idols saying they're just associates, senior junior relationships, and etc. I'd keep bullshitting until the end .

Or i'd be thick face like Janie and make everything public and carrying on even though they hate me, at least they know i ain't hiding
Yes they are talking about the Furby gang which has Taew,Toey,Matt,Mew,Mint. Kim and Mark was mention because Mint used to be in the gang Lom. As for calling her 100 gang is because she has a lot of different groups of friends, Lom, Furby, Mai, and Margie with her husband/Geung/Puppah and so on.


sarNie OldFart
All these people bashing mint need to get off her case. Who know if she introduced Matt and Songkran to each other but I don’t think she did it to intentionally hook up Matt and songkran. Matt is a grown ass woman who knows right from wrong. Ugh I’m pissed cause mint has already been through a lot in her career and has been relatively drama free for quite some time but now people are dragging her into this Matt and Songkran bullsh*t ! Does Matt not have a brain?? I’m pretty sure she knew the consequences of what would happen if she started dating this guy! It’s pretty obvious people would drag Mint to hell and back if they found out they were dating because she’s the common denominator between the two! Aff is Thailand’s sweetheart and mint already has a lot of antis!
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sarNie OldFart
Idk if i was involved with someone like SK who was already going through a high profile divorce, i doubt i'd want to tell any of my friends.

I feel bad for Mint. But can someone explain this gang thing people keep talking about? Is it Mint, Toey, Mew, Taew, and Toey gang? Or the ganglom gang bc mark and kim was mentioned?

Songkran helping ruin Matt's image ontop of her ruining it herself. He's all smiles and talking with the press.

Like if i was going deny and lie... i'd lie like the korean dating industry. Lie until the end screen if it's not the truth. All these idols saying they're just associates, senior junior relationships, and etc. I'd keep bullshitting until the end .

Or i'd be thick face like Janie and make everything public and carrying on even though they hate me, at least they know i ain't hiding
I don't believe that the gang doesn't know about Songkran and Matt. They probably know but just let her do her thing. They also know the reason behind the breakup of the ex too. But the gang knows how to keep a secret. Which in this particular situation is hurting all of them.

Korean celebrities are a pro about hiding relationships. Thai celebrities are more open to their fans and more open to having unnecessary dramas lol.

Janie has a talent of playing victim though. I am not fan of hers but she is just too good at creating humiliation into something good for her. She should teach a class to the next generation.

Songkran needs to spread his wings he is too focused on channel 3 n'eks. And those that gets tangled with him meets a shorter fate in their career. Pinky, Aff and now Matt. His track record is horrible and any girl should not walk but run away from him. Unfortunately, money speaks loud in the industry or else these n'eks would not settle for them fugly hi-so just so they can maintain what they are accustomed to.


Just staring into those eyes, warms my heart. ♡
Honestly i dont really care anymore. I was disappointed with aff for choosing him. And look what happened.....
So whatever happens its because of their own decisions.....


Trapped in MueyxTian's World! ❤️
I think a bigger concern here is how nasty the people are gonna be to Matt despite wh
Yes they are talking about the Furby gang which has Taew,Toey,Matt,Mew,Mint. Kim and Mark was mention because Mint used to be in the gang Lom. As for calling her 100 gang is because she has a lot of different groups of friends, Lom, Furby, Mai, and Margie with her husband/Geung/Puppah and so on.
Lol at the “girl of 100 gang.”


This is so bad! This “scandal” is probably going to be one of the worst ones after/similar to the Mark/Mint/Mint’s mom scandal. Oh gosh, what a nightmare.

It’s too awful. I just hope there’s no haters throwing food at Matt on her press con/event day. Seriously, I can feel people enraging and preparing to throw food at her, or something. It’s been one of my biggest fears......lately... Dara’s getting food thrown at them.


I think a bigger concern here is how nasty the people are gonna be to Matt despite wh

Lol at the “girl of 100 gang.”


This is so bad! This “scandal” is probably going to be one of the worst ones after/similar to the Mark/Mint/Mint’s mom scandal. Oh gosh, what a nightmare.

It’s too awful. I just hope there’s no haters throwing food at Matt on her press con/event day. Seriously, I can feel people enraging and preparing to throw food at her, or something. It’s been one of my biggest fears......lately... Dara’s getting food thrown at them.
Wait what? That’s not good. Oh my! No food thrown please!


`my dragon's blood is blue`
Janie is still relevant because she's a pro. She's been in the industry for a verrrrry long time. She has lots of connections in the media and she's always been nice to them. She has them in her palm. (Pulling up a reference using Ploy) Remember during Ploy's heyday, she was so popular, getting lakorns left and right. During that time, Janie was laying low *possibly dating a hi-so*. But then, as Ploy was at her peak moments she started being very rude to the media. Calling them out and making them into a joke. Well, we all know how that ended. Janie on the other hand plays coy and bats her lashes at the media. They like her and keep her in the limelight even though she's wrapped up in scandals every few months.

The only way Matt will save her self here, is to play innocent till the end. If she so much as rolls her eyes at the media, they are going to harp down on her like a pack of vultures.


sarNie OldFart


sarNie OldFart
Oh no that show was since August lol.

Some medias are warning or more like advising Matt to be calm when answering the media on the 7th, to not be like how she was when she replied to those people on her ig.
Oh I see. Thanks! Oh damn, do they have ratings on ch3 tv news, cus I want to see the ratings on that when the press comes on. Lol.
I’m very scared for Matt on the 7th when she has that presscon.


sarNie OldFart
Oh no that show was since August lol.

Some medias are warning or more like advising Matt to be calm when answering the media on the 7th, to not be like how she was when she replied to those people on her ig.
Yeah Matt better keep herself in check. I get second hand embarrassment for her when I think of those dumb ig comments she made. Made herself look b*tchy and rude


Trapped in MueyxTian's World! ❤️
Wait what? That’s not good. Oh my! No food thrown please!
It’s just an intuitive feeling ...it’s what I don’t want to see happen. People in Thailand seem to really hate on cheaters or scandalous people or husband stealing women, so they always speak so harshly or cruelly about them.... that sometimes I couldn’t help picturing them throwing food at them lol


Oh no that show was since August lol.

Some medias are warning or more like advising Matt to be calm when answering the media on the 7th, to not be like how she was when she replied to those people on her ig.
Yea, she’s def has to be more calm and play nice with the media, cuz at this point the media is ready to twist and turn her in every direction too if she messed up.


`my dragon's blood is blue`
It’s just an intuitive feeling ...it’s what I don’t want to see happen. People in Thailand seem to really hate on cheaters or scandalous people or husband stealing women, so they always speak so harshly or cruelly about them.... that sometimes I couldn’t help picturing them throwing food at them lol


Yea, she’s def has to be more calm and play nice with the media, cuz at this point the media is ready to twist and turn her in every direction too if she messed up.
Thailand is mostly Buddhist. Cheaters are very frowned upon in society.


sarNie OldFart
He's going on a talk show? Matt trade a gem for a rock. He's gonna end up playing her for a fool at the end. He's likes to hang on to the popular girl and once he gets what he wants Matt will be just a number. She has to be smarter than this. Love will make you blind...but put some cool shades on and turn away.

He's basking in the attention while Matt is hiding. Can't her so friends read her the red flags. Watch when he's done with Matt another popular girl will be his next target...mainly another channel 3 girl. And the sad thing is, she probably doesn't care.