dang, burim/ben must love getting slap. comments are saying that he should go put some ice packs on his cheeks lmaoo. ugh, i hate how im mainly watching this for bie and fah but bie's character is going to cheat on fah with her mother! but i enjoy their slap/"kiss" scenes hah. im a little confused with burim/ben sometimes. like im pretty sure he's not jealous... but he be saying he should be the one fah loves. It just seems like he'll be someone who thinks he can cheat but his partner has to stay faithful.

since he now knows there's something with Fah and Aek, i can definitely see jealousy from him when he starts to fall for fah. fah even went to check up on her p'chai instead of him when they fought, haha. oh, and i hate how burim/ben is using orawee (yardthip) against fah! like if fah doesn't tell him something he wants to know, he's all like "im gonna go ask your mother" or "go tell that to your mother". ugh. he knows fah's loyal to her mother and he's using that against her. >:/
I'm trying not to ship Joss and Fah too cause they're probably not the endgame but now, i really do hope they get paired up one day with a storyline without cheating! maybe bie and fah too one day. i am currently enjoying this a lot though! i get headaches from most of the characters but it's fine lol