sarNie Hatchling
I have to agree with you 100%...This lakorn is hilarious.someone needs to sub this lakorn for the masses. It's great and I'm not embarrassed by any unnecessary r-scenes or violence. It's just hilarious.
I have to agree with you 100%...This lakorn is hilarious.someone needs to sub this lakorn for the masses. It's great and I'm not embarrassed by any unnecessary r-scenes or violence. It's just hilarious.
I like it better when Ken and Jannie were in the woods... Trying to search for a ride home when they could have just went to the police... They're kinda stupid in this lakorn.lol.
I think that's tomorrow episode or next weeks...for sure it's not the ending...at least i don't think it is....thanks for sharing the pix...ken and janie are so cute.... =]i think its the ending scene