Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Adult
Just finished epi 11...and I was thinking the same thing, she has to be pregnant :D

PRISNA--my fever is burning up! I hope you dream about sexxxy Harit tonight!

The sperm comment is super funny, now I can't get it out of my head :p


sarNie Oldmaid
Just finished epi 11...and I was thinking the same thing, she has to be pregnant :D

PRISNA--my fever is burning up! I hope you dream about sexxxy Harit tonight!

The sperm comment is super funny, now I can't get it out of my head :p
Thank, I hope I dream of HARIT too, please not it not of Por again, it would be freaky scary, :loool: jk.


sarNie Adult
Hi guys!!!! I'm new here and I got the JLR Fever already and it's very high too. You guys are so funny!!! So in LOVE with HOT SexY Harit......


sarNie Adult
Hi guys!!!! I'm new here and I got the JLR Fever already and it's very high too. You guys are so funny!!! So in LOVE with HOT SexY Harit......
Welcome! Things get really crazy in here but they are also super nice and FUNNY! :lol:


sarNie Oldmaid
it was DONE in episode 7

WELCOME VAN~C!N ... join in the fun :)

PRISNA dreamed of por? .. which one? ..
Por Thrisadee, I can't believe it, but it really true, thinking about my dream it crack me up. I really dont want to believe, I have a dream of him two day in a row. Maybe I'm really crazy. :lol:


sarNie Adult
Love your MV saRN!!

she look like she goin throw up but... i thought it at least 2month into the pregrancy for the mom to feelllll sytom ...learn it from OUM RAK :p
Ha, it's a lakorn-- everything happens at warp speed. R scene and *pop* next day she's showing signs of being preggers. That must be some super strength sperm!

I miss the old, sweaty, skin tight t-shirt wearing, dirty talking Harit... this clean one just seems tooooo clean. Can't imagine him taking a coffee break-- too bad the coffeemaker isn't turned on again for a second round of R scene. :wub:

Hope I dream of something good tonight (aka Harit) too. Last night I had nightmares about being chased around by a manic killer. Killed everybody in my dreams, was like a scene out of 'Halloween' or something-- very freaky! Even Por T. would be preferable (as long as he's not trying to kill me). :)


sarNie Oldmaid
Hi guys!!!! I'm new here and I got the JLR Fever already and it's very high too. You guys are so funny!!! So in LOVE with HOT SexY Harit......
Hey Van~C!n, welcome to the forum, hope you have fun and enjoy chatting with us! :) Everyone here are nice,sweet,and down to earth, but make sure you stay away from me a lil because I might drool and fainted on you! Everyone here know that. :lol:


sarNie Oldmaid
Love your MV saRN!!
Ha, it's a lakorn-- everything happens at warp speed. R scene and *pop* next day she's showing signs of being preggers. That must be some super strength sperm!

I miss the old, sweaty, skin tight t-shirt wearing, dirty talking Harit... this clean one just seems tooooo clean. Can't imagine him taking a coffee break-- too bad the coffeemaker isn't turned on again for a second round of R scene. :wub:

Hope I dream of something good tonight (aka Harit) too. Last night I had nightmares about being chased around by a manic killer. Killed everybody in my dreams, was like a scene out of 'Halloween' or something-- very freaky! Even Por T. would be preferable (as long as he's not trying to kill me). :)
Girl, I miss old, sweaty, skin tight t-shirt wearing, and dirty talking Harit too. He so clean now I dont want to drool on him, but who care I still do it. :loool:

Yeah, but two day in a row, that is something not good. :loool: Maybe he will be my future-husband ( fine with me):loool:


sarNie Adult
Thank you guys!!!! OMG.. I love the part when Harit hang up his phone with So and he say: "You Can't Stop Me, Soraya" Mean Harit Is back in the game. And now So is showing signs that she might be pregnant. Baby coming on time to stop his Daddy... LoL

Prisna hope you dream of hot Harit tonite cuz I wil pray for you.. Heheh


sarNie Oldmaid
Thank you guys!!!! OMG.. I love the part when Harit hang up his phone with So and he say: "You Can't Stop Me, Soraya" Mean Harit Is back in the game. And now So is showing signs that she might be pregnant. Baby coming on time to stop his Daddy... LoL

Prisna hope you dream of hot Harit tonite cuz I wil pray for you.. Heheh
Thank Van C!N, I hope so! Maybe I need to start thinking a name for my baby with Harit if I really did have a dream of him. Harisna will see the light soon. :loool: Maybe Cecilia could help me with my baby name, she maybe my baby nanny! :loool:


sarNie Adult
...Everyone here are nice,sweet,and down to earth, but make sure you stay away from me a lil because I might drool and fainted on you! Everyone here know that. :lol:
HAHAHAHA !!!!!! *throw pillow*
Yeah, between Prisna and sarN-- we need to hire a nurse to be by their side 24/7 during the remainder of JLR. Too much fainting and drooling can't be good for the body. :)
Oh, and sarN probably needs someone to plump/fluff those pillows from time to time. I can imagine too much pillow hugging/hiding/throwing and pillow's flat by this time. Gotta fluff them up because JLR's not ended yet! :D

Hmmm... I was thinking-- that might be kind of neat to have: "sarNworld pillowcases." Sarnies have gone through so many pillows when watching hot steamy R scenes. :spin:

Okay, I'm totally spamming here. Gotta go.


Staff member
starry that was a cute idea .. throw the sarnie pillow when you watch cheesy and blushy stuff .. or r r r r r stuff :lol:


sarNie Adult
so i remember reading somewhere that they are filming some more scenes...or was it just rumors.....


sarNie Elites
so i remember reading somewhere that they are filming some more scenes...or was it just rumors.....
I was about to ask the same thing. I HOPE they will not make it drag too much...
But anyways, more scenes with Harith and Soriya...so Im fine with it :wub:


sarNie Adult
thats what im saying as long as theres more scenes with them.....n a baby then im happy.....


sarNie Oldmaid
oh my goodness, i was gone for almost 7 hrs and i have to read 7 pages (a page per hr).

i so love episode 11 cant barely wait til next monday/tuesday. man it is definitely a baby making her feel all dizzy & such (shoot my mom said the same thing when she saw that part too)

LaLa Tsab: Love your banners! Super good!

Ami: I still have the fever too :wub: <---yea esp with all of these steamy talks
I couldn't post last night, my internet was down...so sad...couldn't watch any JLR or read the posts here. Now I'm five pages behind...trying to catch up!

The new MV's are sooo well done, I'm gonna share them with my YT buddies so they can see how crazy we are over JLR!
^cant wait to see it!

First scene is the late night visit.
Second one is Nu-goon picking her up to go home.
She is poor and wore the same shirt twice to the hospital and to go home.
poor gal.
^LOL lynda, you girls made these 7 pages worth catching up!!!

Lynda,Sarn, and Me
sound like a FREAKY GIRLS! :loool: Try to stay away from us if you are a lovely girls.
^lovely girls? well i wouldnt call ourself lovely if we all are rooting for r scenes & baby's as follow-up :lol:

:ph34r: i won't add anything to this either .. :unsure: :blink: :spin: :drool: :blush: <- these emoticons will do me some justice ..
may i join ya?--actions speaks louder than words lol

love the word sperminated!!...woohoo baby, baby on the way!!!

Hi guys!!!! I'm new here and I got the JLR Fever already and it's very high too. You guys are so funny!!! So in LOVE with HOT SexY Harit......
^welcome to the threed van~C, please jump on in anytime...these girls are such sweet and wonderful individuals!

oh boy i think that should do it...oh wait

side note: (the fence scene---'yah mah mao-roum' (to me i think it meant that she was saying not to include her/for the way he was thinking that they're both alike--its kind of hard to explain) but anyways my fav part of that scene was when she saw him, she immediately cover her outlayer night gown, (like that will really stop Harit--as if they are still at the island/he can surpass that obstacle in a blink of an eye )

this fever is still strong cause of you girls!!!
(i cant use any more emoticons --i had reached the max in this one post alone. lol)