Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie Adult
Here's another one. Credits to Cecilia for uploading this mag of Oops! Ok ami i'm going to call it a night...they really want to watch the eye so i'm going to go watch it with them...maybe i'll come back later when it's done. talk to you later!


sarNie Oldmaid
no i havent seent those pix of Aff, thank you for sharing btw

sure no problem...imma log off for now also..i will be on later in the day...hope to catch ya then!

gn and sweet dreams when you do go to bed.


sarNie Egg
Today,Soraya go for voting......

Harit finally let her go.... :D :D

cuz otherwise ,The defendent will not love him.... ;) >>Soraya's wink....hahaaaa


sarNie Adult
Today,Soraya go for voting......

Harit finally let her go.... :D :D

cuz otherwise ,The defendent will not love him.... ;) >>Soraya's wink....hahaaaa
Ha... ha... they should have had Aum & Aff go to the voting together to really seal the deal with the commercial!!!

Thanks for the screencaps again VickyChan! Soraya's so cute with the winking!

Girls, I have to go do laundry-- I'll see you all later.


sarNie Adult
Night Raiya. I don't remember being on when you're on anymore. Must be all this hiding and running. I'm not even sure whose hiding & running from who anymore. :p
HI STARRY! I always miss you too...hope to catch you later! HAPPY SUNDAY!

lol gn and sweet dream girls i will catch you all tomorrow...i meant later on today.

yea lately everyone's been hiding from one another...and Raiya talking bout being on odd hrs of the day lol
HI AMI you are totally on late too! Yeah i got back from my party and decided to log on to see what everyone was saying! Miss you girl!

Welcome JINXX!!!

Thanks VickyChan and Moh for the pictures---totally loving them!!! especially with Aff voting...so cute!


sarNie Adult
Good Morning to mY Lovely juNgle Sisters!!!!! :clap:

I see everyone is against me, huh!!!!! Even you GP, I cant believe you!!!!

Starry and Moh I see you got a good plan there but maybe is not a good idea to post it and let me know what the plan is ladies. :p

OK... where is Prisna??? Girl, I need your help, all the jungle sisters are trying to tie me down and going after our man. You can help me first than you can deal with me later. :loool:

Last nite been really tough(cry all nite with her)!!! Thank you for all the kind words from you guys. :kiss: She's not OK today but time will heal her broken heart and she got me and her family.

Will try my best to come chart with you ladies later today, once I come back from checking on her.



sarNie Adult
Good Morning to mY Lovely juNgle Sisters!!!!! :clap:

I see everyone is against me, huh!!!!! Even you GP, I cant believe you!!!!

Starry and Moh I see you got a good plan there but maybe is not a good idea to post it and let me know what the plan is ladies. :p
van!! You didn't see anything!! It's supposed to be "invisible." *wink wink*
Darn, guess that invisibility cloak didn't cover up my conversation with ice cream girl on "how-to-catch-van." Oops!
I reccomend you pretend to go for the stunner shades because the other plan is Bai... and I don't want to have to resort to that with you. *LOL* :)


sarNie Adult
ice cream girl~ you were talking about seeing Jessica Alba's "The Eye." I didn't think it was too bad for a remake and they changed the scenerios around to better suit and American audience. I think it explains things better but the original was scarier.
The Indian version (Naina) was realllly bad and a total rip-off of the original. Everything scene & every line was almost 90% the same!!

Anyone planning to see the remake of Shutter? I haven't seen the previews yet, but was told preview sucks.

I want to go watch "The Other Boleyn Girl." I like watching historical England, medieval period movies.

Oops, sorry I really went totally off topic. Back on topic here: I love JLR! :)


Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
Thank you all for the welcome! :lol: I'm glad to get to be part of the Jungle Craze, LOL!

jjinxx: notice that youre gonna crave for more of the r' scenes the slap~n~kiss & revengeful lakorns now...

even starting to observe every details of this lakorn (these are one of the signs of the JLR fever) :p
You're so right! Now all I do is search around for lakorn, and don't even pay attention to my homework, lol! I think Aum was too good in JLR, but he did just perfect! I really like watching dramas where the guys are agressive! :slapandkissse3: lmao, does that sound bad? Because usually when they're bad boi like that they're also really sweet inside!!! ^^' It's just really loveable! :kiss: And the revengeful thing REALLY is getting to me, hahaahahah! Definitely going JLR Fever! It's like I WANT to remember every detail of this lakorn! XD XD :wub:

Thanks for the pictures of Aff! (who's the guy she's with?) I love that girl, she's so gorgeous! I'm just a little sad, since i'm biased about Aum and i wish those two were together in real life! XD

Here's another one I made! ^_^

Gawd, tell me they don't look good together, because they DO look good together! X] Aum totally should have accompanied Aff to go vote and so they could like take more pictures together or something! LOL, he let his defendant go so isn't he afraid she'd run away??? Love her wink! so cute!


sarNie Adult
I'm back ladies!!! I'm tired as all get out but I'm back....I am just waiting for my friend to edit the next chappie for you lovely gals and I will be a postin....I've missed y'all so much...this thread is still moving I see as it should!!!!! JLR fever 4ever!!! (((hugz)))


Staff member
welcome JJINXX to the JLR CRAVE..
man, you girls like to spam alot here .. i woke up to 2-3 pages of reading ..Lol
sadly, i've became silent in this thread .. i did my rerun last night and battery ran out again.
here's charging it today again. .

anyay, i'll be uploading those mp4 files for JLR IPOD lovers

anyone watch ''MON RUK LOTTERY?'' yet .. boy it was FUNNY!!

BTW. thanks VICK for the HUNSA link :wub:


GP I just went and read your post from the last page..OMG you have turtles too! Squirt got so big after I got it. It grew so fast. My cousin had hers for 5 years before I got Squirt and Squirt totally out grew her turtle! And yes my dear your hut is a little small..It's not big enough to fit the whole JLR team! Thats why we need a whole island!
Ok goodnight GP...Remember it's a battle field out here..Every woman for her self!
HAHHAHAH yes my darling i have turtles too keke =] hehe and like i made this connection i have chickens in my backyard cuz my parents keep like 20 of them for there eggs or w/e and i rarely go outside to open the chicken coop or w/e and pick the eggs (hehe my lil bros job) so i never reliazed it about JLR until today i was making egg rolls w/ my mom and she's like go get some eggs and i went outside and i'm like :eek: JLR!! ahahahah hehe battle field heheh and geez we need to get a bigger HUT! hahaha

Ami, i'm off to sleep now. You should sleep soon too (?). It's almost 3 am my time.
Yep, I finished converting all my JLR files to move to my mp3 player. I went to Mcdonalds to rent movies from redbox much earlier and there was such a long line. Anyways, after like 10 min of being in line, I was watching JLR on my player and my brother rolls him eyes at me cause he knew I was watching it on my comp before I left.

ice cream girl, van's gonna be so mad when she finds out it's Bai. Not sure how I feel about decieving her-- still want to be her friend after all the tree tying is done and somebody helps her escape. :lol:
Hmmmm... my plan was gonna be to set a replica of Aum's stunner shades out in the open to entice her, she'll walk over and put them on, look around (cause you know van will look good in them ) and then *Bam* I'll throw out my rope and try to catch her while she's distracted.
Maybe then Raiya can finally get to hold Harit's hand???? Hee... hee.

Good night to both of you. Ami~ keep up with babysitting the thread and don't get too lonely. Sounds like ice cream girl should be back to keep you company shortly.
OMGEEZ!! ya'll are still on that late?? hahahha omg hehe Van is gona go as insane as Boontai if she finds out its Bai! and NO NO NO since when is Raiya getting helped out? holding Harit's hand?? o no no no not over my dead body :loool: hahahhaha guess i need to tie Raiya to the train tracks........kekek just kiddin hehe i love you my darling hehe

Today,Soraya go for voting......

Harit finally let her go....

cuz otherwise ,The defendent will not love him.... ;) >>Soraya's wink....hahaaaa

HAHHAH thanx for the pixs Vicky! i haven't rewatched that commercial in a while hehe i need to go do that

Good Morning to mY Lovely juNgle Sisters!!!!! :clap:

I see everyone is against me, huh!!!!! Even you GP, I cant believe you!!!!


my darling! i wasn't plotting against you!!!! keke ur thinkin to much hehe and ur the one over here saying you caught me and tied me to the tree!!! hahaha and i don't recall ever being caught or being tied to the tree so :p HEHHEHE i hope to see you tonigt my darling!! hehe i love you! hugs and kisses <3

van!! You didn't see anything!! It's supposed to be "invisible." *wink wink*
Darn, guess that invisibility cloak didn't cover up my conversation with ice cream girl on "how-to-catch-van." Oops!
I reccomend you pretend to go for the stunner shades because the other plan is Bai... and I don't want to have to resort to that with you. *LOL*
hehe starry my darling HARRY POTTER has the invisible cloak I have the CAMOFLAUGE! hehehehhe magic isn't gona cut it here :loool: HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

jjinxx!! girl them are some sweet artworks!! better than i can do cuz i don't even kno how to use PS hahahha i'm w/ AMI trying to figure it out but it gives us headaches and fustrates us everytime hahah


I'm back ladies!!! I'm tired as all get out but I'm back....I am just waiting for my friend to edit the next chappie for you lovely gals and I will be a postin....I've missed y'all so much...this thread is still moving I see as it should!!!!! JLR fever 4ever!!! (((hugz)))
YAY! UR BACK YOUR BACK MY DARLING!!! I MISSED YOU SOO MUCH! HEHE glad you can join us! how was ur flight back? u have a good trip? can't wait for the story hehe! are you gona be in here SPAMMING w/ us? keke hugs and kisses to you my darling!


Cecilia darling! are you in here? :eek: why have you become a silent reader all of a sudden? :mellow: hehe are you only online now cuz ur iPod is dead? ahhahah


Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
welcome JJINXX to the JLR CRAVE..
man, you girls like to spam alot here .. i woke up to 2-3 pages of reading ..Lol
sadly, i've became silent in this thread .. i did my rerun last night and battery ran out again.
here's charging it today again. .

anyay, i'll be uploading those mp4 files for JLR IPOD lovers

anyone watch ''MON RUK LOTTERY?'' yet .. boy it was FUNNY!!

BTW. thanks VICK for the HUNSA link :wub:
lol, thanks Cecilia! I use Paint, even though it is less hightech than PS, it is less of a headache, hehe.. ;)

Gosh really can't get enough of this crave! <--- didn't think of that! LOL, a Craze has turned into a Crave! Keep wanting more of JLR!


looks like everyones in and out today haha i'm the only member in here :eek: haha but theres 3 guests and who may they be? heheh hiding from me? keke CHENLING! where did you go my darling?


sarNie Adult
I'm sorry princess, I had to check on something and my friend edited chapter 2 so it's POSTED!!! I had to read over what's been going on this last week. I was kinda on a couple of times this last week but didn't really read anything....I'm here now!!!!!


sarNie Adult
Thank you all for the welcome! :lol: I'm glad to get to be part of the Jungle Craze, LOL!
You're so right! Now all I do is search around for lakorn, and don't even pay attention to my homework, lol! I think Aum was too good in JLR, but he did just perfect! I really like watching dramas where the guys are agressive! :slapandkissse3: lmao, does that sound bad? Because usually when they're bad boi like that they're also really sweet inside!!! ^^' It's just really loveable! :kiss: And the revengeful thing REALLY is getting to me, hahaahahah! Definitely going JLR Fever! It's like I WANT to remember every detail of this lakorn! XD XD :wub:

Thanks for the pictures of Aff! (who's the guy she's with?) I love that girl, she's so gorgeous! I'm just a little sad, since i'm biased about Aum and i wish those two were together in real life! XD

Here's another one I made! ^_^

Gawd, tell me they don't look good together, because they DO look good together! X] Aum totally should have accompanied Aff to go vote and so they could like take more pictures together or something! LOL, he let his defendant go so isn't he afraid she'd run away??? Love her wink! so cute!
welcome jjinxx!!!! I'm kinda late I know I am sorry been out of town!!! And we love that you are apart of the Jungle Craze more love for JLR the better...I love your artwork, make sure you post a thread along with all the others in the artwork forum!!!!