Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


Expired Sarnie
:lol: sarN now i can't sleep and it is late now... gee... everyone just making me crazy... well i will be waiting too... i hope aum does reply to you soon... the sooner the better... lol> thanks...


Expired Sarnie
i havent been stalking aum for awhile now... the fever kind of die down... but i am still recovering... i am going to snatch aum away from pinky :lol:


sarNie Oldmaid
lol Fun! make sure Umm plays along... :p if you need help, just let us sarnies girls know!! we will be glad to help snatch Umm away. :loool:


sarNie Oldmaid
we better have a good plan...first toss his cell phone ~ no outgoing calls...

for real Moh...i still cant see you.

Fun4fun: Moh told me to tell you that shes coming back and youre goind down for wanting to kidnap Umm!

im just the middle person...


sarNie Adult
In light of all our talks about kidnapping Aum... I think he went into hiding. So... I made a "Wanted" poster. Cause you know we're all looking for him. Hmmm... had to throw Aff in it too.:)
Sorry, the reasons of their crimes were getting kind of cheesy on me... what can I say, I'm half asleep here. *LOL.* ^_^

Thanks Ami for letting me leave you and not msn for a while. I did this in the time I wasn't typing to you. :)

Night everyone once (again).



Expired Sarnie
okay i will just give him up for right now... i have to fetch ken and rome for now... then i will come back to snatch aum when moh not looking... lol>


Staff member
muahaha. you gals are hilarious .. STARRY. that's a WANTED banner that i want to keep.
did you gals watch the old version? .. man, i wan them to do this SNEAK KISS on the cheek in the new version .. check it out.


sarNie Oldmaid
hey Ceci ...how are you feeling today?

hahah no problem Starry...i will catch you tomorrow!

Fun: actually this is the best time to go kidnap Umm since Moh isnt back from rebooting her laptop yet! lol :p


Staff member
muahah. i'm watching it atm to see what's missing .. why some ppl thinks the old one is better.
i was laughing my butt off when i came upon a comment saying that the 'ISLAND' of HARIT look like the zoo *1989 version*


sarNie Adult
OMG MOH! You crack me up with the captions! Hope you get the job my dear, crossing my fingers for you!

In case you wanted to see your man (though that is questionable at the moment), i made a MV for VAN! Here's the link:


WOW...major spamming went on today...i was off for one day and like had 5 or 6 pages of jungle posts to get through...finally im almost all caught up!

GP--no pressure on the flute thing my dear, take your time...we all just want to be there and hear you play it! :wub:

Starry--haha that WANTED POSTER is awesome! Gotta go post that somewhere...

Ceci--thanks for the link!

Chenling--love the new chapter, it rocks!

well im signing off now...b back tomorrow to read more more crazy posts from all the gals!!!
Good nite my JLR infested family...miss you guys a lot!!!