Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


sarNie OldFart
haha i will def remember xp.. kkekeke.. awwe darn it .. ur olda than me by one year argh xp lol..
hahaha ur younger than me by one year...we almost had the same b-day! hehehe

lol.. whoa.. that will be so hot haha but keke.. im not that naughty lmao..xp keke.. or am i lol.. hahha.. but dang whoa i'll faint too lol.. it'll be too hot..
if i faint while watching it, I want a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation from AUM!!!!! :w-scene-pop-corn:


sarNie OldFart
i am turning 19 but people say i look like i'm still in middle school SAD huh? my youth pastor at church thought i was 13!!!! muahaha so funny!
good for you... i'm turning 17 but people say i look like a 20 year old!!! I so hate them!!! maybe because I'm quite chubby... :lol:


Staff member
sowwy galz goin now .. need my sleep.. i'll see u galz later keke. . like laater on at nite lmao..its 1:01 am atm xp lol.. keke.. love u galz super much.. bye for now..


sarNie OldFart
I saw a cute backpack a while ago...it has monkey prints on it and it reminded of gayu!! I told my mom I want that bag for school but she told me I'm too old for that kind of bag!! argh!!


sarNie Elites
lol yes we will eventually grow to be 50 someday, well that in another like 35 years so let's just leave it at that :D
:loool: what? you havent opened it? no wonder...if you would have PMed about ure 'reaction' already...hehe but watch it though!
i know... hahaha man i'm scared to open watever you send me lol!! so scary!! i'll try okay! :unsure: :spin:

lol.. omg 13 xp lol.. keke.. lol.. imma be 16 in aug but keke my cuz still thinks im 11 or 12 lmao xp kkekekke..
hahaha 11-12 i have a baby face that's why i look youger then i am that what i think and others tell me that too.... :blink: little face!! size of my 10 year old sister in elementry schoool!!!! i'm serious i even compared our face it's that same length!!! :loool: so sad.... :lmao:


sarNie Elites
good for you... i'm turning 17 but people say i look like a 20 year old!!! I so hate them!!! maybe because I'm quite chubby... :lol:
shoo i'm pretty chubby myself but... they still say i look young.... hmmm i don'tknow it's got to be my MIDGETDY face! boo! -_-


sarNie Elites
mee toooo11 it''s late here in minnesota!! it's like 3:23 am!! so tired!


sarNie Adult
missing u too, an!! hope u r well prepared for MMU!

everyone give me ure BDAY...so that i can remember :)...i need to write a list in case i forgot to wish you a happy bday...
mines the 26th FEB 1992, so im a monkey too :D
me too!!! a "monkey" person. hahahahaha!!! :lol: mine is on the 10th of July


sarNie Adult
hi all JLRians and ATeamers!! Just came back from a course today and thought of dropping by to say hi. it's about 9.30 pm. miss u ppl a lot!!!


sarNie Adult
i see my spam princess sala on.:)

lol... if sarah feels old next to everyone else, then i must feel super old!!!! but course, according to sala, i'm only 16.... lmao, i'm way older than that...

I saw a cute backpack a while ago...it has monkey prints on it and it reminded of gayu!! I told my mom I want that bag for school but she told me I'm too old for that kind of bag!! argh!!
donna, that's so funny. i would have bought it anyways...:)