=O MY DEAR PRINCE IS HAWTTTTT! cute glasses ahhahaa you are not ugly gawd and hmm fun? it was wow. lmfao
wow my sis is braer than me hehe. yay go sis!me n kevin rode this just fo yo
lol i know it would be so much easier for me too i mean i have my own nickname got it fron An is LG (lakorn girl) and watching that many i can come up with something lolgosh lets see.. 2 more essays.. hmmmmmmm... lol.. if only i can write fics instead lol.. xp.. ok.. i will gone for ever muahaha.. well until i finish.. bye hehe xp ..
wow. that's crazy, i rode the small loop in MN and i was scary n kevin rode this just fo yo
who said i went without you. you went with me you just don't know it (in spirit) lol.hello my dears! ehheheheh =O MY SIS IS GOING TO BUSCH GARDENS AGAIN W/O ME? =O ahahahhahaha
^you're coming up to mn?
i'm thinking of going there.
need to bug pze and sunny for info
anyway, reposting here again in case no one saw it ..
my manipulation version of HARITH TYING SORIYA long!!!hey an! i finish buidling a toilet hehe lol difficult to built this website...=.=o cool tell me more about it but please don't include the part that i fix toilets i'm not ready for a job yet lol