What is the storyline?
This lakorn is a remake. The older version was with Sam and Ann Sirium. A very good story and ending, a few kissing/sweet scenes btwn the n'ek and p'ek. As the story line goes...
Noon is a princess who was forced to marry another prince but she refused. She was already in love with someone else--a poor club singer (not Num) who will eventually rise to fame and who is a friend of Num. But before all this happened, 20 or so years earlier, there is a mystery behind Noon's mother and why her mother left her child and was labeled a loose woman who ran off to live with her lover and abandoned her only daughter--Noon. Her mothers name was forbidden to be spoken of in the castle. In addition, Noon has a step mother who has two younger siblings who are her half siblings. You can guess, the step mother has no love for Noon and she was the reason why Noon had ran away from her only home to live in the country away from bangkok and why her mother ran away 20 years earlier.
Why she ran? Because she witness that the man that she loves was with another woman in his home. What Noon doesn't know is that the woman that was with her boyfriend was actually her mother who is now a famous Thai singer. Her mother has no relation with the boyfriend but she was there to practice a new song that he has written for her to sing. They are only friends. So, being forced to marry and finding out that your b/f is cheating on her caused her to cut her hair in boyish way and ran away to live with a relative of her nurse maid who is her sister that used to work in the castle many years ago. That sister was to keep a secret and say that Noon was a long lost relative who has come to live with her temporarily--instead, Noon becomes her helping hand with the rose/flower business that she has and eventually Noon meets with Num because he live only a few houses down the lake.
Oh, forgot to mention, before the princess ran away, she had already met with Num because she had secretly sneaked out the at nights to meet with her b/f at the club dressed in an all boys outfit and covering her long hair with a baseball cap to disguised that she's a woman. So, that one night, Num was on his way to see his friend (Noon's b/f) perform and accidentally almost hit Noon with his car as she walking down the street looking for a taxi and their friendship began.. thus the story begins...
good story and ending. you'll all enjoy it.