[ Chapter 1 ]
Sometime, we try so hard cringing on a love which was never meant to be. That is because we don't want to experience emptyness all over again. But at times, it is better to have an empty heart rather than a bleeding heart. That way, at least there's still a ray of hope in living. Life is often over-rated. When that happens, humans tend to see things in a much more complicated way which does affects their decision-making. Could this perception however be applied to everyone?
What if the person were never given a chance to choose?
What happens if their heart bleeds due to the wrongdoings of others?
What would you do if you were a girl, named ..
Aff Taksaorn.
One look at this fine sweet lady, you might think she's a university student walking back home from class. Her appearance is such a sight -- every man would line up to be her other half. Despite her angelic complexion, it is very obvious that her facial expression was the total opposite. She looked rather dark, mysterious and maybe a little doze of evil too. She could be seen walking aimlessly down the street as if she was planning to do something big or maybe ridiculous. This young lady had lost hope in life. Her heart no longer bleed nor is it empty. She would be happier if she's left heartless.
She's doomed with her past. She couldn't remember anything, well, maybe except for the fact that she was kidnapped at a young age. She was a victim of human-trafficking. Her kidnappers sold her to a man, whose occupation is by using girls like her to feed ruthless men desires. From the age of 7, she was thrown into the prostitution business. Ask anyone who's familiar in this field, who don't know Aff Taksaorn? She's well-known to be one of those hookers who provides young, fresh and unique experience to her customers. As much as she hates doing it, she had no choice. It's either she sell her body or she'll end up getting swollen bruises.
She could no longer feel pain as she never knew what happiness was. It's time to end all of this misery. Whether it's hell or heaven, does it really matter? She kept on walking till she reached a floral shop. It was a pretty decent and beautiful shop. Red-bricks were purposely used to give an old english feel while the glass panelled window was such a sight. Through those windows, various flowers could be seen. Essence -- the name given to the this particular floral shop. But, that was not what Aff was looking at. Her eyes were locked towards the stairs beside the shop. Linking it to the upper deck of the shoplot. Isn't it a perfect place to commit suicide?
Aff was all ready to jump when a mysterious voice stopped her from jumping.
"Excuse me .. but .. what are you doing ON top of my shop?"
It was a manly voice, but there's a soft element in it. For some reason, it sounded really soothing.
"I-It's none of your business!"
"Are you kidding me dearie?"
"DO I LOOK LIKE I'M KIDDING?!" Aff sounded very disturbed.
"Calm down now .. let me correct some facts here. One, it is my business dear .. because this is my shop. Two, if you die in front of my shop .. my business would be very affected--"
"So what!" She was now screaming.
"So .. it is your right to kill yourself .. but do me a favor .. do it somewhere else .. please?"
"Ayayaya .. this is certainly causing me some headache."
"Dear, look down. It's not that high .. even if you jump, you'll only end up with broken legs or hands .."
".. I'm just so tired of life .."
"I see, well dearie .. before you make any harsh decision .. can I treat you for tea?"
"It won't take long .. after our chat .. you may continue with your suicide attempt .. I won't stop you .. I promise."
".. fine .."
Aum, being the gentleman he is, gently pulled her away from the edge. He invited her for some tea in his floral shop while thinking for a backup plan. Not only do he have an addiction towards flowers, he also loves drinking tea. They were the only one now in the shop, surrounded by various scents. He poured the tea into the cup and smiled -- he had an idea.
"So .. I'm Aum .. what's your name?"
"Ah, Aff .. what a sweet name."
".. thank you .."
"Your welcome. If you don't mind me asking dear, why suicide?"
"It's very complicated .."
"Well, un-complicate it for me." He winked.
Well, since she was planning to die anyway. Nothing matters anymore. What could have gone wrong? Easier said, she told that unknown man about her life from the beginning till the end.
"I see .. well .. I know now that your life is very tragic indeed .. but if I were you .. I won't end my life just like that."
"Well .. there's a reason why God brought you to life .."
"I'm sure I'm one of those people who was mistakenly brought into this world."
"Why the negative? Erm .. let's make a deal."
"What deal?"
"Haha .. well, if I can persuade you that there is hope in living .. you must live for the day. How about that?"
".. I can commit suicide tomorrow .. even if you're able to persuade me today."
"Hahaha .. then I'll try to persuade you again tomorrow .. anyhow, deal?"
"Fine, but let me tell you .. I don't believe in the word hope .."
"Dear, where flowers bloom .. so does hope."
He winked and looked at the flowers in his shop.