Ploy is pretty and a good actress, YaYa is adorable+cute and has the brightest smile. Ta and Rome is cute especially like their tone of voice because i think they have very nice voice. Ploy+Ta look cute together. YaYa+Rome look adorable together. all four fit their characters. i don't know but the story in a way kinda remind me of sai see plerng with lalita,noon,willy,dodo. i've watch almost all of Rome's lakorns but never really like his characters or think he look cute with any actresses but with YaYa i think he look very cute with her and from the news look like he has a real crush on her so make me believe he really fell in love with her. no offense to his fans but for me Rome's acting has always been bland he doesn't have charm in his acting. don't get me wrong i think he's a good actor but not attractive enough to pull me into falling in love with his characters. don't know why, maybe the characters he play is not interesting to me or the actress he pair up with doesn't have chemistry with him. i don't know so it make me wonder what if he play a mean pra'ek like kawee in sawanbieng will it make him look hot and make me fell in love with him. mmm so i wonder why he doesn't get to play as a mean pra'ek like other ch3 pra'eks which will be a new change and interesting to see of him. you know some actors is consider good looking and some not that good looking but when they act make you fall in love with them which for me i think charm is more important than good looks. i want to give an example like Chakrit and Por thrisadee they are not consider like the most handsome actors when compare to Ken or Aum but for me their acting is so charming and make me fell in love with them and so make them look handsome. i think they are handsome in their acting.