Expired Sarnie
It's the Wed-Thurs slot, Tard Ruk ended on a Wed, Pim Mala first episode just aired on Thurs.^ is ep.2 out yet then? I can't seem to find it.
It's the Wed-Thurs slot, Tard Ruk ended on a Wed, Pim Mala first episode just aired on Thurs.^ is ep.2 out yet then? I can't seem to find it.
this lakorn is pretty good, liking it so far
haha, i'm secretly praying for aum to end up with rita, even though i know it ain't gonna happen.
but i think they look cute together, not just the actors, but the characters as well.
oh yeah I'm cheering on all of themno matter how bad casanova Aum is I want him to end up with someone--Namcha or Angel Rita. It is Aum so I give him the pardon and time to redeem himself.
BTW--this is a really gender lakorn which I love how the story unfolds to send social messages out there. go go go AUm/Ploy, Rita and Namcha.
Lol. You know what that could happen that their will be another girl that looks like Rita in the end. I would be thrill if they did something like that. Because in the teaser it really looks like Namcha will get the other guy. I get confuse about Ploy too, she's so funny.i get so confused because i keep thinking ploy is another character but really she is just priew, girl version. lol anyways, perhaps in the end when nam gets married aum will find someone who looks like rita and their love story will start! lol
Okay. Thank you!It's the Wed-Thurs slot, Tard Ruk ended on a Wed, Pim Mala first episode just aired on Thurs.
omg, Aum and Namcha are so cute..........Priew and Narm karaoke credit kisskeepintouch
if you want to know what really happen at the end you should go read the storylinei get so confused because i keep thinking ploy is another character but really she is just priew, girl version. lol anyways, perhaps in the end when nam gets married aum will find someone who looks like rita and their love story will start! lol