[Ch3] Qi Pao (Broadcast Thai)


sarNie Tombstone
last night i said to myself that i will start this petition complaint but then i change
my mind i will chances like u gals above me to Mart cos he might surprise us with his
improve acting skill he will put effort for this big project


Just an ordinary gal in an extraordinary world.
Everyone is so against Mart, it's ok Mart I'll be your supporter.
Lol, it's not that I'm against him; I'm actually one of his supporters, too. Heck I want to watch Qi Pao just to see him and Ann together. :thumbsup: I'm very happy that he will be Ann's pra'ek, but I'm just hoping that his acting skills will improve in Qi Pao. But even if they don't, I'll still like Qi Pao just because Ann and Mart are in it. :)


sarNie Adult
Tinah,us Chinese fans are pretty pessimistic about the complaint thing....
some say that it might turn out bad...
Mart will look bad if they really do what we want...I don't think the producer or the boss would do that to him...

Even though we are not happy with the decision,we are adjusting ourself to slowly absorb it...
hope we will pass this stage and be happy to watch him in QI PAO....


sarNie Adult
Personally,I don't dislike Mart,I think he is kinda cute in LK.
and I even watched his lakorn with Cherry,don't remember the name though...(Considering I only watch lakorns with KA in it...)

it's just that we had a high expectation for this lakorn, since it's a big project...So when it turns out to be Mart,we are disappointed....it's an understandable feeling i think....

It's ok to complain cuz people need to let it out sometimes....so it's normal to see some of us complain here and there...like i said before,this is a transition stage for some of us to give up the previous expectation and slowly accept the decision, eventually we will pass this stage and enjoy the lakorn with others...


sarNie Tombstone
Lol, it's not that I'm against him; I'm actually one of his supporters, too. Heck I want to watch Qi Pao just to see him and Ann together. :thumbsup: I'm very happy that he will be Ann's pra'ek, but I'm just hoping that his acting skills will improve in Qi Pao. But even if they don't, I'll still like Qi Pao just because Ann and Mart are in it. :)
maiko i am now supporting Mart and Anne as well too 555 :highfive: cos i have a feeling
will give it at his best shot :rockon:


sarNie Tombstone
Personally,I don't dislike Mart,I think he is kinda cute in LK.
and I even watched his lakorn with Cherry,don't remember the name though...(Considering I only watch lakorns with KA in it...)

it's just that we had a high expectation for this lakorn, since it's a big project...So when it turns out to be Mart,we are disappointed....it's an understandable feeling i think....

It's ok to complain cuz people need to let it out sometimes....so it's normal to see some of us complain here and there...like i said before,this is a transition stage for some of us to give up the previous expectation and slowly accept the decision, eventually we will pass this stage and enjoy the lakorn with others...
guess what tracy i skipped doing the complaint cos i'll worship Mart, Anne she's talented then mart can give it a good shot :numchuck: :rockon:


sarNie Egg
I'll support Mart..I think he's cute!! lol! He must be doing something good if he keep getting all these roles.


sarNie Oldmaid
I'm a fan of Anne and I accept all the lakorn she's in, even if I don't like the p'ek I will still watch it for her. With Mart I don't think we all dislike him that much, but we rather see someone who can act better than him. Mart just can't bring any emotion out and character to live. On the other hand, if their were a list in the beginning and we can choose from the list of who we want to see Anne pair with, Mart probably will have the least vote. At the same time, if we made a competition for who shows the most emotion, and can have the best crying out of all the p'ek...would Mart be one of them??? Now, he is in here so I accept that because if we claim we're a fan of Anne then we should watch and just hope for the best. Plus some of the fans might want to see Ann pair with someone else besides Ken, along with a reunion with Mart. Still I agree with some of us in here who are trying to write a complaint, at least they're fighting to their fullest. I for one will support them. Having a little hope is better than none right? I believe that if we weren't picky...then we would pretty much watch anyone who is in the acting industry. Though we know the differences between who we like and don't like and the reason why too. At some extent I agree with HuabNag, we're just viewers and not the boss, and we should just be satisfy that Anne is confirm in here. Plus Mart is handsome not ugly.

All I know is even if Mart flop in here, at least Anne can make him look better. If Mart prove us wrong then that show that they made the right decision to have him in here. In his latest lakorn with Cherry, Por and Janie I felt Mart was the least who didn't bring out his character to the fullest. Not saying that he was bad in there, but out of the others he was. As fans we will sometime agree/disagree or complaint/pleased. This is ch3 big project and Khun nong is going all out for us fans, so is only normal we want an A-lister p'ek who we know will do a great job in here. Anne finally get confirm of course we would want to see a better p'ek, but now I learn to accept the fact that Mart will work with her again. I actually like Mart but I must admit that his acting hasn't change since his first lakorn. Sure he improve, though not enough. The first lakorn with Anne they had great chemistry, and I like him a lot in there. Maybe he needs someone like her to make him work even harder.

sorry too if I offended anyone, but if Mart is really confirm in here than I will watch with and have an open-mind.

Agree with you..
Its not that we hate Mart..but since this is big project + Anne's comeback,thats why we expect too much..
And like Tracy said,maybe because we expected too much,then it turn to be Mart,thats why we feel sooooo dissapointed..
Its true when some people said if the storyline good,then why care about the pra ek..
But as for me,Mart spoiled LK..LK was so good..i enjoy it but if Mart didn't spoiled it,its more enjoyable..
I really hope Mart come here and read our comment..
Its not that i want him to be hurt,but he must take it as a challenge & prove to us that he can act..

I go for both..
I've wrote the complaint & if it didn't work,then i must accept it..
I'll watch it because of Anne..
And i hope Mart will prove me wrong!
When i'm thinking more and rewatched anne's old lakorn..
I think Ken also a bit stiff in Rang Ngao..
So,i said to myself,if this is final decision,i think i should give him a chance...

Mart,i'm begging you..please please please prove me wrong..
I swear if you can prove me wrong,then i'll watch 1 of your lakorn without Anne in it..


sarNie Coma
its not that we dislike mart or anything cause im one of those who like him. but its the fact that this is a big project so us fans have high expectation on the lakorn and we want to see anne with someone whos up to her level or atleast can ACT. mart hasn't shown improvement from his previous lakorn and the pra'eks character for "qi pao" has to exchange emotions with n'ek through his eyes which is what mart is lacking EMOTIONS.


sarNie Adult
its not that we dislike mart or anything cause im one of those who like him. but its the fact that this is a big project so us fans have high expectation on the lakorn and we want to see anne with someone whos up to her level or atleast can ACT. mart hasn't shown improvement from his previous lakorn and the pra'eks character for "qi pao" has to exchange emotions with n'ek through his eyes which is what mart is lacking EMOTIONS.
Well, if Pra'ek is supposed to show great emotions with his eyes then Mart is not the man to do so. He just pretty much lack in that department all together. And to me, it's rare that an actor can show emotions with their eyes. It's probably the hardest in acting. Ken and Aum is darn good (Grate does well when he smiles because his eyes smiles along). But for a big project as this, they should pick someone that can deliver in all parts of the acting. I have watched a couple of Mart's lakorn, he is good to look at but he is also just there. In such a lakorn as this Ann and her Pra'ek needs to shine together to make it that much better.


sarNie Coma
Well, if Pra'ek is supposed to show great emotions with his eyes then Mart is not the man to do so. He just pretty much lack in that department all together. And to me, it's rare that an actor can show emotions with their eyes. It's probably the hardest in acting. Ken and Aum is darn good (Grate does well when he smiles because his eyes smiles along). But for a big project as this, they should pick someone that can deliver in all parts of the acting. I have watched a couple of Mart's lakorn, he is good to look at but he is also just there. In such a lakorn as this Ann and her Pra'ek needs to shine together to make it that much better.
exactly, he lacks emotion and thats what the pra'ek role requires in this lakorn. ill give him a chance like i always do cause hes a cutie but with this lakorn i truly wanted someone whos acting is up to par. who knows if this will be anne's last big project or not cause she is getting older so there might not be too much opportunity coming her way anymore


Live Love Laugh
Good luck to Ann's fans. Hope your wishes (favorite P'eks) come true.

If Smart were chosen for this lakorn, I hope he gives it his all and I wish him much success.


Expired Sarnie
I am not against Smart. I am just against him being in this lakorn lol He lacks so much that I don't think I am able to watch him. I started to dislike him since Tard Ruk. When you thought he had improved, he went back to square 1. I will still watch him but only if the role calls for a stiff pra ek who lacks emotions like in MaeKa Kanom Wan.


sarNie Adult
I am not against Smart. I am just against him being in this lakorn lol He lacks so much that I don't think I am able to watch him. I started to dislike him since Tard Ruk. When you thought he had improved, he went back to square 1. I will still watch him but only if the role calls for a stiff pra ek who lacks emotions like in MaeKa Kanom Wan.

lol you are silly! hehe but a good way of putting it...

he so blah with emotions??? i dont sense anything out of him when he's sad? facial,voice,etc...


sarNie Oldmaid
I am not against Smart. I am just against him being in this lakorn lol He lacks so much that I don't think I am able to watch him. I started to dislike him since Tard Ruk. When you thought he had improved, he went back to square 1. I will still watch him but only if the role calls for a stiff pra ek who lacks emotions like in MaeKa Kanom Wan.
thats exactly what i feel...i don't hate him or like him....

i've rewatched LK again last night,i said to myself,maybe i should give him a chance...
He's not so bad..i mean he still can act but just in some scene,he failed..

I just noticed that he reunite with Anne 5 years after LK,same with KA..Rang Ngao in 2001,then they reunite in Oum Ruk 2006..
I don't know about Ken other lakorn but if compare Rang Ngao and Oum Ruk,he really surprise me...
So,i do hope Mart will do the same...


sarNie Adult
thats exactly what i feel...i don't hate him or like him....

i've rewatched LK again last night,i said to myself,maybe i should give him a chance...
He's not so bad..i mean he still can act but just in some scene,he failed..

I just noticed that he reunite with Anne 5 years after LK,same with KA..Rang Ngao in 2001,then they reunite in Oum Ruk 2006..
I don't know about Ken other lakorn but if compare Rang Ngao and Oum Ruk,he really surprise me...
So,i do hope Mart will do the same...
Dila,you can't compare these two.they are not on the same level.
before Oum Ruk,Ken already got some awards.Ann even teased him saying the whole cast had to stop working just to wait for Ken to get his awards...
Did Mart get any awards during the past 5 years??? Absolutely not..
So don't compare these two. there's nothing to compare about...



sarNie Oldmaid
Dila,you can't compare these two.they are not on the same level.
before Oum Ruk,Ken already got some awards.Ann even teased him saying the whole cast had to stop working just to wait for Ken to get his awards...
Did Mart get any awards during the past 5 years??? Absolutely not..
So don't compare these two. there's nothing to compare about...

hey Tracy..don't get me wrong..
Mart is nothing if compare to Ken...
i just wish he can be like Ken..
surprise me after 5 years..thats all..

Ken still #1 p'ek in my heart.. :heart:
But he need to share my :heart: with Willy.. :ghehe:


sarNie Tombstone
hey gals wanna shout out something broadcast atm are lacking responsible of choosing
a pairing in lakorn and big project Rang Ngao and qi pao is in the same situation
i bet if they can't do by our request both of this two big project will flop badly
qi pao might not flop as much cos mart give a best shot but Rang Ngao Janie will do well
but if they gone for P'Pope as p'ek not that Ken P dude fans will like and if not
then its flop badly :nono1: :lmao2:


sarNie Coma
mart said he has a new lakorn filming in october. he didnt say what but its obviously this lakorn cause anne did say that they will begin filming in october. i hope they will have the opening/fitting soon! missing anne. we didnt get to see her for a whole year


sarNie Oldmaid
Oh God,i'm rewatching LK again again & again just to make myself falling in love with Mart!!
i also read all the comment at YT make it as an encourage for me to like Mart&Anne pairing!! :nailbiter: