lol, my dear Maiko. I remembered when knowing Ken is younger than Janie 10 yrs, i was so disappointed, lol. I actually restrained myself not cursing here ,


ervie: :bhehe: :bhehe: :bhehe: :bhehe: :bhehe: ha ha ha, i'm glad that i was wrong, and learnt from that everything you should give it a try before saying, he he he
I don't mind his tooth as some of you guys here, i think his acting is ok, still have a lot of room for improvment but it's fine, he's young; if he tries his best, he might get it, like Charmain Sheh , when she first started, she was terrible, look at her now, she's one of the best TVB actress, hope Ken P will be like that
My dear Maiko, are you gonna do some MV for Janie/Ken . Hopefully you have time and create some beautiful MV for RN couple like me,


OMG, it's beautiful how you look at this. Thanks to you and all of you guys here for cms, and surerely
Ladyofdarkness. I did come to read the recaps many times but still , hardly for me to catch up thai, he he, so i skipped most the part, only Janie and Ken scenes, hopefully, someday, someboy will kindly sub it, will rewatch it b/c i love Janie, and now, Janie and Ken as couple .
Even i didnt understand it, but i cried my heck out when Tha looks and Ken last time and when she said to her parents, and my eyes totally blurred . Didn't have that feeling for so long , sniff sniff. I admire Janie's acting, even some of you here think she wasn't good as Tha, i still feel she's awesome, her sadness, her lonely made my heart hurt everytime i see her. :cry1: :cry1: :cry1: I will try to finish the new ep today. Wanna see my Janie rocks l
BTW, i'm happy to see you here Maiko, b/c i know you 're a good commentor , ha ha ha ,
PS; did you finish NPK yet?



Thank you Nathea, omg, Janie, my beautiful angel, she's gorgeous :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: , and Ken, lol...... , :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
lol, Alice, you 're exited all of us,


opcorn: :

se3: :r-scene-pop-corn: :baby-scene-pop-corn: :cloud9: :cloud9: