I think you should do like me, lol, go and read LadyofDarkness ' caps, then watch raw , which i rarely 's done that before b/c i hate to watch raw, but LadyofDarkness she 's been doing a wonderful job, detail , so i 've been catching and loving RN atm, then we can come back to check on Viki later to enjoy it totally,
Thanks Pretty nana for the ratings, again, i'm so happy to see RN keep doing an excellent job, Congrats to everybody , RN team and RN fans.
OMG, janie and her gangs are so pretty, i really wanna see Alicia 's pics, bet will be gorgeous, Congrats Alicia and her gangs, their friendships are awesome and admirable.
Again, thanks everybody for news, pics, and wonderful cms for RN, thanks to you guys make me enjoying RN to the best with all beautiful cms and thoughts, love love you guys, RN fans
BTW, after this wk eps, i really like the actress who acts as Tanya 's daughter, she's really good, she made me cried, hope to see her more in future, btw, i keep saying this, Ken is super HAWT, and Janie's OMG, she's gorgeous, they make a beautiful couple. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: