hey there lekie lek! im jusy droppn by to see how you doing and to tell you not to be nervous but to have fun while singing!
jat jaa daa daa jat jat jaa daa daa hoow!
hahha ur soo silly, girl it's far from a doggy treat. good lord, it's dark venezualan cacao. the choco comment is just means that ur being too nice passing out these compliments again, such a lekster thing to do... haha..
omg wow thats alot of people..yea dollar tree and walmart sounds just right for that many people lol...hope u have fun shopping for them..like i said you should try what i do and give out giftcards/money instead xP and yea my nephew is doing good so far..except for the part that he's getting way to whitey lol..guess thats to be expected to live in a white neighborhood..hahaha
Hey There!!!
How are you doing??? Haven't been on Sarn for a long time. Just dropping in to say Hi... by the way, when I was in NC, the weather was beautiful, but I was sick most of the time.... sucks but it was fun!!!
talk to you later.
lol lets not talk about christmas shopping..>.< i got to many female siblings/neices that i dont know what to buy for them...lol and u know whats the easiest way that i found out? imma get eveyrone a gift card/money hahaha so no driving around in the snow for me till spring/summer time again..and yea im all good over here besides all the work hours and stuff samo samo..lol
umm..now thats just help proves it, that you act more kiddish than me ^^ lol only kids points fingers <3 and are you sure people thought that u look 50ish? wow that just sucks its ok u'll always be alil kid to me ^^ so how you been missy?