-Yoi is seriously too much. I'm exhausted for her. Actually I'm exhausted for Mai. Haha. She gets to act like that throughout the whole lakorn. I'm out of breath just watching her. Ya'll know who she reminds me of. Anne. Haha. They are very similar in the way they express their anger. The facial expression and the way the talk. Very alike.
-I actually like how they're filming this lakorn. I like the closeups and whatnot.
-OMG that's Pin! Hehe.
-Awe! Tong. My babe. So sad.
-Juntha is so lucky. All these men are interested in her. I wanna be her. Haha.
-Well if I was Yoi I wouldn't trust Reynu either, especially when all these men are gathering around her and flirting with her. And especially when she messes with Yoi. Haha.
-I absolutely love Bella in here!
-Poor Reynu, no one knows her suffering.
-Can't get enough of Champ. Can he get a lead role one of these days?? Seems like the servant has a crush on Tong?
-Does Juntha know that Sa and Tong are siblings??
-Those desserts look so good. I want some now.
-I'm glad the family is nice to Reynu and got her back! And I'm glad they're sane and normal peeps.
-Finally the younger bro is back. I was wondering where he was.
-It's so weird seeing the gal playing Reynu's sister and Champ together. She was paired with Champ in Ra Rerng Fai. Also, I didn't think Reynu had a younger sister. Otherwise why did she become a prostitute when her family was still there.
-The gal playing Waana is very tall. Haha.
-Yay! I wanna see Reynu's past!
-Wait, did I just hear Reynu say "Have a kid, but the kid doesn't know his mom. Doesn't call his own mom, mom." Is she speaking in general or speaking of herself.
-Awe poor Tong, can't express his love openly.
-I like Dang and Off's choice of actors for the bros. They look alike somehow. James and Champ resemble each other while the youngest and Phet resembles each other.
-Oh, that boy's probably Reynu's child. Hey that's Pope's godson in Por Yung, Loong Mai Warng!! Buppaesanniwas for real! Haha.
-Awe, Bella made me cry when she reunited with her mom!! Why am I so emotional??? And Aerin just sitting and crying got me goood too.

-The lost innocence! The sister is so mean!! OMG!!!! I hate it when a guy cheats and the wife doesn't attack the husband!
-SIGH! Her mom kicked her out! I mean, Reynu suggested it, but mom was like "Yeah I wanted to ask you, you move out of here so the problems will end and I'll take care of your kid." So in actuality the mom didn't ask her to stay, and the sister didn't even listen to Reynu at all!!! I didn't expect to cry this much.
-Urgh, the older sis is so mean. Reynu gets enough from Yoi, why?!
-I'm glad everyone has natural make up in here. I like it!
-I miss Phet.
-I want to see Aerin play a nice gal for once. I'm tired of seeing her all annoyingly b*tchy. Like. Urgh her facial expression just bugs the heck out of me. I mean if she were to be mean at least be classy mean. Not bratty mean.
-Oh no! Mama hears about a son!
-Haha. I love Fresh!
-That's what you get Yoi! She just said Pilai isn't like who she thought.
-Why did Reynu decide to become a prostitute? I think her and Waana talked about it, but I couldn't quite understand it.
-Awee. Your confession letter is a little too late Tong!
-Whatever happened to Aerin's husband anyway?
-So sad that the sister's don't want to take care of Poh. Why?! He's gonna be staying at the temple?
-AW! I wanna know what the little boy's answer is! Will he stay or will he go?! And when are we gonna get Denkhun???? Hehe.