I swear the furby gang stays in the news. I’m not even trying to hate on them but honestly they always are in the news and some of the reports ads kinda stupid. Yes, sometimes the media does kinda go overboard and pick on small things BUT ALSO, sometimes their actions are dumb too so it kinda goes both ways. I really only like Mint and Mew outta them.
Well Mew and Taew shot an advertisement about some product that helps with weight. The Commercial video came out and it focuses on mentioning how important a small waist is. The commercials says it’s the first thing men look at. Of course, Thai fans were like we can work out to get that instead of using that kinda product. Also, mentioned that a small waist is not everything and you shouldn’t be using that to get men. They also mentioned to not body shame. They said this is very backwards thinking and please come up with new types of commercials that celebrates all bodies. Yikes!
Then Toey made news cause she recorded her coworker in the changing room and he didn’t have clothes? Like I think they took it from him as a joke. Not sure cause I didn’t watch her actual clip. Well Thai fans said that’s inappropriate and she’s too old to be joking around like that. They said joking around is fine but the fact that you recorded it, is a bit much and very immature.