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sarNie OldFart
@byebye I am someone who is political so I can really get into it but I won't too deeply. Vote blue, no matter who is an annoying phrase but it's the idea to vote to keep democracy. But maga is a cult, they're not true Republicans if you know any true Republicans, Trump is not it. By definition, a cult is any misplaced or excessive admiration for a person or thing. His followers don't truly care about America. They care about white supremacy and only about Trump. Rioting and storming the capital...a result of that misplaced energy for him instead. But again, I won't go into it bc it's not the place for it.

Lol my intentions were only to compare how easy it is to lead your followers into believing anything which glitzy celebrities like Min can easily do. Do I think she meant intentional harm? No. But do I think she was aware to a degree that it was possibly just a scam, heck yes. I just don't think she was thinking that the amount of ppl whose livelihood that was going to affected was doing to be this massive. I just hope this people are able to get some degree of restitution back even if it's 5% of it
I'm a republican...and know many Republicans that voted for Trump. And we are good friends with some democrats. That didn't vote for him in 16 or 20, but are now voting for him this election. This cycle is different because they have had Trump for 4 years and Biden for 4 years. So a lot of people are able to compare how their lives were between those years. Honestly, I don't care who vote for whom. Everyone has their reasons. I know Hispanics and other races that are a maga and they are definitely not about white supremacy and stuff. Heck my SIL and her husband is a democrat and we just love them and they would do anything for us. Politics is not black and white. There are a lot of stuff in between. There are crazies on both sides. I'm not going to hold it against anyone if they vote differently than me.

Also, my answer to another poster has nothing to do about Jan 6th. I saw that on TV...I was talking about the Maga part ☺

For the scam. I hope if they ever let out of jail and are free...let it be a lesson. That some money no matter how tempting isn't worth it.


sick of love songs.
Stupidity, ignorance is one of the reasons for involving in something like these kinds of businesses. Anything get rich quick is too good to be true. Like a poster said getting rich off these items sold? Yes let this be a lesson to not be too trusting and to be wiser abt where/how u use your possessions. lol who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him.


sick of love songs.
Yes it might be tempting to follow people and try methods they use to get money, but just be smart and aware. There are scams & dishonesty & corruption everywhere, so sad this world we live in. If something even a bit shady feeling or you’re thinking this is too easy etc it’s most likely a red flag.


sarNie Adult
@rae Omg that's crazy!! I'm assuming these are items that was allegedly bought with the income they got from that scam of a company? Kan....you was being so flashy for what??

I was like oh Min really ain't as bad but holy crap the alleged amount they believe to be possibly hiding or already spent is huge. Dang is literally all I can keep saying...bc damnnnn


sarNie Adult
@WeirFany Yes, and this amount is just in the beginning of the investigation. One of the people from the 18 that were arrested had transferred 8.2 billion baht to crypto before they got caught so there's a lot of money involved.

Mac has proposed to Vill in Banff, congrats to them.


sarNie Adult
@rae Wow! Congrats to them!!! Guess that's just what Vill eventually wanted and she met a man who was older and wanted that too. Lol just hope that means Mac got rid of all his play boy ways from when he was younger and got it all out of his system bc Vill has had long relationships but hasn't always seemed lucky in love at the same time

It's pretty quick but congrats to both!


sarNie Adult
The 18 people that were arrested now have some new additional charges which include money laundering and illegal high interest loans. Wow, no wonder they're not allowed bail.

The police have also seized four more cars that belonged to Paul and Kan.


sarNie Adult
@rae Wow! Congrats to them!!! Guess that's just what Vill eventually wanted and she met a man who was older and wanted that too. Lol just hope that means Mac got rid of all his play boy ways from when he was younger and got it all out of his system bc Vill has had long relationships but hasn't always seemed lucky in love at the same time

It's pretty quick but congrats to both!

He's known for his playboy ways?! Congrats to them though, best wishes on their new adventures!


sarNie Adult
There might be a bigger conspiracy here with the "bribing" officials thing Icon was doing. The leaked clip (if real) is extortion! Now did Icon start out by bribing first and then later the officials got greedy and turned it into extortion? Or was it always extortion?

Apparently the CEO did apply for an MLM registration but was denied and then someone advised him on how/what to register using the online course thing. There are some theories that Icon was denied registration as an MLM so that these officials could extort money from him. I don't know how true that is. Guess they'd have to know the reason why the agency didn't allow him to run an MLM in the first place and if it was a legit reason and when/how exactly the payments started. If true, that sounds like some officials were/are running a racketeering operation!

Speaking of Vill, its been awhile since she had a lakorn? Is that by choice? Or she got pushed aside once everyone turned freelance and One31/GMM suddenly got so many options in actors/actresses?