There's been so many new things unfolding, comments from Jay himself, his friends, JYP, even the 2PM boys have spoken, but it's hard to know who really is telling the truth and who is really speaking for themselves. A lot of fans don't know whether to believe comments left by Jay or Wooyung on their fan cafes, thinking it is the company's ploy to get fans to stop boycotting 2PM. I personally don't know what to believe anymore, I believe in what JYP said about Jay, I believe Jay left because it is what's best for him and that he needs the support from his family and friends, I believe he left because he had no choice (whether being pressured to leave, or leaving on his own accord), I believe 2PM is supporting Jay even though he left, and I believe in 2PM even though Jay is no longer a part of it.
You can read all the latest updates, and figure out for yourself which things you want to believe, I will always be posting my opinion on the matter because these boys are very dear to me, I will always support them no matter what happens, because I believe in them as a group, and as individuals. I will always hope and wish that Jay return's to be 2PM's rightful leader, but my thoughts are just that, hopes and wishes.
I don't want to do anything to hurt the rest of the members, because I love them, and they are suffering enough without Jay. This situation could've been avoided, but it happened, and everyone just needs to move forward. I choose to support all 7 members of 2PM, not JYP, not JYPE, not even 2AM...because 2PM were the first, and Korean artist that I will ever love.
I don't believe in the Korean music industry, allowing haters to control the lives of their is not a music industry, because they don't care about the music at all. They care about who they can take to the top, or tear down. Music is not about what someone said or did in their past, music is just that. You're supposed to be entertained, inspired by their hardwork, their talents, their music...
You're free to love or hate whoever you want, but it's when those emotions are acted upon that makes it a problem. If you love an artist, support them, if you hate an artist, don't support them. I mean, I have artists I dislike, but never could I be so cruel as to try to tear them down emotionally, or even ruin their career. I mean, look at the VMA's with Taylor Swift, I'm not a fan of hers at all, but she didn't deserve to be rudely interrupted by Kanye West when she was so excited about her award.
You're supposed to act on love, not hate. You're supposed to express love and suppress hate.
Do what you want, believe what you want...I will always have an opinion on this matter, and I will always express it. I may not be sure about how I feel about the situation or about the things that went down, but what I know for sure is that: