Later that evening...
Vansanee could see Chai's outline in the bed. Her cheeks became warm recalling the last few hours they had spent together. How glorious it was to let everything fly to the wind, yet she also felt the sadnees creeping up behind her. Chai was a good man, a good man deserved a good woman...and that woman was not her...she looked away from his sleeping form...she tried to keep the silence but her quiet tears broke though. She had left him once, she could do it again but not for the same reasons as before. She saw now that her efforts were futile. Harit was a happy man...his bitterness was gone...he loved his wife...he deserved to be happy and enjoy the future that he was building with his new family.
She took a big breath and gathered her thoughts. Her hand was on the door, her steps stalled and she took one last look, he would never follow her again, not after tonight, he would think she had betrayed him yet again...her courage returned, "think of his future, of his happiness..." she chanted to herself and left the room. The tears continued to flow...she was making the right decision but why did it hurt so?
Her bag was waiting for her in the lobby, she had called down for her things. The taxi was being called, this part of her life would soon be over. She would begin once more--new country, new person, new all sounded very depressing. The yellow car pulled up to the front, the doorman informed her that the car was ready, she looked on not thinking what was ahead of her, only that she needed to get in the car, after that she didn't know...
Her brain seemed just fine, she could walk and talk like before yet her heart, her heart was an entirely different matter. When did this all happen? How did she fall in love? Love...
The driver turned around, he was going to ask where to but stopped himself...
Before he could say anything there was a rush of activity from the lobby...he could see a man running his way...gosh the man only had pants on!
Vansanee did not look up from her tears, she did not see what the driver saw...
The door of the taxi suddenly swung open...Chai was standing in front of her! She rubbed her eyes, fearing it was a mistake...
"How could you just leave like that? Do you have no feelings for me at all?"
Van was speechless, what could she say?
"Come out of that car right this instant!" Chai grabbed her hand and removed her from the taxi. Shock had imobolized her, she didn't know what was going on anymore.
"We can have this argument out here or in the room, you decide." Van looked up and quietly said room. She trailed behind him as he angrily pulled her to the elevator. Inside the small space, she realized he did not even have his shoes on. She could feel the beginnings of hope, did he still care?