James-I think he’s overhyped for his looks. He’s not handsome or hot imo.
Sean-I really don’t find him attractive or handsome.
Pope-He’s just a no for me. Idk how anyone can find him attractive but beauty is subjective I guess.
Boom-He’s not cute.
Pon-He has a conventionally pretty face but the more I look at him the more bored I get with his looks. I was never really impressed with his visuals. He’s just handsome that’s it. Handsome but not attractive if that makes sense.
gun-I don’t really like him. He’s not handsome or someone I would consider hot.
mike-he’s overrated for his looks. Even with him trying to look like kpop idols or more of a flower boy, I still don’t consider him cute or hot.
smart-I’ve never found him good looking.