sarNie Hatchling
An Unbelievable Love Conflict
Author's Notes: Hey guys this is my first fanfic. Please look forward to it.
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Fantasy.
Characters are:
Kwan Usamanee : Daravann (Dara) Rina Elvin (Sorceress/psychic)
Channing Tatum : Darian (Dare) Harper (Vampire)
Tiffany of SNSD : Tiffany Chun (Witch)
Wentworth Miller : Jordan Miller (Vampire)
Min Sun Ye (Wonder Girls) : Sunny Star (Witch)
Adam Brody : Adam Smith (Vampire)
Other characters:
Katreeya English : Kat Elvin (Dara's Mom)
Dennis O'Neil : Dennis Elvin (Dara's Dad)
Keira Knightly : Keira Harper (Dare's Mom)
Orlando Bloom : Lando Harper (Dare's Dad)
Yoon Hae Young : Grandma Lada (Dara's Grandma)
TOP of Big Bang : Chris Park (Dara's Bestfriend from Thailand)
Other characters maybe added later on...
Summery: Dara is beautiful, rich, spoil, stubborn, smart, and she is a sorcerer's daughter, and a psychic! What a combination! Though she is having trouble controlling her powers, and then she finds out her parents want to her to move to New York to live with them, but she does not want to because she does not want to leave her grandma in Thailand. Things start to get complicated when she meets the 3 handsome guys from her new school. At the same time she meets two wonderful girls who became her BFF, but all 5 people have secrets of their own. Secrets that will be reveal, danger awaits, and lives maybe taken. Whats the secret? What danger awaits? Whose life will it be? Find out soon...
These pictures were made by Ygchix1177 aka Tina. Thanks babe!
Channing Tatum and Kwan Usamanee
Tiffany of SNSD and Wentworth Miller
Adam Brody and Min Sun Ye of Wonder Girls
TOP (Big Bang) as Chris Park (Dara's Bestfriend from Thailand)
Stefan as Matt Sila (Dara's Ex)
Sara Paxton as Nikki Jackson (She HATES Dara, and likes Darian)
Chapter 1 (scroll down)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpater 13 sample
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
What a disappointment! Why do i have to move to New York? Okay, so my parents live there, but I've been living in Thailand since young with my grandma! Just because my parents live in New York doesn't mean I have to follow them there, since I am 17 years old and capable of taking care of my self. Not to mention, I have my own credit card with enough money to last me my whole life, I totally think I can handle myself. It's not that I don't love my parents, I really do. I used to visit them when I was young during my breaks, though I stopped doing that when they moved to New York. Why? Because it's cold over there, so they came back to visit me instead.
No matter what, I am staying in Thailand with my grandma. I have so much to learn from her. I haven't even learned how to control my powers perfectly yet. You're all wondering who I really am now, right? Well my name is Daravann Rina Elvin. I was born in California, but moved to Thailand with my grandma since I was 6 years old, and had been living in Thailand since, now do you understand why I don't like the cold? I was born for the sun. I am no ordinary teenager, obviously. My father is a Sorcerer, yes thats right. But his identity is a secret, for in this century humans do not believe in mythical creatures as us. There are Sorcerers everywhere, we look exactly like humans but with extraordinary beauty, talent, and we have our own magic gift. Each of us have our own special gift. A gift that we are good at, and it revolves around the element such as Fire, Earth, Water and Air. My father's gift is conjuring fire and water anywhere or anytime he wishes so. Only the council members have more then one special gift, for they are strong and powerful sorcerers, who can control more than one element. Like my father, I can control water, but I am having trouble controlling fire because I am scared of it.
Many celebs are sorcerers themselves but nobody knows about it. They can restrain themselves from using their gift. We gather every four years in Rome, Italy. Since my father is the Council Leader, he must attend all the gatherings, but I always manage to get out of going. I am due for one very soon. Of course mother attends the meetings, for they are inseparable.
On the other hand, my mother is a psychic, she receives precognition. That's right, my mother can see into the future, but only glimpses. For me, I inherited my grandmother's powers. I can use telekinesis, the ability to move objects or anything at all with my mind. Think it's easy? Think again! When I use my powers too much I will get wary, and may faint. To regain my strength I have to eat lots of fruits, and drink lots of milk, but milk is what I hate!!
Both of my parents are famous archeologist, who travel everywhere to find the hidden truth of ancient artifacts. They are know as Dennis and Kat Elvin. The Elvin Couple. That's the reason why I stayed with my grandmother. So why do I have to part with my Grandmother now? Whatever happens, I am NOT going! Yep! whatever happens I am NOT going!
[Inside the Syracuse Airport]
"I can't believe I lost to them!" I mumbled to myself while walking out of the airplane. Then I spotted my parents who looked as young as ever.
"Baby! Daddy and mommy is over here!" I heard my handsome father yelled.
"Ah! My little baby, you look so beautiful!" My beautiful mother said while sqeezing me into a big hug.
"Thanks mommy, but I...I can't breathe." I struggle to get a hold of my breath.
"Your mother is just excited to see you." My dad said with a huge smile across his young face and gave me a kiss on my forehead.
"Well you should be happy since I forced myself to come because Daddy said Mommy was really SICK." I said staring up and down at my mother. She seems fine, but she does look skinnier then before, but that's all there was. I knew Dad lied to me, but I still came anyways! Why am I so slow at this! I believe everything they say to me. Im so freakin gullible! Urgg! It can't be help, since Mom probably already saw me coming, thats why she made that excuse up. I sighed.
Mom looked worried, and faked a cough, "Oh, sweetie Mommy is really sick..." she coughed again "My head hurts, my throat hurts, and a lot more." She said with a tire look.
"Sure Mom. Don't need to act anymore, I am here now. I will stay, but only if you promise not to run off somewhere for a long time leaving me here alone." I plead.
"Of course we wouldn't do that, Our work is here in Rochester, New York. And If we have to go we will take you with us, and it wouldn't be far away." My Dad explained to make me feel more at ease.
It was noon on a Saturday, driving from Syracuse to Rochester took about an hour and a half, but it felt like double the time for me. We lived in West Henrietta, a rural place in Rochester. Its pretty nice here. Though all the houses are newly built so all the homes look pretty much the same to me...except for one...Ours. We have a red house with a beautiful garden on the left side of the house, with white fences around the garden. Theres a big tree in front of the house, with a swing hanging off one of the branch. The drive way can fit at least 8 cars, I am pretty sure of it. I am glad that the garage is connected to the house because coming home at night is pretty scary sometimes.
I walked through the front door to find everything in the house organized and neat. That had to be Daddy's handy work. Mom isn't good with the cleaning, though she is a great cook. When walking in, the stairs are located right in the middle of the house to the upstairs rooms. The living room is on the left side, while its connected to another room with a white piano, and when looking out the window, the garden can be seen perfectly. On the right is the dinning room that connects to the kitchen, and I noticed that we have a little bar inside the dinning room. That has to be Mom's work. There were pictures of me everywhere! From since I was a baby until recently.
"Mom and Dad don't you think you have enough pictures of me up? I love pictures, but why are they all my pictures?" I questioned my happy going parents.
"Sweet heart this is only half of it, the rest are on the second floor." Mom said happily.
Did Mom not get the sarcasm there? Or was she ignoring my sarcasm? Why me?! I guess I will let it go for now. I'll work on taking it down little at a time and apply other people's pictures.
"Dara lets go see your room Hun." Mom said with too much excitement.
I followed her up the stairs to my room. It was not hard to find my room, since there is a heart shape sign that has my name on it, and my room is the only room that has a pink door. When I opened the door I thought I was in Elle Woods' room from The Legally Blond. Everything was either pink or white! From my bed to my desk to my curtains to my wallpaper! I think Mom went over the top with this one.
"Dara come over here and see if you like your clothes that I picked out for you." Mom said, once again to excitedly.
I opened the door to my closet to find that the closet was half the size of my room, and all the clothes are folded neatly on the shelves, except for dresses and jeans. The closet is color coordinated. This is definitely Daddy's work. Good thing my wardrobe does not consist only of pink.
"Wow. Thank You Mom. This is um...well Amazing! I love it!" I said.
"I'm glad you like it sweetie." My mom replied smiling. "Before I forget, I invited the Harpers over for dinner tonight. Do you remember them? Uncle Lando and Aunt Keira? Mommy and Daddy's best friends. And Darian is coming too. Do you remember him? You used to play with him when you were little."
"Well of course I remember Aunt Keira and Uncle Lando. They visit me and grandma in Thailand plenty of times, but I don't remember Darian at all. He never went to visit me with his parents."
"Its okay. That was before you left for Thailand, you were quite young. You two were so cute together." My mother daydreaming about the past with a silly smile. "I remember when I gave both of you a bath together, I had to be very careful because I was afraid you might get angry at him, and flood the house with your power."
"Mom! Please don't talk about things like that to me. I don't want to hear about it at all."
"Fine fine. But do you want to take a rest sweetie? Dinner is not until seven." Mom asked.
"No, I want to drive around the city and get to know it better." I said.
"Okay. Your car is in the middle garage. The white Mercedes."
"What! You got me a Mercedes? Why! Mom. I don't want cars that everyones going to stare at. I want to fit in." I complained.
"Then take the Lexus." She replied with a straight face, I'm sure without thinking.
I rolled my eyes. Like that's going to be any different.
"Never mind I am going now."
I hope you guys enjoy it. I know its slow, but the next chapter she meets everyone....It's slow but like every story, it develops. So Keep reading.
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Fantasy.
Characters are:
Kwan Usamanee : Daravann (Dara) Rina Elvin (Sorceress/psychic)
Channing Tatum : Darian (Dare) Harper (Vampire)
Tiffany of SNSD : Tiffany Chun (Witch)
Wentworth Miller : Jordan Miller (Vampire)
Min Sun Ye (Wonder Girls) : Sunny Star (Witch)
Adam Brody : Adam Smith (Vampire)
Other characters:
Katreeya English : Kat Elvin (Dara's Mom)
Dennis O'Neil : Dennis Elvin (Dara's Dad)
Keira Knightly : Keira Harper (Dare's Mom)
Orlando Bloom : Lando Harper (Dare's Dad)
Yoon Hae Young : Grandma Lada (Dara's Grandma)
TOP of Big Bang : Chris Park (Dara's Bestfriend from Thailand)
Other characters maybe added later on...
Summery: Dara is beautiful, rich, spoil, stubborn, smart, and she is a sorcerer's daughter, and a psychic! What a combination! Though she is having trouble controlling her powers, and then she finds out her parents want to her to move to New York to live with them, but she does not want to because she does not want to leave her grandma in Thailand. Things start to get complicated when she meets the 3 handsome guys from her new school. At the same time she meets two wonderful girls who became her BFF, but all 5 people have secrets of their own. Secrets that will be reveal, danger awaits, and lives maybe taken. Whats the secret? What danger awaits? Whose life will it be? Find out soon...
These pictures were made by Ygchix1177 aka Tina. Thanks babe!

Channing Tatum and Kwan Usamanee

Tiffany of SNSD and Wentworth Miller

Adam Brody and Min Sun Ye of Wonder Girls

TOP (Big Bang) as Chris Park (Dara's Bestfriend from Thailand)

Stefan as Matt Sila (Dara's Ex)

Sara Paxton as Nikki Jackson (She HATES Dara, and likes Darian)
Chapter 1 (scroll down)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpater 13 sample
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
What a disappointment! Why do i have to move to New York? Okay, so my parents live there, but I've been living in Thailand since young with my grandma! Just because my parents live in New York doesn't mean I have to follow them there, since I am 17 years old and capable of taking care of my self. Not to mention, I have my own credit card with enough money to last me my whole life, I totally think I can handle myself. It's not that I don't love my parents, I really do. I used to visit them when I was young during my breaks, though I stopped doing that when they moved to New York. Why? Because it's cold over there, so they came back to visit me instead.
No matter what, I am staying in Thailand with my grandma. I have so much to learn from her. I haven't even learned how to control my powers perfectly yet. You're all wondering who I really am now, right? Well my name is Daravann Rina Elvin. I was born in California, but moved to Thailand with my grandma since I was 6 years old, and had been living in Thailand since, now do you understand why I don't like the cold? I was born for the sun. I am no ordinary teenager, obviously. My father is a Sorcerer, yes thats right. But his identity is a secret, for in this century humans do not believe in mythical creatures as us. There are Sorcerers everywhere, we look exactly like humans but with extraordinary beauty, talent, and we have our own magic gift. Each of us have our own special gift. A gift that we are good at, and it revolves around the element such as Fire, Earth, Water and Air. My father's gift is conjuring fire and water anywhere or anytime he wishes so. Only the council members have more then one special gift, for they are strong and powerful sorcerers, who can control more than one element. Like my father, I can control water, but I am having trouble controlling fire because I am scared of it.
Many celebs are sorcerers themselves but nobody knows about it. They can restrain themselves from using their gift. We gather every four years in Rome, Italy. Since my father is the Council Leader, he must attend all the gatherings, but I always manage to get out of going. I am due for one very soon. Of course mother attends the meetings, for they are inseparable.
On the other hand, my mother is a psychic, she receives precognition. That's right, my mother can see into the future, but only glimpses. For me, I inherited my grandmother's powers. I can use telekinesis, the ability to move objects or anything at all with my mind. Think it's easy? Think again! When I use my powers too much I will get wary, and may faint. To regain my strength I have to eat lots of fruits, and drink lots of milk, but milk is what I hate!!
Both of my parents are famous archeologist, who travel everywhere to find the hidden truth of ancient artifacts. They are know as Dennis and Kat Elvin. The Elvin Couple. That's the reason why I stayed with my grandmother. So why do I have to part with my Grandmother now? Whatever happens, I am NOT going! Yep! whatever happens I am NOT going!
[Inside the Syracuse Airport]
"I can't believe I lost to them!" I mumbled to myself while walking out of the airplane. Then I spotted my parents who looked as young as ever.
"Baby! Daddy and mommy is over here!" I heard my handsome father yelled.
"Ah! My little baby, you look so beautiful!" My beautiful mother said while sqeezing me into a big hug.
"Thanks mommy, but I...I can't breathe." I struggle to get a hold of my breath.
"Your mother is just excited to see you." My dad said with a huge smile across his young face and gave me a kiss on my forehead.
"Well you should be happy since I forced myself to come because Daddy said Mommy was really SICK." I said staring up and down at my mother. She seems fine, but she does look skinnier then before, but that's all there was. I knew Dad lied to me, but I still came anyways! Why am I so slow at this! I believe everything they say to me. Im so freakin gullible! Urgg! It can't be help, since Mom probably already saw me coming, thats why she made that excuse up. I sighed.
Mom looked worried, and faked a cough, "Oh, sweetie Mommy is really sick..." she coughed again "My head hurts, my throat hurts, and a lot more." She said with a tire look.
"Sure Mom. Don't need to act anymore, I am here now. I will stay, but only if you promise not to run off somewhere for a long time leaving me here alone." I plead.
"Of course we wouldn't do that, Our work is here in Rochester, New York. And If we have to go we will take you with us, and it wouldn't be far away." My Dad explained to make me feel more at ease.
It was noon on a Saturday, driving from Syracuse to Rochester took about an hour and a half, but it felt like double the time for me. We lived in West Henrietta, a rural place in Rochester. Its pretty nice here. Though all the houses are newly built so all the homes look pretty much the same to me...except for one...Ours. We have a red house with a beautiful garden on the left side of the house, with white fences around the garden. Theres a big tree in front of the house, with a swing hanging off one of the branch. The drive way can fit at least 8 cars, I am pretty sure of it. I am glad that the garage is connected to the house because coming home at night is pretty scary sometimes.
I walked through the front door to find everything in the house organized and neat. That had to be Daddy's handy work. Mom isn't good with the cleaning, though she is a great cook. When walking in, the stairs are located right in the middle of the house to the upstairs rooms. The living room is on the left side, while its connected to another room with a white piano, and when looking out the window, the garden can be seen perfectly. On the right is the dinning room that connects to the kitchen, and I noticed that we have a little bar inside the dinning room. That has to be Mom's work. There were pictures of me everywhere! From since I was a baby until recently.
"Mom and Dad don't you think you have enough pictures of me up? I love pictures, but why are they all my pictures?" I questioned my happy going parents.
"Sweet heart this is only half of it, the rest are on the second floor." Mom said happily.
Did Mom not get the sarcasm there? Or was she ignoring my sarcasm? Why me?! I guess I will let it go for now. I'll work on taking it down little at a time and apply other people's pictures.
"Dara lets go see your room Hun." Mom said with too much excitement.
I followed her up the stairs to my room. It was not hard to find my room, since there is a heart shape sign that has my name on it, and my room is the only room that has a pink door. When I opened the door I thought I was in Elle Woods' room from The Legally Blond. Everything was either pink or white! From my bed to my desk to my curtains to my wallpaper! I think Mom went over the top with this one.
"Dara come over here and see if you like your clothes that I picked out for you." Mom said, once again to excitedly.
I opened the door to my closet to find that the closet was half the size of my room, and all the clothes are folded neatly on the shelves, except for dresses and jeans. The closet is color coordinated. This is definitely Daddy's work. Good thing my wardrobe does not consist only of pink.
"Wow. Thank You Mom. This is um...well Amazing! I love it!" I said.
"I'm glad you like it sweetie." My mom replied smiling. "Before I forget, I invited the Harpers over for dinner tonight. Do you remember them? Uncle Lando and Aunt Keira? Mommy and Daddy's best friends. And Darian is coming too. Do you remember him? You used to play with him when you were little."
"Well of course I remember Aunt Keira and Uncle Lando. They visit me and grandma in Thailand plenty of times, but I don't remember Darian at all. He never went to visit me with his parents."
"Its okay. That was before you left for Thailand, you were quite young. You two were so cute together." My mother daydreaming about the past with a silly smile. "I remember when I gave both of you a bath together, I had to be very careful because I was afraid you might get angry at him, and flood the house with your power."
"Mom! Please don't talk about things like that to me. I don't want to hear about it at all."
"Fine fine. But do you want to take a rest sweetie? Dinner is not until seven." Mom asked.
"No, I want to drive around the city and get to know it better." I said.
"Okay. Your car is in the middle garage. The white Mercedes."
"What! You got me a Mercedes? Why! Mom. I don't want cars that everyones going to stare at. I want to fit in." I complained.
"Then take the Lexus." She replied with a straight face, I'm sure without thinking.
I rolled my eyes. Like that's going to be any different.
"Never mind I am going now."
I hope you guys enjoy it. I know its slow, but the next chapter she meets everyone....It's slow but like every story, it develops. So Keep reading.