Chapter Nine
Her lips touched his and sparked all kind of fire within him. He couldnt get enough as he continue kissing her with his hand wrap around the nape of neck to prevent her from pulling away. Soon, his hand moves up toward her soft hair slipping through his fingers. Is this what a passionate kiss felt like? He didnt want to open his eyes and just bask in the heat of the moment.
Suddenly, she pulled away and nibbled his ear lightly which sent chills down his spine. You just had to do that… He mumble with his eyes still closed while inhaling her beautiful scent. She move her lips from his ears to his neck. Her sweet lips were slowly kissing his adam apple and he couldnt help but grin. I love it when you kiss me right there.
She move up and kiss his lips once again. Are you going to open your eyes and look at me?
He did just that and open his eyes to her.
"Ahhh." He scream and sat straight up on his bed… looking around. "Phew…" Aum reaches over and turn on his night lamp. What the hell. He couldnt believe he was dreaming of kissing Kimberly. This is insane. Never in his life, he dreamt of kissing a girl and when he did, it had to be his maid. He chuckle, shake his head and climb out bed. Good thing, it was time to hit the shower and get ready for the day.
It had been several months now working for Boss and Kimberly was very content with her job. She had been sending money home bi-weekly basis and checking in whenever she can. Also, Aunt Nui request some time off to visit her sick mother so Kimberly was left to do everything in the time being. Kimberly was done setting the dining table when boss walk in. Good morning boss. She greets him with a big smile and begin to pour his morning coffee into the cup.
"Good morning." Aum greets back but couldnt look at her in the eyes… especially after last night dream. He picked up his morning paper to read while Kiki place a hot rice soup bowl in front of him. Since kiki been here, she seem to know all his likes and dislikes.. much more hen Nui.
"Will you be coming home for lunch today boss?" Kiki asked.
"I dont know yet. I might just stay at the office today since I have important clients coming in."
"Ok." She replied, and fiddle with her next question.
"What is it?" he asked, without taking his eyes of the paper.
"Ugh. I want to ask for your permission to go to the temple later today."
Finally, he looks at her. What for?
I want to make some food to do merit with the monks.
Why today? Since youve been here, I never hear you ask this.
Its my birthday today and its something I do every year…
Oh…your birthday?
Yes sir. She smile.
Well, Happy birthday. He said kindly. Sure, you can go to the temple.
Thank you. He heard her said along with her smile which was contagious because Aum was smiling with her too.
Kimberly reach the temple at 10am wearing whatever she had in her closet that was appropriate enough. She enter and prepare the food on a tray so she could offer it to the monk. Afterward, she burned three incents and closed her eyes to pray. Please let the dream that have haunted me over the last few months be nothing but a dream. Also, please keep my parents safe from harm ways and lastly, thank you for my kind boss. Please keep him safe from harm ways as well. She placed the incent in the bowl and made her way back home.
After her daily duties were done, she was able to relax a bit before starting on dinner but tonight, boss had called earlier to tell her to not to make anything. Since it was her birthday, she couldn't resist and baked a cake. It was simple and something that aunt Nui had showed her how to do. The sun started to set and she could his car engine in the drive way. Kimberly better get moving so she could get his things.
When she got there, Boss had many bags with him… she hurried to take it out of his hands.
Thats dinner. Can you set it up in the patio for two?
Sure. She said without trying to look puzzle. Boss never had anyone over. This person must be special.
Sure enough this guest is special. There was lobster, crabs, shrimp…all the good stuff as she place the dishes on the patio table. Wow. So much yummy food. After she was done, Kimberly was about to inform Boss when he showed up right behind her. Done? he asked.
When is your guest arriving?
Shes already here.
Really but I didnt hear the doorbell ring… Kimberly stated, sounding a little confused. Let me go get the guest then. She was about to leave when his hand reached out and grab her arm to stop.
Youre my guest...
Puzzle. What do you mean sir?
He shake his head and try not to laugh. This is your dinner. Have a seat.
Ugh. But boss… its… Im just a… maid…
Are you not taking my order now? I say sit.
No but…
I say sit.
Kimberly still baffled but didnt question as she take the seat across from him.
Consider this as your birthday dinner.
Her heart made a leap. Never in a million year, she thought she would have dinner with her own boss. Thank you for dinner but you didnt have to sir.
Do you always talk so much? She stayed quiet. Lets just enjoy this dinner ok?
Ok. She replied. Throughout dinner, they chatted and share stories about their childhood. It was one of the best dinners Aum had in a long time. Not once he thought about work or his main priorities. After dinner, Kimberly gather the plates while Aum excuse himself to the living room telling her to meet him there. After she placed the dishes in the sink… she couldnt stop smiling. This had to be the best birthday in a long time. She cut up a slice of the cake she baked earlier and place it nearly on the plate.
When she enter the living room, her eyes stun. On the table, there was a cake with candles while Boss stand there smiling at her. Well, are you going to stand there forever? Come here and blow out your candles.
She walked over as take the plate from her hand. make a wish. He whisper and she did with her eyes closed. After she blew it out, she bow her head… thank you so much boss. I dont know what else to say.
Youre welcome now open your present. He hand her a small box.
Boss, youve done so much already. I cant accept this. She refused to take the box.
He takes her hand and place it in there. You cant refuse my gift.
Her eyes were getting teary by now. She felt overwhelm with his kindness. Thank you so much sir. She said again and open the box to find a necklace with a rose charm on it.
Its beautiful. She utter through her soft voice. It was the most beautiful necklace she have ever seen. Thank you. Kimberly getting lost in the moment… quickly place the gift back in the box and reach for the cake plate. I made this even though its probably not as good as one you brought…
Aum smile and took a bite out of it. its delicious. And continue eating it until there was nothing left.
Afterward, he stare up at the stars on his balcony thinking about her gift...His rose garden was precious to him and when he saw how she took care of it during the weeks he was gone… he knew… she might be the beginning of something precious to him as well.