janajelly1 said:Awww, so sad you couldn't see my GIFS T-T Are you on your phone?
That scene when Phet was covering his eyes was super cute!
I'm sure we'd all be happy to have Phet feed us.
We're almost there!
janajelly1 said:Hmm that's really strange :scratchhead2:
Ugh I wish the days would pass more quickly.
jscuttlebuggist said:So when does this one air? The 18th?
It's been a while since I've logged on, yikes!
So many updates and comments I had to get thru to haha still very excited for this one!!
cool :) said:@marina, hahaha omg I'm with you on that! Going to TRY to wait patiently... On the bright side it's not the 19th :dance2: a day different ..555 a day makes a BIG difference haha :ghehe:
It's okay Marina! Watch it after work and we all will be right here still fangirling togetherhuajaikaungtur said:Yeah, a day is a big difference. I don't know even if I'll have time to watch it on the 18th, I'd love to catch it live but nah, got work =.="
cool :) said:It's okay Marina! Watch it after work and we all will be right here still fangirling together![]()
Xiongurl26 said:I'm excited that its airing on the 18th! I'm just upset that I'll be starting school 2 weeks after the airing date and I might not be able to watch it as much. Urghh....I really wish it had came out in May.
I have school too, probably mid-August? I know, it does suck that it'll air when we are almost off of summer break. I wished it aired like in June so I would've been able to be on here 24/7 hahaha. But I guess Marina does have a point. DKD will make school less badXiongurl26 said:I'm excited that its airing on the 18th! I'm just upset that I'll be starting school 2 weeks after the airing date and I might not be able to watch it as much. Urghh....I really wish it had came out in May.
I can't wait to fangirl too! Sadly, I start in the beginning of August but good point. I didn't think about it like that. Thanks Marina! Seeing Phet and Ken individually plus PheToey and Kichy will definitely make me less stress from school. XDhuajaikaungtur said:Aweee :teary: You're too sweet. I am so excited for this lakorn & the crazy fangirling that will be going on here!![]()
So you're starting school in July or at the beginning of August?
Aw shucks. You'll still have time to watch though! & think if it this way, school's crappy but you'll be watching DKD around the same time so DKD will make school less bad. Plus, DKD will cheer you up from a hardworking, stressful school day xD
School always gets in the way. The Lakorns I anticipate for so long always come out when I have schoolcool :) said:I have school too, probably mid-August? I know, it does suck that it'll air when we are almost off of summer break. I wished it aired like in June so I would've been able to be on here 24/7 hahaha. But I guess Marina does have a point. DKD will make school less bad![]()