sarNie Oldmaid
Lol I know! Akira, so cute!
I feel the same way about Ken. There's just something about him that I came to adore, maybe it was his body in look tard hahah.x0unerthanlater said:Rindara showed signs of being uncomfortable with Hoshi's attentions. I think she sincerely wants to help him and knows her duty well but what's in her heart are her own feelings. When she was sitting with Hoshi and heard Akira talking on the phone she instantly gets up and rushes to his side. She has more spark when she talks to Akira. But with Hoshi, it looks more like respect instead of love. I liked the part when she confronted Akira about the way he treated her. She didn't want him to treat her differently. Their banter was cute. They have an adorable chemistry. Ken isn't the most attractive p'ek and he isn't the best but he has improved immensely since 3NNT. When he gets jealous it's so narak. I want to hug him! lol - speaking of jealously, it's kind of narak that Hoshi get's sick when he's jealous HAHAHAH
I am so glad the pranang's are going on their trip together. It will give us more scenes of just them. In next week's episode it looks like Akira tells Rindara to cherish Hoshi's love but she tells him that she will take care of her own feelings and doesn't need anyone telling her how to feel.
Ncmeowmeow35 said:I feel the same way about Ken. There's just something about him that I came to adore, maybe it was his body in look tard hahah.
I need to watch the epi again cus I didn't pay attention to it much. The hair thread took my attention LOL.
OMG I love Chompoo and Nott wedding!!!! It so luxurious and amazing! I'm so speechless like they went hard out on the wedding. That is like a dream wedding of mine but I know it won't happen. I'm happy for her, they are so cute together!Maya_Fantasy said:3 zaap show: Chompoo and Nott wedding and the Kol Kimono casts
:shock2: WOW Beautiful with both!Too bad it was so short though.
Ncmeowmeow35 said:I missed the old talk shows back in the days because they know how to ask and what to ask. Now-days it is all about jin this jin that, rumor this rumor that. Unless it is a one on hosts with star themselves then I want to hear about the bts with the lakorns.