If we see things positively, this lakorn at least has shown to the others that Nadech Yaya have performed very well their roles and proove their acting skills. Everybody in Thailand praised them. Also, thanks to this lakorn, we have seen for the 1st time many passionate love scene with true kiss scenes (ep 2, 3, 5, 9, 10) that we can rewatch again again and....again loooool. If we link up every NY scenes together and cut off the others (Akom, Richard & the doctor are ok for me, not the others), this lakorn is great loool
Thank you
F3fanclub for making this superb video

I have a better hope for Likit Rak because this lakorn is produced by skilled director and producer. Ann is still a young producer but very talented and Aew Ampaiporn has never failed any of her project, she is reputated to be very precised and know how to pull off emotions (sawan biang, oum rak, game rai game rak, samee tee tra, kluen cheewit: all ch3 big hits).
Contrary to LLSR,
Ann & Aew will have 6months at least for editing this lakorn whereas LLSR, even if it took almost 2years, they have finished to shoot this lakorn on
July 11st and
they only have 3weeks to finalize this lakorn before it was on air on
July 31st. That's why the result is like they were in a rush.
The next step will be Likit Rak, I'm happy to meet all of you, it was very fun to talk about this lakorn and NY real life. I wish all of you will be on Likit rak thread next year, see you in 2018!
NOOOOOOOO, this is not the end Petra Ramin, see you soon Alice & Dwin!
[Teaser] ละคร ลิขิตรัก The Crown Princess