Welcome to the new members who discover and love Nadech Yaya, Thank you
@bubba @Iheartyadech for all the updates,
@Shiera and
@YadechTaemint for all these sweet BTS moments! I think we have all already seen these videos but it s good to share it for others members or silent readers who discovered Nadech & Yaya.
Have you already seen this video?
This one is so sweet and show how Nadech & Yaya are in real life. Yaya hold Nadech's hands, an automate gesture from two lovers

Don't worry Yaya, Nadech will not fall

Another autonomate moment but this time by Nadech. He let his head on Yaya's shoulder before he realized 2sec later that he was in front of all the medias

. He must said to himself, "oh shit" lol.
The clip video
@Alichgo Mee too, I have watched the ep 9 with all NY sweet scenes like 10times

Love many scenes is this ep:
- The waterfall scene, even the love scene was soft...but I love their interaction
- When Petra prepare a meal for Ramin, so hilarious how Ramin has to try to make those meal looks delicious. That kiss from Ramin to Petra to wipe his mouth

and Petra lick her lips back

-the wedding scene, so perfect (feelings, song, kiss scenes).
- the balcony scene

, so hot how they flirt with each other
(found this wallpapaer in HD on ch3 site, enjoy:
We are lucky that there are many BTS pics thanks to
ibees_ipr and
เล่ห์ลับสลับร่าง The Official to make us "fin" even more.
They have uploaded all the BTS for each episodes, those who has not seen it, you should go right now lol!
I love NY chemistry in lakorn but They are even more sweeter in real life lol